
Shen Mu traversed the door and glared at the demon waiting on the other side, all around it were the broken and half-eaten bodies of the imperial soldiers that had attacked them before.

“Hungry?” I asked, putting forward the arm of one of the men. It had been torn from its socket and still bled profusely.

Shen Mu shook his head, and the demon shrugged.

“Your loss. Human flesh is a delicacy, it tastes li-”

“Like pork, I know.”

The demon stopped what it was doing to stare at its enemy, squinting. “So, you have tasted it!”

Shen Mu shook his head again. How to explain that it was common knowledge in the year 2020? Ignoring the demon as it continued eating, he closed his eyes for a moment before adopting the dragon guard.

The demon’s demeanor changed the instant it felt a shift in the air. Something about its enemy was different… something elemental… primordial.