CHAPTER 28: I know your little secret

After breakfast, Serena realized that her bubble was about to burst.

It was hard to understand that she no longer had anything to do there. She had no change clothes in the house, nor a room of her own. nothing.

The timing was right to take advantage while Eliot and Kloe went to talk to his mother, whom she had been avoiding since she had arrived last night. So why couldn't she just slip away unseen?

However, she wedged her purple heels on when she finally remembered that they were under the bed.

A curious fact was that she did not even know when she had fallen asleep and that she never slept away from home, however now it turned out that it was very comfortable to curl up in her boss's bed.

Why did the old saying of "getting into the wolf's mouth" make her feel identified?

Serena put yourself together, she thought.