Chapter 20

Who ever came to a conclusion that men shouldn't cry must be a sadists. How can I not want to cry at the sight of seeing my mum all wired up to a machine like some puppet dull?

I had to be strong for my sister and my kid. I wanted to be strong for mum... But I was weak. So weak and helpless.

I felt guilty that while I was indulging in my desires, my mum was getting hurt.

Angel was in shock. She just starred into space, while Emily cried her eyes out. Her husband tried to console her to the best of his ability.

At least she had someone. Who did I have? Who did Angel have? We only had each other and to be honest, neither of us was in the position to console one another right now.

I was told that my mum suffered from low blood pressure. I was told she got hurt while taking a fall.

Dad was out of the country doing some dealings. He was going to book the next flight back, but we advised he waited till the next day.