
Study Issues!

Unfortunately, Monet, Tyrone and Cane entered into the lecture hall late. As always Jalen turned to see if Mo would come not for educational purposes but for other purposes. They sat while others looked at them, it wouldn't be a choke in the heart to these three as far as it was not about losing grades. Baldwin finally blurted

"Give me reasons why I shouldn't give a penalty... This college is aacquainted to punctuality and hard work. Mr and Miss Deacon Washington...." He began scolding

"....Washington please!" Cane interrupted

The hall was crowded in laughter bro Cane's statement, Baldwin felt embarrassed but continued regardless swallowing the shame

"......and Mr Walker, I'd not condone this act of nonchalance ever again, is that clear?" He wore a fiercer look

"We heard! I got a question for you?" Ty countered

The hall chattered in astonishment 'Woah'

"When has it become a crime for a surviving teenager to put a plate on the table and make ends meet...plus paying him/her tuition? I mean this college does not offer free education..." Ty ended

The class laughed and concurred as well

"It has never been a crime and would never be a crime" Baldwin looked intensively at Ty and Cane" without no digression, let's proceed! I guess some will have to find us!" He continued lecturing

"Welcome to the gang, brother!" Cane whispered to Ty as they laughed

"I got you!" Ty assured Cane

"That was fucked you know" Cane reminded, Monet got pissed with their whispers

"I'm tryna listen bitches!" She groaned

"Yes Prof Washington" Ty said In sarcasm

Few minutes later, Prof Taraji came in for a brief information

"I'm sorry, Prof Baldwin...Dear esteemed folks, I have come by to tell y'all about the ongoing registration for special courses. Its sponsored for the first 10 students....I'd be highly impressed to have y'all participate, thank you!" She smiled finalizing

Cane gave a stare that caught her attention then she turned away

'We were about to take a test!" Baldwin reminded

"Its our future she was talking about, sir!" Cane teased as the students burst into laughter

"What?" Baldwin flared

"Test please!" Monet interrupted to Calm the tension

"Students could you be a lot nicer to Prof Baldwin, he's only try to build y'all up" Taraji cautioned

"I'm sorry, Prof Taraji." Cane apologized politely

Taraji beamed at cane then she left cat walking in a black slim fit gown and heels. No doubt, the whole students at Cane's attitude even if they knew he took no nonsense seriously, but confronting Baldwin in the worse ways was amazing. After the test, Baldwin stopped at Cane's desk and blurted

"To my office in 15 minutes!" He left

"Cane really?" Mo said calmly

"He bargained fo' it... You know, I got temper issues, let alone trespassing on me longer than usual...." Cane defended

"You really went too far!" Ty added

"I wanted to see his sprouting anger grow fuckin wings! He's been on my neck from the start, if he ain't letting me gain my peace, I'll have to make him feel miserable"

"Yo' bro. Coming with ya. Chill mama!" Ty said packing his books up

"Great! I've got to we Prof Baldwin" cane air quoted " I'm sorry Mo, I'm gonna fix it ok? I love you..." He Kissed her on forehead

"Love you nigga!" Ty kissed her on the cheek, then they left

Kim approached Monet


"What's up?" Mo was tucked her books into her book

"I'm good... Any problem?"

"You haven't been in the room lately except for some chic...." Kim explained

"That explains it or not?" Mo turned finally

"Ok cool! Where you at?" Km got nosy

"At your boyfriend's" she snapped

"Seriously!" Kim felt embarrassed "I'm only concerned that's all....can I seat?"

Mo affirmed besides it was only a chitchat

"...Cane didn't have to go extra earlier..." Kim began

"Are y'all married coz I can't find no ring...get yo' bitch ass off and leave---I thought you ain't a bitch, seriously" Mo scolded

Kim apologized realizing she did not have to pry as well

"I don't feel like warning him, so.." Mo smirked

"I'm sorry, Monet. We got this girls party at Sparkles at 8pm--wanna come?" Kim requested

"Nope!" Without thinking, Mo countered

"Its not same sex although, get off this Man thing Monet you're really pretty" Kim persuaded

"Ok, mom-bitch" Monet smiled

"You can invite 'em as well, its really mixed ok? But girls got more power" she grinned

"Ok mom,....tonight at 8pm"

"Love you!" Kim left excitedly

Monet sighed in relaxation, appreciating her moment alone

"Now, I'm alone" she almost whispered

Jalen came from behind, then sat next to her

"No you ain't!"

