Monet walked in abruptly with Quincy, she only decided to help out because she was somewhere around his vicinity so coming
I together was no big deal. Sometimes back, while as kids, four of them including Sean would run round the street, the garden of and play hide and seek, slowly they faded out from being preteens to early teens where they had their first supplies. The relationship the carried around changed in the cause if time. Walking into their apartment to only see gun points intertwined with uproars and darkness in their eyes. She dropped her bag on the aquatic designed tiled floor as her face changed from the earlier glee to grimace
"What the hell Cane? Are you ok? What's going on here?" Money walked to Cane and Ty who were staring at each unshakably while Coman stood in confusion and fret.
"Stay outta this." Cane turned the gun to Coman finally still maintaining his looks
"Who the fuck sent you?" Cane asked Coman again
"No....n-no one did. I only wanna help" Coman insisted
"That's the problem....fuckin asshole!" Cane yelled at Coman "I'll find you even to the ends if the earth, jobbie!"
Coman ran out of the apartment hastily without turning back.
"I always knew you got fuckin trust issues" Tyrone went into the room as well with a dark look. They were too engulfed to realize Quincy's arrival.
Quincy came towards Cane and sat as they did likewise. Cane's face looked downwards, to the ground. He kept the gun on table and raised his head once more, his fingers intertwined while his head rested on them then his elbows on his knee caps respectively.
"Whatever it is, I'm here. We're here. Tyrone is here. No one is coming at us, I believe in you, in us! We family. We the gang!"
Monet encouraged coldly placing her head on Canes' shoulder while her hands wrapped across his chest. He rested his head on hers as well.
Quincy sat astonishment, witnessing.
"Busta! We got this, we gon' protect us...we have just us, man!" Quincy patted him on the shoulder. Monet turned to Quincy, motioning him to follow her. They stood up leaving Cane drooling in his thoughts, he didn't utter a word of or raise a brow, no one could tell what suddenly changed the defendant in Cane.
"What's going on, Mo?" Quincy tilted his head towards her face as they sat next to each other in the guest room that was more than compatible for just a guest.
"I'm fucked man, I don't know! He was good earlier and now its just fucked...." She rubbed her curls backwards as it rejected in defiance falling to her face.
"How 'bout Ty, going thru some loopholes?" Quincy asked again in concern
"I really don't know. They're good, nothing on them yet!" She scoffed and continued "I'll talk to Ty while you get your stomach stuffed, a' still some asshole though" She offered nicely with a tease
He smiled
"Feels like home again! Hey thanks again, I fucked up and I ain't doing that no more, not once." he professed
She only gave a smile closing the door behind her.
Returning to the living room, she met Cane with same position, she walked past to Tyrone's. Tyrone was seated on his bed in his room that was dimly lighted. All three had same lighting, they thought it to be best. He held his gun rubbing it from edges to its shaft, while his eyes were fixated on the mirror inches away.
"Ty. Can we talk?" Monet asked calmly, she stood next to him folding her arms demanding answers. He shunned, she spoke again
"Tyrone whatever it is........" She began While he curt in
".......I ain't wanna hear that, none of it." He turned to her and continued "Ask that Motherfucker 'bout the stunt he pulled out there, ain't cool. Is that how we're gonna play it, puffing up at each other?" Tyrone was already yelling at Monet as if she owned the faults
"Ty, I don't wanna loose it too. You gon' have to talk to me with some respect, I didn't point at you, my twin did....." She explained also getting tensed up, suddenly the air was hot.
"I fuckin did, what's he gonna do about it? I wanna know!" Cane replied from behind, next to the door
"What the fuck I'm gonna do? Huh?" Ty drew closer to Cane
"Talk to my sister with some respect man, I pulled at you not her...." Cane spoke calmly but the harshly
"You think I don't fuckin know that?"
Ty asked almost yelling
Cane and Monet walked out ignoring Tyrone, he didn't stop there he followed to the living room
"Nah nigga! You gonna explain that or what?" Ty quarreled again
"And if I don't?" Came turned to Ty finally
"We do what you want, puff our heads up" Ty added
Tyrone's was prepared to throw punches at Cane as Quincy joined them after hearing the uproars. He tried to calm the guys
"Niggas, there's a better way to do this not hitting on us" Quincy spoke innocently
Tyrone turned to Quincy with disgust
"Stay out if this, pussy! Keep your snitch ass far from home!" Ty threw shades
"Nah! I ain't taking shit, man! I ain't Cane...I'm gonna crack up those ribbons called bones, you hear me?" Quincy fumed With anger and was about to hit Ty as Cane intervened with his left arm
"Not now!" Cane sat on the couch waiting for them to join in
"Y'all are bitches seriously" she groaned referring to all three of them, she sat too
Quincy followed, he sat. Tyrone held into his defiance
"No I ain't gonna watch y'all treat me like some dung!......"
