Chapter Seventy - Five

Chapter Seventy - Five

Ava's POV

Jasper and I are now exclusively and officially in a relationship.

It's final.

Today's the beginning of our relationship. Actually, it already started yesterday but I kind of wanted this new day as the beginning of the relationship. New day, new start. Even though Jasper and I agreed to keep this relationship private, on my request, from our office so people would not get a chance to say things behind my back.

If this news got out then I would receive all the criticism, gold - digger, opportunistic or even an S word, while Jasper would get out of it easily, all in the name of being an exploited man. And the most, who would criticise me would be women themselves. Therefore, to avoid it all, I told him to keep our relationship private until the delivery of my baby. After that whether I would become a stay - at - home mom or work somewhere else.