He could sense her agitation towards him, he quickly apologized to not make it worse

"Im really sorry Mo, I never meant it that way!" He looked desperate seeking her forgiveness

"Yeah, you didn't? I forgive anyway. I'll only get you in trouble like for real. I'm serious" she looked serious

"Let me make it up, Mo. You're my nigga--you shade every fucker coming your way" he teased

"Not working!" She scoffed

He handed her a box well packaged then she blurted

'Take that off. I don't In no fuckin way look like Cinderella" she reminded

"No strings attached....Maybe. Its from my heart, apologizing" Jalen he explained

She looked at it with no interest, all she wanted was for him disappear, nothin more. She walked out of the hall as he followed from behind

"Canes' really brave" he stirred up

"You wouldn't want to know him better" she snapped "wanna ask if I could fuckin talk to him about earlier, not being disrespectful?"

"Not at all. Baldwin deserved it but I'd he places him good...trust me we both crossed path" he advised simply

"Dad came thru. Chancellor's son, why not?" She teased rightly

"Monet?" He called with seriously

"Wanna question my existence? You know I don't Care what you think 'bout me, I can't change me. I love it me down to the grave !" She cautioned

"No! I just wanna know you more.... I could help" he started

"What do you mean know me" they stopped to talk better

"Y'all are suspected to be drug dealers and somehow or maybe led to Sean's death...I mean i heard it, cops are coming thru to ask questions.." He blurted

"It has nothing to do with us, nigga! its cool to ask but we clean, of course we are Sean's friends" she got defensive

"I don't care if you're involved or not, I want you to be careful" he assured

"I'm legit. Jalen we're friends nothing more, you're invading my privacy" she clarified

"Not that, Mo!"

"I grew up in the streets, I barely sleep sometimes tryna fight for my fuckin life....its ok for everyone to think crazy, including you." She said calmly & started walking away

Jalen followed again, he looked worried

"Don't worry, I'm cool nigga!" She kissed him on the cheek "thanks for the gift its lovely, in advance" she left finally

Monet felt cold suddenly, it was something she couldn't run from but live to fight it.

"Monet! Shut! Just down for her!" He blurted in disappointment

An expensive car pulled over where he stood , he heard this authoritative voice from behind

"Get in" Tyson ordered

Jalen turned, he knew his father's Voice, entered the car

"Dad how about my car?" He tried to make excuses

"Frank's gon' get it"

"What the hell is this, you keep stalking me, man!" He expressed himself

"....I'm you father! I make the rules here, you ain't!" Tyson scolded

"Seriously!" He felt overruled

"Tell you what? Leave that street rat alone, coz I won't and will never repeat myself again. You heard?" Tyson warned

"Well, I wont!" He bluntly replied

"Careful how you talk! It shouldn't get toxic, you might lose all this. Don't risk it." Tyson turned away

At Baldwin's office,

"Are y'all tryna play fast cards?..."

"If that's what tiu call it, then it is" Cane said with no timidity

Baldwin stood pacing, then stopped

"You know Cane, you fascinate me really. That's something.....(he leaned over) about you that feels wrong and dark"

Cane stood up to his face

"Prof Baldwin. Maybe you're correct I'm only a fuck boy trying to study that's all and I ain't messing my grades either, you got a problem with me, somehow?" He questioned

"You think I do, we'll just find out!" Baldwin sat back

"Why are you at us, man?" Ty added

"And you are the 'hustling teen's activist'?" Baldwin locked with a smirk on his face

Cane controlled himself not to give out punches

"I guess its good bye...." Cane said instead

"I didn't permit you..." He smiled

"Then tell me what your fuckin problem is? You called me in here to waste my goddamn time? For real?" Cane blurted in fury

"You got nerves! Y'all are the reason this institution feels some type of way 'bout black men? Get it right into your head that I'll make sure y'all don't graduate if y'all don't get it right" Baldwin fumed

"Are you done?" Ty suppressed his anger

"50 pages on this topic...." Baldwin handed Cane a document

"50?" Ty blurted in shock

"Yes disciple! I should get it in my next class."

