We Have To Catch Them

Officer Judy and Agent Kreig woke up and found themselves in Professor Carl's mothers house. Professor Carl's mother, Mary explained to them what was going on!

"What the hell is going on?" Officer Judy asked

"Yeah and Why did you hit us? That really hurt!" Agent Kreig added on.

" This city is in danger and you are the only ones who cannot stop anything from happening" Mary answered them. "Where is Carl?" She asked.

"Uhm, well, we left Carl in Shuffle City. He- He is in the hospital. He got shot and is currently in a coma" Agent Kreig answered her

"What! No! Not my son, you told me you'd take care of him" Mary said in tears and left.

Officer Judy and Agent Kreig didn't know where she was heading but when they tried asking, she didn't give them an answer.

"Mike, you go find the people doing this to this city, I'll follow Mary to make sure she doesn't do anything that can get her killed" Officer Judy said to Agent Kreig

"alright, we'll be in touch" Said Agent Kreig