Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Cassandra's POV

"You." We both said in unison.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Do you guys know each other?" Emelia looked confused. Nobody answered. We both continued staring at each other like hawks about to attack their prey.

"What is she doing here?" The prince asked Emelia.

"She is the lady I told you about. We met at the mall and she has agreed to be a surrogate for us." Emelia smiled awkwardly.

"Surrogate!" He repeated.

"Yeah, do you know her?" Emelia asked again.

"Of course not, I was just surprised to see a stranger in the house." The prince lied, I was going to say something when he sent me a warning stare, so I kept quiet.

"Okay. Cass, this is Prince Rodriguez Astley my husband and darling meet Cassandra Valdez." Emelia introduced us to each other.

He walked towards me in two long strides, his height overshadowing mine. He was probably six feet, four inches tall and I was five feet, seven inches tall. He extended his hand for a handshake.

"Miss Valdez, it's a pleasure meeting you."

"Same here, your highness," I said through clenched teeth. I put my hands in his big and firm one but regretted it instantly because he squeezed them tightly.

"Ouch!" He gave me a devilish smile and walked back to where Emelia was standing.

"Are you okay Cass?" Emelia asked looking concerned.

"I am fine." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

If only I could tell you that your husband, the prince of nightmares, is an egoistic jerk who just squeezed the life out of my hands. I thought trying to maintain a calm posture.

"I should go now. I'll see you tomorrow," I said to Emelia.

"Won't you stay to have lunch with us?" Emelia asked.

"No I can't, I have important things to do," I refused Emelia's offer in a desperate bid to leave the house.

"Okay, see you next week then. I'll have the driver drop you off at the hotel,"


"Be ready next week," Emelia said.

"Okay," I replied and walked out of the mansion.


When Emelia's driver dropped me off at the hotel I couldn't stop thinking about prince Rodriguez. Martha had mentioned him when I told her about my trip to Andalusia.

I'm in a big mess. I paced up and down the small room. A few weeks from now, I was going to be living in the same house with that monster of a prince. A handsome monster. A voice in my head said and I frowned.

"I guess he is handsome but he is arrogant, mean, rude and he has a large ego. Who does he think he is, because he is a prince he thinks he can insult anyone and go scot-free," I said out loud then decided to call Martha. She always has the answer to everything.

"Hello, Martha."

"Hey, Cass." She said but did not sound as cheerful as she always was.

"I am guessing you heard about what happened to Jake." I sighed,

"Yes, I am so sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening." I heard Martha cry from the other end of the phone.

"It's okay, don't cry." I tried to get Martha to stop crying.

"Okay, I won't cry again."

"Martha I am in a deep load of trouble."

"What happened? "Martha sounded concerned.

"Do you remember a day when I was arguing with a man at the store, he said I talked too much." I tried to refresh Martha's memory.

"Yeah I remember, what about him?" Martha asked.

"He is prince Rodriguez Astley, I met him today."

I heard Martha gasp in surprise. "What! How? I mean how did you guys meet?"

"The other day when I went to the mall, Mum called and told me about what happened to Jake, I was devastated. I didn't even realize I was crying, princess Emelia Astley saw me then we talked over a cup of coffee and she offered to help me on one condition." I explained to Martha.

"What condition?"Martha asked curiously.

"I have to be a surrogate for her and her husband, who I didn't know was prince Rodriguez until today." I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"What! Surrogate? why didn't you tell me about this Cass?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone."

I hope Martha understands that I did this for Jake."I had no other option, dad was going to sell the house," I added

"Did you think about this carefully?" Martha asked.

"Yes I did, I tried getting a job but it didn't work out. Martha, I called you to share my problems with you, hoping you can help me out but you are just making me feel worse about what I did," I said on the verge of tears.

"I am sorry." Martha apologized.

"The problem is, I have to live with them until I give birth but don't think I can survive an hour around that man he's a monster," I said.

"What do I do Martha?"

"Well, I heard he is a busy man who travels most of the time," Martha said.

"How is that a solution to my problem?" I said impatiently.

"What I mean is, he travels a lot so he isn't always at home most times. So...whenever he's around try your possible best to avoid him." Martha said while I contemplated on what she said.

"Okay, that's better. " I sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Martha. You are the best friend every girl wishes to have,"

"Awww thanks, please keep me updated on what goes on."

"Okay, I will. One last thing Martha, promise me you won't tell anyone, even my parents." I said with a serious face though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone," Martha replied then I smiled.

"Thanks, Martha, I have to go to sleep now. I'm exhausted."


"Bye." I ended the call.

A week later

"Take deep breaths, Cass, everything is going to be fine, the process is not a painful one." The doctor said.

I was at the hospital with Emelia for the insemination and I was freaking out. I wish I could back out of this but I couldn't. I already signed the darned contract.

The male doctor known as Sam Healy was Inserting sticks in my Vagina and I was nervous, who wouldn't be. I was half-naked in front of a male doctor only wearing a short hospital gown and he was sticking things in my vagina.

"I am done, you would need to come back in the next two weeks for the pregnancy test. If you don't feel any symptoms before then don't be afraid it happens sometimes." Sam said and I nodded in response.

"under no circumstances should you take alcohol, or any substance containing caffeine, don't stress yourself and eat properly." The doctor looked at my sweat-beaded face.

"Caffeine, that means I can't take coffee," I frowned.

No coffee...Can my life get any worse?

"Yes, no coffee." the doctor replied sternly.

"Okay," I said in surrender.

"See you in two weeks." Sam smiled at me and strolled out of the room.

Once the doctor was out of the room I sat up straight to look at Emelia, since she has been unreasonably quiet.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes I am fine, I just can't believe it, I'm going to have my child. Thank you so much, Cass," Emelia said, drawing me in for a hug.

"You're welcome."

I changed back into the peach top and black trousers I wore to the hospital then Emelia drove me back to the hotel.

"Thank you," I said and got out of the car.

"You're welcome, remember under no circumstances should you take alcohol or coffee, and don't stress yourself out, okay?" Emelia said.

"Okay Mum," I replied making Emelia laugh.

"Bye," I walked into the hotel while Emelia drove away.

Later that day I phoned mum,

"Hello, Mum," I said with a cheerful voice.

"Cass, my dear, how are you?" Mum asked.

"I'm fine, I've got good news Mum."


"I have the money for Jake's treatment."

"Are you serious?" Mum asked doubtingly.

"Yes Mum, I got a job at a restaurant as a cook. I asked for an advanced salary which was difficult to get since I was new but my boss is a kind man so he agreed." I lied.

"That's great but that means you won't be coming home for a while,"

"I know but I did this for Jake and look on the bright side you won't have to sell the house," I tried to cheer my mum up.

"Okay, I have to go tell your dad. Bye honey loves you so much, and thank you."

"Love you too, Mum," I said and hung up.

I can't believe I just lied to my mum, I wish I could tell her all about me being a surrogate but I can't. She would be devastated.

End of Chapter Five