
It was late at night but V could not sleep. The weather was warm in summer.

Sheila was already snoring in bed and as for Chaplin; she was as usual nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden, a nagging thought came into V’s mind. Had she turned on the Auroras cooling system after she had cleaned their cage today? She decided to go and check. Sneaking quietly out of bed she made her way to the exhibits.

“That’s odd. The door was unlocked” V thought to herself as she reached the exhibits.

Down the hallway, the lights were turned on.

“Perhaps Chaplin came to give them a late-night snack,” she thought to herself. “I should tiptoe back then,”

Quickly V turned around and was about to close the exhibit door when she heard a loud shout.

It was a gruff and hoarse male voice. “Ouch that nasty little thing bit me!”

V’s blood froze. That was not Chaplin’s voice or anybody she knew of.