
Get yo' shit together.

Monet was on her bed sleeping as her Aunt Angie buzzed her phone while Monet's twin, Cane, was working out in her room. That was his early morning etiquette in a small house bungalow where mom & dad raised them before they passed on. Monet turned to grab her phone

"Mornin' aunt!" Of course still dozing

"Yes baby! I need you to come over to get something for me, a'ight?" She sounded authoritative

"I got work, aunt....." Monet countered

"Its important!" Angie hung up

Monet got up stretching and yawning then showered briskly walking to Cane's room, she stood at the door

"Angie called. She want me over."

Cane dropped the door bells to reply

"What exactly she got on you?" He walked towards her "Mo, you gotta be honest with me. Why she getting on ya nerves and you don't freak?" He got pissed

"What the fuck got into you, Cane? She's family...." She defended making him understand better

Cane cuts in

"She yo' family not mine. After the shit she got thru, you backing that bitch?" He explained

moneyI'm headed to work, shane's gonna be mad if I miss a minute this time. We can Cainp later, a'ight?" She tried to calm him down

Monet left the house pissed in her usual outfits, dressed like her brother, always in trousers and big sweat shirts, baggy hoodies and shirts. Few minutes, she got to Angie's, pressing the door bell. Angie opened as Monet served herself coffee from the mixer

"And Cane?" Angie asked like she was concerned

"He's always mad at you....." Monet simply replied

"Yeah" Angie looked unbothered

"Why did you call me over, I got work! Shane's gonna fire me if I don't turn up---we got something to run....." Monet questioned

"I was thinking you & Cane would come live with me instead, that was yo' parents wish. I ain't cool where y'all lay heads on....." Angie tried to persuade

"Oh!" She scoffed "after all that happened before? You got nerves---no seriously...." Monet tilted head asking Angie

"I-am-still-your aunt. I got rights to you both. We could change everything......"

Monet cuts her short, she found Angie's flimsy excuses unbearable

"You know what, I've had enough this instant I'd appreciate it if you don't call me for no shit..... You making my life & my brother's more difficult......"

"Get your shit together Mo." Angie yelled

".....no you get yo' shut together. Gonna spank me like y'all did?" Monet gave an unforgiving look

Cane had gotten dressed then tucking his gun behind him heading out to meet few dealers. He got Renzo's warehouse (his boss) which was guarded by muscular men loaded with amunitions & drugs. Cane was thoroughly and yet found transparent, no gun. He walked up to Renzo who watched him from a distance sniffing on cocaine, with his handy man, Dre.

"I got yo' money!" Cane dropped the bag

"And...?" Renzo asked sarcastically

"My cut!" Keeping a hard face

"You know what kid, I could blow you up in a minute but....." Renzo stopped

"...you need me Man!"

"All grown now....Dre, get the doe. Give him 2." Renzo instructions

Dre obeyed accepting the money then handing over to small bags of tobacco

"Don't mess up!" Dre whispered, smirking

"72 hours could feed a city, a'ight?" Renzo warned

"What? 3 days ain't gonna make it better, I got to study and work...this is shit!" Cane groaned

"Yo' motherfucker, last words to Mo...." Dre pointed at Cane with a gun

"Chill.....He's a pussy....get my cash in 72!"

Two men dragged Cane out of the warehouse, he fell to the ground as he got himself up

Cane and Monet sold drugs for a living trying to get by a school and to definitely have a future. This was a legacy they carried on.

Monet worked as a bartender at Shane's club, he called to talk after observing her resilience towards a flirty customer, Kings, his top customer

"I saw the shit you did"

"I couldn't allow his ass hit my ass, I ain't no stripper...." She defended

"....hold up! That's what you do. I don't wanna loose my mind sister, how bout you serve him some Moet..." He motioned her to kings direction

"What?" In distaste

"...then you fired."

Shane headed to Kings as they shook in recognition

"How you feeling?" He asked competing with the sound in the hall

"You got me me down bro!" Lings sipped on

"How 'bout you get pussy for a head start?" Shane suggested

"Mans gonna need that!" They laughed

"Same bitch....."

"She's got it......name yo' price dick?" Kings comfortably offered

"Hundred & fifty...." Shane

"Deal! I need more shit like this, ok?" Kings concurred

Monet and Kings got to VIP, Monet played along

"How 'bout moet?" Monet offered

"Perfect." Kings laid on the bed loosening his pants

"Hold on! Try not to get hard, you might loose it" she smirked

She got to the counter overdosed his glass with percs while he waited gracefully

"You acted like a child...." Kings added

"You disrespected her.....but she's about to treat you like the adult you are, trust me its rated 18---drink up, I'd like when you come nothing" she seduced him.

"How much for an advance?" He drank up instantly

"Nice incentive! (She smirked) its free for first timers....."

"that's quite cheap, especially a woman like you..." Kings added, getting drowsy

"Trust me! After this you gonna find me---even with bullets...." She said, leaning towards him

"This is 21st century yo...argh!...I feel knocked out" He groaned

"Its Mo!" She smiled finally

Kings passed out soon then she took all his money and fled.

Monet found Cane smoking cannabis leaning on the couch

"We ain't doing this shit remember?" She scolded

"I just got fucked, want some?" He passed a neatly spined cannabis

"If you get fucked, I got knocked. Renzo?" She ignited

".....he gave me 2 in 72....." He spilled sitting.up

"72? C'mon nigga! We should give these all up, He's gonna kill us" she added

"Are you even thinking about what i just said? 72 could end us both, Mo. How about school.....us? How are we gonna do that?"

Monet sighed heavily

"I got a hundred dollars, we cover something...." She offered

"Where the fuck did you get that from?" He cautioned

Cane is very mindful when its about Monet

"It don't matter, I got you."

"You fucked some nigga at the club or what?

You could genuinely back out before I get on Shane's crib all bloody" He began to fume, warning her

"Hey chill! I did my way, I drugged his ass and gladly took the money...." She defended

"This is shit Mo!" He dragged in and exhaled "who was it?"

"Does it even matter, I got us 100!"

"Who?" He yelled forcing her to talk

"....you ain't dad, don't yell at me......Kings...."

"Renzo's cousin?" He asked to clarify

"Yeah...Cane I did this for us, its legit money. You want the cops riding on us? I ain't want that...." She leaned backwards

"How many?" He asked calmly

"A handful or so!"

"Bitch, do you in any way know the shit you got us into?" He scolded, tilted his head towards her

"I don't, you tell me!"

Monet walked out pissed, into her room. Cane followed behind immediately

"....he'd be dead, nigga!" He got somewhat confused, not because he was scared but he wanted her alive, keeping in mind Renzo's actions

"...you gon prefer he hits my ass, hops on me thrusting....man, I need to be alone!" She ordered

"I ain't. We need to talk (he sat on her bed) I'd give you half, I'd run the others..." He Concluded

He stared at her in utmost concern, not wanting to risk her life

"Half? Equal." Defiantly

"...I fucking need you alive..."

"You ain't running those alone, i'ma do just that."

"Tyrone owes me one, so.....?" He suggested

"Ty? He's a snitch, he got you in trouble...." She pointed

"You got options..." Cane asked, knowing she doesn't

"Cool." She laid besides him "Cane

"Mo?" He laid too

"If Kings dies...."

"I ain't let that happen, im gon protect, a'ight?" He assured

"I just had to. Shane stirred this...." She explained

"I know. After this cut, we done for real."

"I wish mom and dad were alive, Renzo would've gotten his ass fixed"

"...but they ain't and will never be!" He frowned instantly then they slept off.