The First Night

I sighed, staring at my empty bedroom. I wanted to curse and thank whichever god existed here that Mu had left when he did. Every moment with him in this strange cabin was pure, delicious torture.

My mind kept on conjuring wild fantasies about him and me; some romantic, some raunchy, and some downright erotic. It has been the hardest couple of hours since arriving in this world.

It was with great pleasure (and pain) that I opened the door for Arthur when he came knocking moments ago, and he sequestered my darling to God knows where. As soon as Mu left the room I breathed a sigh, as my imagination finally stopped running rampant. As much as I loved being with him again, I was unable to be with him in the full sense of the word. Not only for his protection but for his mission, something that Selene insisted I shouldn’t intervene with.