Author's Note

Hello hello everyone, so just wanted to say this will be my first time writing a full complete novel so expect mistakes here and there, I am only human. There won't be any Extreme mature content in this novel, I want this novel to be accessible for all ages without any worries of the 18 plus content so don't mind that :')

The sentences written in italic are the character's feelings...keep that in mind while reading the chps ahead.

You can comment and share your thoughts about the chapter, and ofcourse if you have any questions or perhaps you couldn't understand a part, I will try my best to reply on time if I am available so you can have a clear understanding of the novel and where the plot is headed.

What kind of characters will we see in this novel?

Well every character's personality will change drastically throughout the novel and will be described in detail in the upcoming chapters, so you will have to wait for that answer.

This will be a male lead throughout the end, although I won't mind switching to the female lead a few times to let the audience have a better understanding of everyone's perspective, hence if you want to see a certain situation from the female lead's perspective you are free to comment and say so.

And lastly, I hope you have fun reading the entirety of this novel relating to different perspectives of the male lead, goodluck!