It was an interesting Saturday for Reid. He woke up feeling a little bit weird, but he didn´t mind it and dedicated to follow his weekend routine: that one that came out mechanically and didn´t require too much thinking. He dressed up ready to go shopping for groceries; his fridge was almost empty. But when he got his keys, the door bell rang. A small idea of Jeanie coming back earlier crossed his mind, but he quickly discarded it, so fast he didn´t remember ever having it when he faced Denisse at the door.
- Hello – she said with a shaky voice – Were you going out? – she realized how he was dressed.
- Yes, but come in – he made some room at the door for her to get in the house she already knew – I thought you were going to call before coming.
- I´m sorry – she said without paying attention to him, walking around the house with inquisitive glance – I should have call, but I didn´t even know it myself.