"You gon seat your ass for some way out or what?" Monet scolded
It was Monet, he corresponded then sat.
Everyone was quiet as Cane began.
"Bulls (cops) at us, MVR at me....we gotta find some fuckin way to let this shit breeze off" Cane stated, Ty interrupted
"It doesn't explain the shit you pulled"
Monet sighed heavily
"Ty?" Monet tried to calm Tyrone
"...No. How about he tells me what's up?" Ty looked desperate this time
Cane stopped, it happened again, the tingles of anger surfaced yet he tried to cool.
"You cannot come in here with just anyone, Tyrone. We gotta stay low. That son you brought over is not just someone you could trust....can't you fuckin see that?" Cane blurted with a squeeze on his face.
Tyrone stood silent not knowing what else to say. He felt inferior suddenly.
"....yeah I get that, Cane. Did you have to fuckin point at me?"
Tyrone made a sincere point this time. Their faces were covered in confusion and doubt, it was one thing to defend and another to point a gun at someone.
Monet stood up adjusting her hoodie, her eyes went from south to east trying to figure out their facial impression.
"This is a crap! I thought we had us, like for real. I don't know if i can trust y'all, we don't have to fight or point guns at each other while we try to figure a goddamn way." She lectured
They concurred in accordance to what she had said few seconds ago. Monet walked out of the apartment taking some few notes (cash) with her, she felt it was really not necessary to tell them about her whereabouts.
Quincy felt it was time to say something, at the look of things and how it digressed negatively, neither Cane or Tyrone was ready to take the bull by the horn.
"Niggas! What the hell yeah? Y'all got to say something, right now....." Quincy began with a serious look on him
The silence between these two was awkwardly unusual. Cane took it upon him to start the engine driving at apologizing.
"Ty! I acted unruly. That was crazy, I had enough shit....I would never do that to you on purpose." Cane explained sincerely
Tyrone was speechless, Cane could be speaking the truth, but his Doubts maintained its spots.
"You got to be a lot better, nigga! I got anger issues too!" Ty warned
Cane gave a half smile, they shook and hug just like old times. Quincy was impressed
"Who's Coman?" He asked giving his usual intense look.
Coman is a member of Vernon's Gang. He serves as an eavesdropper to sabotage Canes'. Tyrone, being a highlife type of guy, invited Coman for some time out on drinks, Games and Marlboro. Only because they blended so well, he felt too relaxed to suspect just anything.
Few moments earlier, just before Cane got out of the school promises, he had been harassed by Vernon himself being a final year student at the institution. Vernon passed some unruly words to Cane, he didn't react but kept his silence like he didn't know exactly what was ignited.
Now, Cane explained to Quincy and Tyrone stating that there might be a Gang-clash on the way. Tyrone figured he had been overridden by folly, he had nothing to say but apologize to Cane and Quincy for being unnecessarily rude. It was time to figure out a plan, maneuvering lawful charges and taking up a jungle justice plan against the opposite gangsters.
Monet took a cab that drove her to a 20 storey building, where Taraji lived, the 16th floor. It wasn't hard for Monet to scribble out Taraji's address on a paper from Taraji's autobiography in the school's library. She stood in the elevator with two other men. They heard the ding sound alerting that they got the floor they requested. The two men seem to be more of friends than strangers yet all dressed in black suits and tuxedos then held onto their briefcases respectively. They got out hastily, Monet followed behind scanned the doors, seeking No.10 boldly inscribed on the door which was Taraji's apartment. She pressed the doorbell twice before the door was open. A man tilted his head to see who hollered.
"Hey cutie! Can I help you?" He said with a grin on his face, he seemed nice and flirty.
Monet didn't freak out but had suspicions about the Gent if he ever was, being Taraji's boyfriend or something, she thought.
"Hey! I'm here for Taraji...Miss Taraji" Monet inquired with an utmost politeness. He ushered her in as she sat on the couch, while Taraji came forth tying her robes tightly. It got Taraji surprised to see Monet come over because Monet never for once went over profession's borders.
"Hi Miss Taraji, can we talk?" Monet went straight to the point
Taraji's mouth was slightly open, lacking words instantly, they sat back
"Want something, coffee or grapes wine?" Taraji maintained her dim smile. Monet scoffed and continued.
