Petal Cicada

In a golden light, near the petals of pink

A lovely cicada, touched his feet to the Earth

His wings shone brightly, his eyes twinkle

As he saw his butterfly, in his house's hearth

The cicada loved his mere butterfly

His racing heart would eventually fly

But butterfly's oblivious to cicada's love

His heart is as innocent like a white dove

Cicada took courage to fight for his love

Let butterfly know his emotions inside

But later he knew his lovely butterfly,

Had fallen for a lotus, wanted to take her as his wife

Cicada cried, he broke and hurt

He asked himself, "why can't you see my worth?"

He loved him, but his feelings shattered

Looking at his reflection, he couldn't take it anymore

Later then, he coughed petals,

He thought it was blood, but it was lovely red petals

He grew weak, his coughing petals nonstop,

As the month passed by, it took his life

Butterlfy wondered, where is Cicada?

He missed his friend, but why is it aching?

His heart ached, he doesn't know why

But lotus had said, you loved your cicada

Lotus loved butterfly, but butterfly loved Cicada

He loved him, yet he seemed to be dumb

Lotus knew, but she was selfish

She thought she was unfair, and let butterfly go

Butterfly went to Cicada's lair

He'll tell him he loved him and marry him for life

But fate didn't tie them close

He saw his Cicada on the floor of petals

He cried, he broke and hurt

He cursed himself for being a fool

He hugged the cold Cicada

And kissed his pale lips,shredding the last petal

In the golden light, near the petals of red

A lonely butterfly set his foot on the Earth

He leaned his head, hugged the petals in the grass

His tears dropped on the bed of Cicada