
General Bai was understandably upset as the guards and his daughter retell the story while a medic tended to my wound. Meanwhile, I’m at war on the inside.

‘We can’t just kill anybody who looks at us wrong!’

‘And why can’t we? They are certainly willing to run us through!’

‘If we kill everyone then we can’t get to the bottom of things! That attack was not only aimed at us, but I’m also betting that the bandits were there to kidnap Bai Fan-’

‘BAH! There you go again. Who cares about her, anyway? She is a mortal, she will die eventually. The important thing is that there are fewer people now that will challenge us!’

‘Of course, I worry about her, she’s my friend! And we can’t do everything alone! We need friends and people who watch our backs when we can’t!’

‘We are perfectly capable of caring for ourselves, you just haven’t accepted it yet! If you would follow my lead, there wouldn’t be anyone brave enough to try and stop us!’