"No thanks, I'm fine!"
"So why did you come, we could actually talk it over at my office." Taraji reminded
"Yeah Miss. That's the problem....I just couldn't help it coming over, I had to come see you myself...." Money started
Taraji was lost and her facial impression was real confusion
"How do you mean?" Taraji asked
"Who's he?" Monet was firm this time
"He...he...uhm..That's German!" She stuttered then mentioned
Monet slowly nodded in agreement
"Yeah. Sure he is. I'm not here to fight or argue on behalf my brother, he got no idea I'm here! That boujee in there, is he really worth it?" Monet asked calmly, her eye lashes flickered intermittently
"Miss Deacon Washington....." Taraji tried to end this calm and rude conversation
"....You know I don't really give a fuck about Deacon, call me Monet! Washington's not on my good side either!" Monet taunted with a tight smile
"I'd appreciate it if you leave right now, kid!" Taraji scolded calmly
"Am I really a kid? I mean you once liked a kid like me.....Don't call me no kid, ma'am. Those eggs in the oven ain't enough to push out a replica like me though!" Monet added, keeping that same smirk on her face
Taraji stood silent, while German came forward holding a bottle of tequila on the right hand.
"What's going on cuties, are y'all ok?" He asked raising his brows
Taraji dragged him to the other side of the side, adjacent Monet's position. Monet took out her phone, took a silent snap shot. They looked like there was some silent whispers too, German came towards Monet to ask instead
"What's wrong? Is there something you think I should know?" German asked with a serious look
"Oh yeah!" Monet blurted out with a shrug
Taraji's heart flew overseas, panicking inside. Monet apprehended her impression
"What's that?" German asked
"I'm tryna solicit for my self. She wouldn't give me an A+ for my project, my hard work."
Monet lied understanding the drama that would shake tables if she Mentioned Cane, and of course, Cane would be confronted even if he could always defend himself from just anyone. There would be some twist, at least she shouldn't be the artist to his rhythm.
Taraji sighed heavily in relief, then German turned to Taraji with a smile
"C'mon babe! Give this cutie what she deserves...." He coarse
"Oh yeah, i'll do that!" Taraji added with a hasty voice
"Ok, I'll leave you two to catch some feelings, only for the moment though!" Monet fired looking straight at Taraji's eyes that definitely passed some wavy messages.
"This shawty is right from a good hood you know! I like her, she's smart as fuck!" German complimented in his terms with an approving smile.
"...Monet!" Monet mentioned her name instead
"A'ight Monet, I'll do the work, I'll talk to her" German offered
"Fuck! My professor knows exactly what to do, don't stress. Its no negotiation!" Monet walked to the door and turned to them again
"Catch feelings For the Moment!" She smirked closing the door behind her. She stood in front of the elevator, waiting as she texted Cane instantly
*I think I found German!*
The elevator opened widely as she couldn't believe her eyes, it was Jalen stepping out, he raised his head leaving behind his phone's screen holding unto a rectangular white envelope that was about 10 inches long and 5 inches wide. His eyes brightened like a puppy who got served with milk
"Monet? Holy shit! What you doing here?"
They hugged while she smiled faintly
"Err! Running errands for my aunt, down the hallway" she pointed
"Oh crazy! Do you mind waiting just 2 minutes, I wanna pass this to my cousin...." He asked hoping to get a positive answer
"Ok! Real quick Jalen!" She urged
"Sweetheart!" He dropped a swift kiss on her cheek then ran to the door, No.10, where Monet came out from.
Monet waited patiently then she sighted him coming out hastily, handsome as always.
"Thanks for waiting, I actually thought you'd leave....." He said
"'d rather I leave right?" She teased with a firm look
"Ain't true!" He defended
They got into the elevator, Jalen couldn't keep his eyes off her. He could barely say a word without a smile accompanying it. She stood focused pretended not to notice his moves, all she did was rolling her curls around her index finger and loosing it, she repeated this process. Jalen noticed she wasn't in the mood for some games, instead of asking her, he did it his way. He leaned over her, placed her hands on the glass, she let out a soft sigh, he pressed a hot kiss on her moist red lips for few seconds, then the elevator slowly opened, a couple stood waiting. Jalen held Monet right hand as they walked out not minding the couple. The young lady screamed from behind
"That was cute....don't let her slip off, Man!"
Her partner gently pushed her into the elevator and whispered
"Maybe we should work out here!"
