Five (a)

"Mr. Warren Miller." She replied.

"Ohh!" Why does the name seem familiar to me? Where did I hear the name before?

"Oops! Warren Miller was our boss' dad's name. Actually our new boss nam......" She was cut off in her midst when the door of my office was opened by one blonde girl.

"Sorry mam, I am here to get Miss. Hamen." I nodded my head at her. Then she glanced towards Juliet who seemed to be in her deep thought.

"Mr. Miller has arrived and soon our new boss will be here. He is asking about the arrangement and looking for you." The blonde informed her.

"Yeah!! Everything okay. Anyway, I will confirm once again." With that, she stood from her place. Nodding her head, the blonde walked out of my office.

"Bye see you later!" She waved and half ran out of my office. She is so sensitive when it comes to working, I can sense it.

Between the rough situations of the appearance of our new boss, I managed a call to Sweety's teacher and told her about Sweety's complaint. It's s good to know that she really cares about the situation and even promised me to take care of everything. Somehow, I feel more relaxed but the worry still there. Now I wonder why I grew up like that. If it's not for the genes, Sweety may never have any troubles nor invited herself into trouble.

"Mam! our boss is looking for you." The same blonde girl who came earlier to call Juliet informed me right after I cut the call with Sweety's teacher. "Oh! Has he arrived? Too soon." I said to her and put my phone inside the purse.

She shook her head. "No. Our new boss hadn't arrived yet. It's his dad asking for you." She replied politely.

"Oh, okay." I managed to say a word to her before cursing myself to hell. "Shit!"Juliet told me to attend the ceremony function yesterday. How did I forget that?

"Ok!... I will come." I told her, with that we both left my office.

"Here, Mr. Miller." She pointed her finger towards the old man who looked like 'handsome man ever' even at the age of sixty. When he saw me he gestured for me to come over. Hesitantly, I walked towards him but his next motion took me off the complete awe. He, the man, who owns this company, hugged me politely as I was related to his blood.

"So, you are Miss. Kader, right?" Mr. Miller asked me and gave me a fatherly look. It makes me warm and feels comfortable.

"Yes, I am." I bestowed him a small answer.

"Hmm... I am glad to see you, my dear. Smith has told me more about you and your arrival here. And I am glad you have taken a good decision by coming here. Like dad like daughter." He praised me which made me furrow my brow. Has he not known that Mr. Smith is not my real father?

"Honggg!!" A heavy peep sound distracted me from my own thoughts.

"Let's go! I think he has arrived." I nodded my head and walked beside him.

Once we reached the entrance, I witnessed that most of the employees were gathering outside; I can tell all of them are very eager to welcome their new boss, that kinda prevented me to see our new boss but his tall figure which stood almost 6.3' fell into my sight.

Payal approached me and handed me a bouquet of red roses. "He is so handsome and you are so lucky to greet him. Try to take a good look at him." She whispered and I raised my brows at her not understanding what she just said.

"Hmph--" She cleared her throat and adjusted her dress. "Everyone is dying to get his attention and here you get the chance to go near him." She flashed me a shy smile, her cheeks flushed with red.

"Payal!" I warned her in a whisper.

"Sorry, mam." She apologized in the same shy tone. God!! Teenagers and their hormones! I shook my head.

I heard lots of best wishes and applause from the crowd and it’s my turn to give him a bouquet to welcome him to his new office. And when I was about to take a step, a person in front of me bent down that gave me a full view of my boss.

Lab tab... lab tab... lab tab.....I heard the rhythm of my heartbeat which is thumping heavily against my rib cage.

My body froze on the spot; it feels like I'm going to faint any time soon. There, standing with his whole almighty was none other than the person whom I hate with all my passion and never ever wanted to see him in my life who happens to be my new boss.

Kayish Miller.

He was smiling so broadly while I was standing here like a numb. How I am supposed to handle the situation?

No way in the hell I am going to greet him. And why the hell did I fall into this trap? "Mam, they are waiting," Payal whispered in my ears.

"Payal, please do me a favour." without having another thought I handed her a bouquet. For a while, she looked at me confusingly not getting the point behind my sudden mood swing. "I need to use the restroom, so please give him a bouquet and do all the formalities on behalf of me," I told her and rushed away not giving enough time for her to oppose.

Once I reached the restroom, I leaned on the wall and let out a long sigh. When I looked at the mirror I'm seeing my eyes were bloodshot and I don't know when did I start to cry.

I thought I was strong enough to handle him if I happen to meet him in the future and when it knocked on my door I broke down like an eggshell.

I wiped my tears and splashed the water over my face to let go of the tears' stain. Once again I leaned on the door and closed my eyes for a moment.

So, what now? Am I going to work under him as a project manager? My heart squeezes more when I realized there's no escape from this situation. It is a two years contract. Oh, God! I feel so helpless now. I pulled my hair out of frustration.

I tried to compose myself to face him. I will never let him know about Sweety, no matter what. For me, her dad died when she was born.

"Riya, are you there?" I heard Juliet's voice from the door. "Yeah! Wait a minute. I am coming!!" I said and opened the door.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She asked concern is evident in her voice. "Yeah, I am fine. Just a stomach bug." I told her but she was not convinced by my answer.

"Okay! Mr. Miller is looking for you and he is slightly angry when Payal greeted the boss instead of you."

I heard my heartbeat increasing rapidly inside my rib cage. "Shall we go?" She asked.

"Huh." I looked at her not knowing what to say. "Hmm yeah, we- yes." I managed the answer and we both headed to Mr. Miller's office. Once he saw us he waved his hand and Juliet left the room. O..oh... I guess I am in trouble now.

"I'm really disappointed with you, Riya. I told you to welcome my son, not a rare receptionist," He said harshly. His sweet moments were gone and he is giving me an angry look, there's no hint of warm acceptance he had given me before.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Miller. Some emergency call, that's why I wasn't able to make it there on time." I struggled to make an excuse.

"What emergency? It won't wait for a minute, huh?" He snapped. I don't know whether to be angry nor be patient with him and when I was about to answer, a door opened and someone entered the room.

"Dad! I didn't expect this from you!" An angry voice roared from behind me and once again I froze on the spot.
