Cover Blown

It was just another bright sunny day at the Rotterdorm boarding house, and Devon had just come back from one of her martial arts class. Even though it had been a rather uneventful week, something wasn’t quite right. It was concerning V. She had not been herself the whole week. At first Devon thought that V was avoiding her, being mad at her for not letting her go with Dawson. But as time dragged on, it seemed to be a completely different reason altogether. Something was up. When approached V always had that very anxious, and fearful aura around her. As though she was hiding a big secret. But Devon decided to cut her some slack. After all she did obey her orders not to follow Dawson to Quark.

A little tired she decided to turn on the news to catch any of the latest interesting happenings. The headline was rather interesting. Trouble in Quark plaza. About how a group of youngsters had crashed a giant flying robot into Quark Cities fountain.