Jeanie woke up early the next morning. She looked at her left and Reid was still sleeping. It was close to dawn when she saw her watch, but it was still dark, so she stayed on bed, looking at him. She wanted to leave and let him there, like if nothing had happened, but she couldn´t. every time she tried to look away, her eyes dragged her back to his face. He had a normal forehead, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes. Jeanie was happy his eyes were closed; they were so hypnotizing that if they were open, looking elsewhere would have been too hard. His nose was a little long, but thin, so it didn´t matter. And his lips, the cause of every wrong thing that happened the night before… they were thin, but juicy; and as rosy as his cheeks. His smiley shin was perdition! He was thin, but as he had shown her that night, strong. He was also taller than a regular man, but they didn´t notice much of the difference. His chest was covered on a blond and almost imperceptible hair and the rest of his body was a pleasant view, perfectly adjustable to her sizes. Then she looked back at his face, where, as petals, his eyes were slowly opening. Then he noticed she was there.
- I thought it was a dream – he said.
- A nice dream or an awful nightmare? – Jeanie asked.
- A nice, beautiful… and perfect dream.
- No. It was perfect because it wasn´t a dream. It was real.
- Oh no! – he almost screamed.
- What´s wrong with you?
- We were just friends!
-We are just friends – Jeanie corrected him.
- But we had sex…
- You look like a confused puppy – Jeanie mocked – But it´s ok. We´re friends who had sex. It´s perfectly normal.
- What do you mean with “It´s perfectly normal”? We had sex! It´s not normal unless we´re a couple!
- Which century do you come from grandpa? It´s called friends with benefits! Not couple! I can´t be your couple. I don´t want to suffer!
- I don’t want to make you suffer.
- I know, that´s why you gave me pleasure; but we´re still friends.
- But… - he seemed confused.
- But nothing – Jeanie interrupted him – We´re friends and we´ll remain as friends… who have sex.
- But…
- Do you remember any other word besides “but”? – she mocked.
- Yes - he answered mechanically.
- Ok – she smiled – Then, please, say something else!
- But…
- You´re repeating yourself. I´ll help you – she decided – Good morning Sunshine! – she smiled again.
- Good morning – he was still confused – Sunshine?
- Yes – she laughed – Sunshine. Don´t you like it?
- Yes – he smiled for the first time that morning.
- That´s how every day should start.
- How?
- With a smile, a beautiful smile like the one that´s on your face now.
- I didn´t even noticed.
- But you´re smiling; and that´s the best way to start a day!
- You´re right. Thanks.
- Why? – Jeanie was the one who got confused now.
- Because you make my life easier.
- Hahaha – Jeanie was happy for the credit – I just see life as a girl should see it.
- Then… should I start thinking like a girl?
- No – she laughed – Was that a joke?
- You laughed! – he claimed – So it was a good one.
- Yes – she admitted – It was a good joke. I like your sense of humor. But I still think you should take notes on my joy! Life is easier when you´re happy.
- So… If I get to be happy… I won´t need you anymore.
- You won´t be happy without me – she joked without knowing how right she was.
They got out of bed, took quick separated showers and went to the University. Reid was going to work and Jeanie was going to study, but they wouldn´t see each other because their faculties were far away from each other. Jeanie´s lessons were on the afternoon, so had to wait until then to do something interesting.
- You should sleep at my place again today – Reid suggested over a text message.
- Are you sure? – she was surprised.
- Well… - he seemed insecure – You´re not entirely fine, you could get weary again and I think I´m the person who can take the best care of you.
- You´re so sweet! – she typed back as answer – But… I think you have hidden intentions.
- Well – he confessed – You said we could be friends with benefits
- And I keep my word! But I finish my lessons late.
- If it´s about your school schedule take the time you need.
- Are you in doubt about what I´m saying?
- No babe, I would never doubt you. I know how the schedules work. I´m glad I finish before others.
- Babe?
- Don´t you like it?
- It makes me feel younger than I am.
- Isn´t that ever woman´s wish?
- Maybe… But I´m not a woman.
- No, you´re my babe (
- See you this afternoon.
- Yes, please come straight here when you finish your lessons. The bathroom will be ready for you.
- Sure?
- Just do it. I don´t wanna miss you.
- Ok. See you then.
The day was going slow on class. Beth observed Jeanie, who was away; and she wondered why her relaxed mood. Jeanie made her suffer a while.
- What happened last night? – Beth sounded desperate.
- Nothing – Jeanie lied.
- Nothing? I´m in doubt about it! You look… shiny.
- Shiny? Don´t you have a better word?
- Oh, come on, Jeanie! Don´t give me that! What happened? – Beth was losing it.
- He kissed me.
- Just that?
- And then we did it – Jeanie answered without giving her further details so she could torture her a little longer.