Chapter seventeen: More than a little girl.

"Hey, Iris what are you doing?" I could hear Malik talking to me but at this point I didn't even know what I was doing. I tried so hard to reel my wolf in but apparently I was intent on conveying my displeasure. It's no secret I was startled but she oh she was mad I could feel the anger radiate and course through my veins.

I stood above Malik in my wolf form my paws on his shoulders holding him down. As I growled, his eyebrow went up.

"Are you mad?" He asked and I mentally rolled my eyes gee I wonder why else I would shift. "You know if you want me to be more careful you have to be more specific, you can just tell me, not that it would change anything but you could still tell me you can't watch me be hurt." He smirked, I don't think he understands that I can't talk in my wolf form unlike his stupid pack of abnormally strong wolves.

I growled again and stomped into his shoulder harder, it didn't faze him, like I said I was a really small wolf and for the first time it was embarrassing. Then his eyes widened "oh I'm sorry- " as soon as I heard those words I was able to gain back control and began to shift back cutting the apology short.

He stood up immediately I got of him and by the time I was human again and naked he wrapped me in a blanket.

"That was embarrassing" I huffed.

He smiled "I almost forgot that only this pack of wolves could speak in their wolf state, I wonder if other packs can remember the stuff they do as wolves?"

"I vividly remember, and no, each pack has its different qualities" I retorted.

I turned to the den, it seems he already dismissed the wolves, great I wouldn't want to be more mortified than I am right now. With the pitiful size of my wolf, I don't think I can look anyone in the eye right now.

"Come on there is somewhere else that we need to go" he picked me up bridal style and began to walk away with me into the woods.

"Oh please I think I have been embarrassed enough for a day" I groaned.

"Don't worry you'll like it."

"I doubt that."

"Don't argue please just let this happen okay?" He looked down at me and I grinned.

"You know I can't do that."

He returned the grin, "not that it changes anything."

Challenge accepted.

"Lemme go!!" I screamed and wiggled in his arms.

"Stop that!" He yelled at me, and of course, I didn't.

"You're gonna fall." He cautioned.

"Oh, a whole mighty alpha can't hold a small tiny girl wriggling a little?" I scoffed.

He smirked "you and I know you are more than just a small girl" he gripped my ass, I jumped and pulled away grabbing his shirt along, you wouldn't guess my timing we slipped and fell down a landing, and my luck, the blanket got caught in some of the branches as I fell I was stark naked... in the dirt.

"Ouch!" I curled into a ball on the floor, again?

Malik got up with a serious look on his face it was quite obvious that he was annoyed, then as if on instinct, he turned to the sound of water.

"Iris," he said very seriously "I wouldn't be so forgiving next time, and the only reason I'm not going to get mad at you is that in some twisted way we have actually reached our destination."

"Well, I lost the blanket on the way down" I murmured knowing he could clearly hear me.

"And? You have legs right?" He snapped.

"Bu-but I'm naked" I whined.

His eyebrow went up and he put his large arms on his waist as if to say 'so what'

I stared up at him, I needed him to get me the blanket there was only one thing I could say to make him actually go and get it for me.

"I'm sorry" I looked at the ground.

He sighed and began to walk back up the hill.

I looked in the direction he stared into as well, the sound of rushing water was very distinct, I got up and walked until I saw a little clearing and the most beautiful waterfall, it was amazing. So this was the Valrose. It was a legend, there was a whole story behind it but I couldn't really remember exactly, all I knew was that when an Alpha is very old and about to retire he is brought here, then the new Alpha and the old jump in, the old doesn't come back out.

It's a really old tradition, I don't think any pack still does I even thought it was a myth, I didn't know it really existed.

I walked further until I saw a mat on the floor beside the river, with all my favorite things.

"Oh my Gosh."

"You like?" Malik draped the blanket over me

I screamed and turned around clutching it tightly.


"You like it right?"

Yes "me? No, eww, yuck" I walked quickly and sat on the mat.

My hands itched to grab the sundae begging to be in my belly, but I just couldn't let him know that I was actually pleased. Besides this had to be a dirty trick, I can't trust him.

"What are you playing at" I eyed him cautiously as he sat opposite me.

"Can't prepare nice things for my mate?"

"I don't know can you?"

"Well apparently" he motioned to the food and the environment.

"Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble sir, but I'm not that easy. A few sandwiches, chocolates, and a sundae won't do it. You're too much work."

He sighed "so I can't just want some time with you before you leave?"

That hit me, I have been trying to ignore the gnawing feeling eating at me all morning, I will not lie I was terrified, what I was about to do was hands down dangerous and somehow I wished I could refuse but now it's not only about the pup, my freedom depends on this, Aria's freedom depends on this. And even with all I still felt hurt that he chose the pup over me. It's not fair to think that way but you can't really blame me, I am meant to be everything and he went and got a child with someone else. Now I have to save the pup. It hurt I won't lie. I was so mad at him, for putting me in such an uncomfortable situation.

"It's good that you've already accepted that I'm leaving this place."

He growled silently. We both stared at the waterfall for a while not saying anything.

"So about today-" Malik broke the silence

"I only shifted because my wolf was distressed when she saw you fighting all those wolves like that, and I couldn't control her," I said immediately.

"Oh, so you were worried about me" I could clearly hear the humor In his voice, he was teasing me, and while a blush crept up my cheek, I needed to make things clear.

"You seem to misunderstand, my wolf, not me, I don't care about you or anything that concerns you for that matter, in fact, you can dive straight down from the water fall, and die I wouldn't give a shit."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled "what have I ever done to you that you'd hate me so much, huh? For crying out loud I am your mate."

"Like I give a shit, and what have you done to me? Do you forget you almost killed Aria twice, even after I begged you, not to mention you starving me, and all the times you hit me?" I was angry "not to mention the fact that-" I paused, I couldn't say it out loud it just seemed wrong, the fact that he was having a pup with another wolf. It made my insides boil.

"What fact?!" He yelled "you are so obnoxious and proud, and that nasty mouth of yours, just who the hell do you think you are? Huh, so special? Your nothing but a scam, I could literally have anyone I want so what the hell do you think you have that makes you act so high and mighty " he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. Both our eyes had changed color and it was obvious we were both pushing back.

I snatched my arm away and got up, "you know what, fuck you."

I turned around and began to walk back to the pack, I was so done here. There was no doubt in my heart anymore. I was going to save the pup no matter the consequence. Anything would be better than staying here.