5th Act: Part one: The desolation. I: The world as we knew it

AN: I don't know about you, but for me it's felt like ages since I last published here. Fortunately, now I have finished the 5th and final arc.

So here it is:


Rebirth and reincarnation, two sides of the same coin, interwoven in a process of discovery and growth that lead to one outcome: Ascension. To become one with the universe, to attain godhood.

But…to what purpose?

Why would any universe need so many gods for? Why create a system where mortal beings, with all their faults and flaws, can become all-powerful?

Is there a reason for this chaos?

Those are the questions my mind has been going over for who knows how long.

Long enough for my children to grow and have children of their own.

Long enough to see an empire crumble to dust and another rise from the ashes.

Long enough, that seasons mean nothing.