My eyes flutter open, and I immediately fall into a fit of coughs. They’re so bad that I actually end up spitting a phlegm of blood that left my lungs feeling raw and heavy.
I’m lying on the bed, with my darling’s laptop propped open but turned off on top of the bed sheet.
“Wha–?” I croak. My throat is parched and I look around for the water bottle I always leave on the bedside table. I uncork it and drink it all before coughing some more.
But it’s not until I place the bottle back on the table that I notice something.
Everything is covered in dust.
“Huh?” I push the covers away and cause an avalanche of dust that elicited a fit of coughing worse than before, and I had to stand up to leave the room, breathing through my t-shirt to avoid more coughing.