Secret Hideout

Back in their secret hideout, V began to tell the gang about the coordinates she had seen on Dr Dreary’s letter.

“Do you think those coordinates might lead us somewhere?” Benny asked eyes wide in wonder.

“Yes, I believe so,” V said, full of hope.

Dawson keyed in the coordinates into his tablet. It gave out a beep, processing the data. Then it blinked.

“You’re right. The coordinates do lead us somewhere.”

Dawson held the screen up to the middle of the group. A dot, blinked smacked right in the centre of town.

“It’s in the middle of Quark City Park. Inside a huge maze garden,” he said excitedly.

The evening sky was beautiful as gold as the group gathered in front of café Newton. Dawson had brought along a large backpack which he said contained everything that was necessary for a great explorer. Benny and V had their own small backpacks which contained food. As for Chaplin, she came empty-handed. Dawson held put his GPS device.