
"I told you it was a bad idea but you won't listen! He nearly took my son from me!" Daisy rumbled the minute she crossed the threshold of her bestie's house that evening.

"Calm down, Dee," Amanda soothed, knowing Daisy would not hear a word of it being that she was the one that made her take the boy out that day. "At least he didn't take him and I don't think he would. Maybe he just wanted to see the__"

"I can't believe you still take his side! Do you know what that bastard said to me? He asked me to forgive him! After everything he did, he asked me to forgive him, imagine the audacity!"

Amanda dragged her lower lip, her head banging from listening to Daisy shout. "I think you need to rest, babe. Trust me when you rest you will discover this is no big deal. After all, Daniel is safe with you..."

"Yes! He is now, but how am I sure he would be for long? What if that asshole thinks he can take him away from me!"