Meeting Again

"Give me two shots of tequila and a glass of mojito," She demanded from the enticing bar boy whose face was iconical and his body... She checked him out, well, he would pass to her taste, but tonight, she was going for something more... classical. So, internally she shook her head and averted her gaze.

Her phone vibrated in her purse on her body and she took it out to check who was calling and gleamed when she saw her best friend's name appear.

"Where the fuck are you?" She asked Amanda, her eyes raving around the clubhouse for a glimpse of her friend's distinctive hair color. She saw nothing.

"We just entered and I took her to the booth by the west wing. I took an excuse from her to use the restroom. Where are you?"

"Well, I'm still at the bar, having a couple of drinks. Have fun and bring me the evidence."

Amanda giggled. "I'm sorry, bitch, I won't promise that."

"Okay, see ya later. I have to look for a man to deprive me of this gnaw between my legs lest I nag you to death." The other accented before she cut the call and dropped the phone back in her bag.

The club buzzed with loud music and people shouting on top of their voices to someone to be heard while Daisy in the bar section watched everything from the vantage point with a certain enthusiasm. If she was suffering this night, she was glad she wouldn't be alone. Someone somewhere would possibly be gnashing his teeth in a likewise mood.

She jogged down the fifth shot of tequila and her head swarmed, her eyes growing fuzzy. Everything was starting to look foggy and her brain was shutting down.

She looked towards the west wing that her friend said she would be in but due to her present state, it seemed like the end of the world, and never would she dare to go there unless she wanted to dock on her face.

"You want another shot?" The foxy barman asked her with a smirk as though with a senile thought of his own to drown her. She nodded, letting him believe he had the upper hand.

"Give me two!" She gestures with her fingers and grinned, distracting him. "It's on you."

"My pleasure. Are you sure you don't want me to help you?" He asked as he swirled the drink in a clubber glass jug.

She shook her head. "Thanks."

"I'm very good, you know." He winked at her as if Daisy hadn't got the point already.

Her grin expanded at his juvenile method, downed the next shots, stood and opened her bag, bringing as many bills as her hands could lay on and dropped them on the table. "Keep the change." it seems she would have to find her way to the bathroom and pour water on her face.

It feared her, but she would rather chance it than allow some teenage horny dude to leer at her in that way or make silly advances at her. She felt like some deprived pedophile.

"Arh!" She touched her temple as a sizzling pain shot through her head. She would call Amanda from there and ask her to come help her to the car. Any other move to drink tonight and she would end with her face to the floor.

Two steps, three steps, she counted on her way to the bathroom, her eyes to the ground. She was so intent on the ground with her feet planted strongly on it, not to have noticed a sturdy body coming towards her until it was too late and she collided into it.

"Watch the fuck where you are going!" The owner of the wall of Jericho echoed, causing Daisy's head to spin, the sound coming off as something from the speaker positioned directly in her ear drum. She let go of her purse and covered her ears, lost her balance, and went spinning in space.

"Shit!" The man veered, his arm coming around this woman whose head was bent to the floor. He grabbed her on time before she hugged the floor, and at the same time, Daisy lost control over her stomach, and boom! Retched right on him. "Fuck! Woman!"

That was the last thing she heard before she kissed darkness.


"Make sure you replace the clothes on her forehead, I have work to do," Daisy heard a distinct distant voice and was certain this time she wasn't dreaming. Her eyes rolled inside her eyeball wondering why everything was dark.

"Yes, sir," Another said, and then a door banged so loud that Daisy's head singed in pain. She winced and just as her body shook, a wet cold cloth was placed on her forehead. At that, her eyes trembled and fluttered open, meeting with the stunned ones of a woman.

She trailed her eyes slowly on the woman who was still bent over in shock, then she stood off from the bed and her dilated eyes gradually returned to normal. "Thank God, you are back."

"Where did I go?" Daisy asked ridiculously, striving to get up but the latter rushed to her.

"Please, stay put. I will quickly call the master and inquire if you will be taken to the hospital."


Daisy was confused at everything going on, especially on why her head felt like she was hit by a trailer. Her mind worked to decipher what took place and then it came at once. The club!

Without a second thought, she jumped up from the bed and the same time the woman rushed to her just as the door snapped open and in walked the bane of Daisy's life.

"Ethan?" She blurted, and winced from the pain in her head. She stopped and waited until the pain passed to lash out at the man still standing by the door drinking her in. "What in God's name am I doing here?"

She remember going to the club to look for a man to fuck her until she wouldn't remember she saw him that day, but him being that man wasn't part of the plan. At that, her eyes flew to her body and instantly shook off the hand of the appalled woman on her.

"Leave us, Maggie," He instructed the woman who bowed and scurried out of the room. "I know I'm the least person you will want to see now, Daisy, but you have to rest first before you fight me," He said mildly, coming towards her.

"Do not fuxken come close to me! Ouch!" She fell back on the bed, tears pooling in her eyes as she met the white decked ceiling. How many shots of whatever she took did she take to have her like this?

"I will not come close to you, but just take the drug on the table to help with the head pain and hangover." He pointed to the table and when Daisy followed his motion, she saw the drug and despite resenting him and wanting his head on a platter, she sat up to take the drug. When her head hit the pillows once more, she fell into a slumber.

Meanwhile, her phone has been blasting non stop as Amanda tried to call her. Amanda was very worried and not even the soothing words if her lover could calm her.

She paced from one end of her house to the next, dropping so many voicemails and hoping wherever her best friend was, she would see it and return it. So many things flitted through her mind but she refused to entertain any of them. Daisy is a big girl and can take care of herself. Maybe she went home with a man and he had banged her so good that she had overslept.

But there was a situation, a situation that only she could handle.

"Where is my mummy?" The five-year-old son of Daisy, who was the situation that Amanda didn't know how to handle, asked.

"She is good, Danny, can you go play with Ella?" Amanda asked him and his response was to stick his nose in the air like his mother when she was in disagreement over something, poked his little red lips, and without another word went in search of his beastie bestie.

It all happened in a flash. Early that morning, Amanda had received a call from Daniels's School_being that she was his second guardian, and they told her they have been trying to reach his mother and tell her that they were sending Daniel home for the holiday with the team that was dispersed to the U.S.

And just like that, Amanda's early morning pleasure was cut short as she had to head to the airport to pick him up. And since that morning they came back till now in the afternoon, her friend hasn't picked up her call and the little monster won't stop tormenting Amanda at the request of his mama.

"Maybe you should give her till evening, okay?"Becky came behind her to suggest. She gradually turned to kiss her nose and smiled.

"Yeah, I really don't mind, it's just that knowing him, he won't rest until he sees her."

Back in Ethan's mansion, Daisy woke up for the second time, and this time she was as good as a fiddle. She sat up from the bed, picked up her stuff, and made her way out of the room as silent as she could.

However, just as she made it to the front door and twisted the knob, the man of the hour came up behind her and said, "I didn't know you to be a coward, Raven..."