Chapter Sixty - Nine

Chapter Sixty - Nine

Ava's POV

I didn't even know when or how I walked out of the hospital. I just knew that I did. Soon, I found myself outside in the parking lot. I had taken a cab in the morning so that I did not have to make Jasper's driver wait. Or it was more related to the fact that I did not want Jasper to know where I was. His driver would have told him.

However, that was not the main issue here. The main issue was Daniel.

So, here I was, calling the unknown number, one that I had received so many texts from.


I never asked him how he got this number but I did not need to. He was a rich man, maybe as rich as Jasper, so getting a number was not a very difficult task for him. So, it was not surprising.

After the third ring, he finally picked up the phone.

"Well, well, well. Look, who's calling me?" I heard a voice from the other side of the line.