Jeanie stopped typing at the computer to look at her friend with a smile.
- I´m going to meet him! – she exclaimed on excitement.
- Who? – Beth doubted.
- The guy I told you!
- Oh – she sounded derogatory – The picture guy?
- Yes! That one!
- How old is he?
- He is a little older.
- How much?
- I won´t tell you!
- Yes, you will. If you care about our friendship, tell me!
- Ok, ok. I´ll tell you, but promise you won´t say anything about it.
- I can´t promise that.
- That´s why I don´t want to tell you!
- Just tell me!
- Thirty three.
- O.M.G! Jeanie!
- Stop! – she demanded - Don´t you say a word.
- It´s weird – she ignored her friend's request.
- Beth, shut up. Why do you say it´s weird?
- He is a lot older than you! He could be a dirty old man.
- Beth, thirty three are not fifty.
- He could be your dad.
- Only if he was a very irresponsible fifteen years boy.
- There are some.
- Beth, he couldn't be my father. Besides, he is nice, we´ve been talking over the phone and email, even messenger. We like the same things, same music… And he speaks languages! Why can´t I meet him?
- Did you tell him you are eighteen years old?
- Of course I did!
- Then… Either he is crazy or he is a stalker or an immature!
- Maybe you have a very mature friend with the ability to have older friends. So, I´m not asking for your permission, Beth. I´m only informing you! I´m going to meet him and you won´t stop me!
- But…
- But nothing – Jeanie interrupted her – Don´t worry. We´ll meet at the theatre. It´s a very public place, so if something wrong happens, I´ll scream, people will see me and help me or they will call the police. I´ll be fine. I promise.
- I don´t know. Just be careful, please.
Jeanie ignored her friend´s advice and ran to the bathroom to get ready. She was excited as a child. With his hair as free as her soul, she wore a red blouse, jeans and trainers to go to the theatre. Luckily, they wouldn´t get in. She thought that was not proper cloth for something like that. After she left the apartment, it started to drizzle. She looked at the sky and smiled.
Reid smiled remembering the last time they spoke. It had been a very weird way of concerting a date. And he was excited as a teenager, although he was just going to pick his picture; there was something on that girl. He couldn´t explain himself what it was, but she was interesting despite her age.
- What´s in your mind? – Jake interrupted his thoughts.
- Not much – he answered as he didn´t care.
- Are you thinking about her? – Jake put his hand on Reid´s shoulder – We´ve talked about this. She is not worth it. Forget her!
- I´m not thinking about her! – Reid complained - It´s the last thing I want to think about right now. Believe me.
- I don´t know why, but I can´t. I know you´re not over it and you´re on denial because you think things can be fixed, but they can´t. She left. As sooner as you assume it, the best.
- I´m fine!
- Yes, yes, tell that to yourself. I know you´re a grave about feelings, but it´s better if you let it out.
- I´m not going to let it out with you old gossip lady!
- Well, I´m your friend and here I am if you need me, but if you don´t talk to me, go to a shrink or something.
- I´m fine. Stop worrying. Oh! And I´m going out this afternoon. Cover for me?
- Where are you going?
- I´m going to meet a girl, so please cover for me. I´ll owe you one.
- A girl? Which girl? Where is she from? What´s her name? Where did you found her? Why are you meeting this afternoon? When will I meet her?
- Stop the questionnaire – he demanded – I won´t say a thing. I have to go. See you later – he said closing the door behind him, letting Jake with all his doubts looking at it, as if it was a portal to another dimension.
While he walked to the theatre the wind caressed his hair at the same time it brought little rain drops to his face. He walked faster, but smiled because he found rain as a sign of something good during important happenings.