"This ain't my project...." Cane countered

"You a better a handle it." Baldwin turned away

Taraji walked in abruptly, not expecting to see Cane and Tyrone

"What's going on here? Y'all look tensed?" She pointed out

"Hi!" Cane said to her politely

They left with frowns, she turned to Baldwin

"You're trying to hard on these kids..."

"They lit the fire. That Deacon boy's got no reason to be here, you know!"

"You don't pay their fuckin tuition, Mr?" She defended, quite a point

"Yet I lecture his ass. Those kids is fishy, something's not right here. Why are you even defensive over them?"

"It doesn't cost a thing to show sine love, does it?" She left angrily

"It just got more easier." Baldwin said in satisfaction

Cane and Tyrone walked thru the hallway

"Bro. Bro! Dude!" Ty held Cane by the arm

"Yo? Did you see the fuckin stunt he pulled?" Cane couldn't hide his fury

"I did man. Maybe we should give him some air to breathe. He's gonna be on our case soon...."

"Then so be it. It cant be a secret all day long, Ty. If I'm fucked all for that Negro then I got no option" Cane blurted yet he meant it

"You fuckin not doing that, you got it?" Ty calmed

"Someone has to warn him, a'ight!" He went ahead, Ty followed

They headed into the room all in frowns while Monet played a video game, she hugged them, Cane went in for a shower

"Yo! What's up with the look, its not cool!" She got worried

"Baldwin's getting clingy and nosy. He have him 50 pages" Ty said in dismay, taking off his shirt

"50 fuckin pages? How's he gonna figure that out?"

"Cane might just run him over, anytime soon. Talk to him!"

"If he didn't listen to you, definitely not me, !" She shrugged

"Trust me, I fuckin did!"

Tyrone sighted Jalen's gift, he could not help it but speak out

"Rich kid got you this?" He looked dismayed

"Yes he did, He's been a stick nose!" She bluntly replied sitting on the bed

Cane came out wiping off water drops then he sighted it too

"What the fuck is that?" He too was dismayed

"Jalen got it for me. Its just a fuckin gift, man!" She defended concentrating on her phone

"You know what Mo, get off that dude. He ain't worth it" he warned

"What? Last time I checked you ain't and was never my dad!" She said tilting her head up

"Mo?" Cane tried to explain, still pisses

"No, what the fuck are you gon' say?" She took her hoodie and her bag, wearing her shoes "when you calm down, just maybe we could talk" about to leave

"Mo! Monet! This ain't it. I'm sorry!" He apologized trying to stop her

"I've been listening to yo shit long enough, I also got a life, some fuckin points to prove, yeah?" She pondered

"Mo?" Cane called again, this time calm

"Mo, we didn't mean it that way." Ty apologized too

"Y'all did. Space to breathe just for tonight please?" She turned and left

"Oh fuck!" Cane groaned, laid on Hus back, on the bed

"Busta! What's up. You know we fix it right, we can" Ty assured

"I don't even know where to start! He's getting on me real bad, Ty. I don't wanna fuck things up, you know! Mo is out, she could into some fuckin shit. She's never slept out" He turned away

" We find a way, Mo is fine" Ty assured again

Cane got restless, he called her phone but she ignored. When its about Monet, everything got serious and tensed. He sent a text instead

'Mo I'm sorry a'ight? I was fuckin

around, I was messed up! I love you

A lot!'

Cane stared at the papers Baldwin gave to him, he resolved to not working in it again

"Nah man, I'm not doing this shit, if he gon' fail me---cool!" Cane snapped

"Yo?" Ty gave a questioning look

"Yes I won't." He repeated