III: Allies. Part 1

Having only seen my brother’s room from the outside, I had always wondered how it would be. Would it resemble my beloved’s at his parent’s house? I had once gone in there to aid him in packing some items before we moved in together, and it was orderly, despite his bookshelf appearing cluttered with all the books and figurines he had accumulated over the years.

When I stepped into my brother's room, I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips: most of his room was spotless, save for the right side of his bed, where he had piled hundreds of paper notes next to the wall. Some figured sketches and diagrams; other with disconnected words, and there was even one with the letters ‘WHO?’ written in red. Under this tag were many sketches of different things, from demons to dragons and even people with dragon heads and wings.

Apparently, all men were alike.

Wei placed my brother on his bed and the boy beckoned me forward, to a seat provided by his servant.