

Team QuickBae was still in complete shock after learning of Aeres's engagement. Ali then spoke up;

Ali: You are engaged and you never told any of us?!

Presh: For how long, Aeres?

Aeres: About six months

Dr Smart: How did this even happen?

Joey: Well you see; I have a colleague whose son is the head of Central Command Core and Weapon Development unit in the SCPD. He goes by the name Lieutenant Emdee Coers

Dr Smart: Yeah, we've heard of him on the news. So is he Aeres's Fiancé?

Joey: Yes. As I was saying, my colleague brought it to my attention that his son was interested in Aeres. I spoke to Aeres about it afterwards and she gave her consent

Aeres: After that, I and Emdee have been seeing each other and before we knew it, we got engaged secretly

Ali: Exactly my point. Why did you get engaged and didn't bother to inform us?