Moving around

"Hey sport!"

"Dawson! I am surprised you’re still alive,” she teased.

Dawson shrugged his shoulders. “So how’s your first day?” he asked.

“So far it has been quite a day," V replied tucking into the mash potatoes which tasted way better than Rotterdorm food.

She continued. "Pretty swell. I mean Sheila is really friendly but I do have a communication issue with Chaplin. But that can't be helped since she is mute."

"Yeah, same here. Chaplin's rather new. She came here to the zoo only a few months ago. The real reason why she volunteered was because of the Auroras."

V’s ears pricked up with excitement at the word Aurora.

"Yeah, I've seen them. Amazing creatures! Is she an Aurora expert?"

"No, she is a Bekuan,"

“Yeah, I know that. So?”

"They are native to where the Auroras come from. They are said to have a special link with them,”

"I see,"

“Hey, great to see you again,” another male voice quipped from behind.