"It's been a moment!" The lady replied
Jalen was still on the wheels, as he asked Monet
"What's going on? I was carried away, you keep turning me on though!" He confessed
"I didn't expect that, it was a cheer!"
They smiled then continued
"Good for me!"
".....your cousin up there?" Monet reminded
This was the sole reason she waited for Jalen, she needed some information.
"Yeah! Mother's side! I never told you?" Jalen asked focused on the road.
"I wouldn't ask if you did! That's cool.... Y'all don't relate good!" She pointed out
"Yeah. They suck!.....Forget about it, its fucked!" He concluded
Monet wondered there wasn't much compliments or exaggerations or some good histories, something's actually not right or he didn't take them too serious. She rubbed his chin then turned away. Jalen felt heaven, this girl tingled places she should not yet she did all that with suspensions.
"Where have you been?" Cane asked Monet like he wanted to scold her
"Why do you care? Fuck outta my way!" She walked past him sinking into the couch all flat as Tyrone and Quincy slept off under the influence if vodka, she suspected there was some re-up, it was obvious. Each of them had their legs on the table that had burnt rizzla.
Cane sat next to her, placing her legs on his thighs. He looked at her intently
"That's a mixed cologne. Jalen?" He asked
"Whatever! Tell me what's up, nigga. Y'all did some re-up in here?" She shunned his question topping it with hers
"You didn't my quest....." He flared
"Seriously Cane?" She used her right leg to give his face a light hit.
He turned away instead, then turned to her again
"I got your text! What German?" He asked
She sat up, her legs remained in the same position
"Now you wanna fuck with me, bro? Who's German?" She asked back
"I ain't known him. Who the fuck is......." Cane still wondered although he had a clue
She showed him the picture of German and Taraji talking.
"This is German. Remember him?"
"Oh fuck! Monet what the hell did you do?"
"What I did? I got you a dog, don't play dumb!" She shunned his actions
"Mo! You fuckin pulled at her crib?"
"Yeah. Yeah...I did, nigga. She's the bitch behind it....." She started in defense she knew he would not take accept her defense
"Well, fuck that! I don't need you or nobody taking my shit for no know i fuckin hate it. This is crazy, Mo!" Cane turned away rubbing his curly hair.
"Can I get a thank you? I fuckin got his snap. He might pull at you any fuckin minute, so are you gonna act all dumb not knowing his ass even if he tries to hurt you?" Monet pointed out in her own terms
"I ain't fuckin want that! Good thing its you." Came gently place her legs the couch as he hastily entered his room.
Hours away,
Tyrone had narrated the full story and Plan to Monet. They came as always taking themselves to a whole new level of facing hell itself.
"Can y'all believe this? Monet was at Taraji's earlier....." Cane stirred up while operating on the pad.
"So fuckin what? Ain't changing nothing." Quincy blurted in negligence
"Shut the fuck up man! I'm not 'bout that, I just got a new shit on block! German!" Cane explained
They paused looking at Cane
"How about Ger-man?" Ty taunted
They all laughed except Cane.
"Y'all gotta know when the fuck I'm serious or not! I don't think I've seen this dude before, I know that."
"Mo, let's see it. We don't have nothing to worry about...." Quincy mentioned before looking at the photo
Monet passed her phone to Ty and Quincy.
Quincy froze in shock, they stood wondering what could be the problem
"Who's he, Quinn?" Cane asked to clear of his Doubts of German possibly being some bad guy too.
"Y'all don't wanna mess 'round with this guy. Whatever y'all got with Taraji, bop(kill) it" Quincy spoke seriously
"What you do you mean, bop it? Bro, He's just some dude...." Cane said in defiance
"For real.....Shaved niggas don't do no streets." Ty added with sarcasm, they turned to him for his unserious statement
"Who's he?" Monet asked instead
"Fly-dead! He's a bad ass, Man! Y'all remember Big Don? Biggies' boss! So if y'all know Big Don as some bad ass, you could imagine Fly-dead, just maybe." Quincy stated clearly
"That's shit, nigga!" Ty added
"He and Renzo are no good friends, that's a cat and a rat, some deadly feud! We good guys, if we keep silent and focused on the bulls. Vernon's nothing at all" Quincy advised
"Woah! What the fuck!" Cane scoffed, rubbed his face, he didn't know how else to feel. He decided to be his own boss, and hoped nothing comes for nothing.
"Bro! We got this!" Mo consoled
"Time to back off. We don't have nothing for now, let's hit low key" Ty added
Its sweet how everyone wants to be a defender to each other, was this guy feeling for a lifetime or for seasons?