Diary of Dr Dreary

Cracking his knuckles, he began to use his Technopratic ability.

The computer buzzed to life.

"Security alert! You are unauthorised to enter system without proper identification," a computerised voice boomed.

A loud siren like sound was heard and the room now was lit up with a red alarm light.

"Dawson! Do something quick," V said in alarm.

"Just a sec," Dawson brushed off the threat and began overriding the system with his mind.

In less than a minute, the sound had stopped and the red warning lights had been replaced with that of a warm fluorescent glow.

"Classic villain strategy,” Dawson said in annoyance.

"Welcome, Doctor,” the Artificial Intelligence system greeted.

A hologram of a robot face appeared.

"How may I assist you?"

Dawson gave thumbs up to the group.

"Do you have anything on Meg Gyrie?" V asked the computer.

There was a long buzz. Then a couple of pictures appeared on the screen.