Chapter 15

[Sira's P.O.V]

"Hey." I turned to see Alpha Monroe smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

When did he become all nice?

"Good evening Alpha Monroe."

"Evening Sira."


He didn't just nod! He answered my greeting. Wow ! Impressive

I glanced at him and saw he was nervous about something.


"Do you want anything?" I asked and he nodded.

"Actually, Jenny is out and I am bored. I was thinking if we could play a little game , I know it's surprising but please don't say no" huh?

"Alpha Monroe"

"Please Sira" he pouted and I sighed.

"Fine" at least this is the first time he's asked me for such a thing.

It's surprising although.

I shrugged it off.

We sat down and he faced me excitedly . Is he really okay?

"You drink right?" He asked and I shot him a confused stare.

"I ..I..mean, alcohol you know." he said, stuttering a little.

"Oh well! Trust me I do but I behave very terribly when I am drunk " I replied sincerely.