"I need to find a new agent to fill the position that Greg had. " said Ruth

"do you have anyone in mind? " asked professor Kreig

"I was thinking of getting you. You can make a great spy"

said Ruth "sorry but I can't risk my life, I'll look around then I'll let You know immediately I find one." said professor Kreig.

Professor Kreig went on his way looking for a new agent. Ruth requested for one of the best officers. When Ruth entered her office she saw the officer she requested sitting on her chair.

"Hello agent Ruth, my name is Judy Richton. I'm the officer you requested for" said officer Judy

"yes I am and I am looking for one that I can trust. But in the meantime I need you to find ex-agent G.I.Gantle. His full name is Gregory Immanuel Gantle. Find him and bring him to me. " said Ruth

"sure thing agent Ruth, I'll get back to you when I get new information" said officer Judy

2 Weeks later....

Ruth kept on looking for an agent to find Greg.

"we haven't yet found an agent who can track down Gregory, all the agents are scared to track and face him" said an employee

"so you mean to tell me everyone in this building is afraid of Greg!?" asked Ruth

"ma'am there is a man from San side city but he will only do it for 20billion dollars" said another employee

"20 billion!? Is he insane and what if he fails? Everyone in this building should start finding Greg now! " exclaimed Ruth.

Gregory moved to a small town called Huffle town. He took down the greigantle application so no one was able to use the app for days. Shuffle City... A man in a coffee shop was having coffee and he saw on the television that the spies secret agency are looking for an agent to catch a specific person. He called the number on the screen.

"hello who is this? " asked Ruth

"my name is GST and I hear you're looking for a spy to catch a certain Gregory Gantle" said GST

"yes I am, where are you calling from?" asked Ruth

"Shuffle City, it's quite far from Red Hontel City it can take about 3 weeks for me to get there" said GST

"alright we'll be waiting for you" said Ruth