
~~~Past Wind~~~

It's been a year since we were in the terms of a good friendship zone. I could say our relationship is not just a friendly thing, but one step ahead. If anyone had told me that I would fall for him in the future, I would have laughed at them. But now there is no place for such a thing cause I feel something for him.

Does he feel the same about me? I have no idea.

Sometimes, he plays the role of my bodyguard. No one in my college dared to ask me out for a date, it's all because of him. They are afraid of him.

Well.. All the credits go to him because of him, I'm still single.

But the fact is, he is not doing any kind of relationship with anyone till now. Most of the time I have teased him about this but he said he has no more interest in any blind date and stopped them already. It looks like he is waiting for his true love.

Is that supposed to me? Ahh! My stupid unconscious mind!!!

In the corner of my heart, I have a feeling that he has fallen for me but was it true? Oh, God! The thing is so confusing. I shook my head and focused on my books.

Currently, I'm sitting in the library waiting for him. He promised me to tutor the mathematics which I have an exam tomorrow.

I flipped the page one by one trying to figure out what was inside it. But I couldn't understand even a single line. It likes my brain is an empty eggshell and always it acts when it comes to mathematics.

First of all who found this mathematics? Of course, it would be one of the serial killers who would have invented mathematics enough to create a mental issue for poor students like me. Don't ask me how single math can bring mental issues to someone because I don't know about others, but for me, I had a history with mathematics. Poor me!!. I curled my hair using the tip of my pen and played with them.

I glanced at my wristwatch and furrowed my brows. Why didn't he show up yet? I frustratingly pulled out my hair.

"Riya! Riya! Are you there?" I heard my friend Claire calling my name. "Oh God, Riya." She halted in front of me once she saw me and gasped hardly to catch her breath. The furrow in my brows deepened. "What happened, Claire?" I asked.

"It... It's all about Kayish." she blurted out in one breath. "What happened to him, Claire?" I shook her shoulder. She let out a long breath and looked at me. Just in a second, my palm became to sweat.

"Riya, he has a fight with Ashton and got severely injured. They have admitted him to the hospital. I didn't hear about him after that." she informed me. I gulped down. Oh! Again this happened. It's all started because of me.

When I was in my basketball training, Ashton challenged me to play with him. We both played and I won in the end. From that day, he became to use harsh words towards me and bullied me.

When Kayish came to know about the bullies, he threatened him to stay away from me and even started a fight with him. And now he was ended up in the hospital.

"Where was he admitted? I found my voice is shaking.

"St. Alosiouse Hospital." She breathed out. Okay... it's twenty minutes' walking distance from the college. I will reach quickly if I use my bike with that I ran out of the library as how fast I could.

One hour later, I reached the hospital where he has admitted. The receptionist gave me his room no and I hesitantly turned the doorknob thinking whether to enter or not.

How will he react once he sees me? I don't want him to start another fight for me. I covered my face with the concealer and tried my best not to freak out.

A burning sensation in my cheek causing me a heavy pain where he slapped me and my head is pounding so hard from time to time.

Finally, I opened the door with a trembling hand and entered his room. A gasp escaped from my mouth and the tears pooled down through my cheeks.

He has a bandage on his abdomen which has a bloodstain on it. His right upper eye has a small cut that ended up to his eyebrow.

Once he saw me, his body relaxed and he gave me a weak smile. Returning the same gesture, I helped him to sit on the bed.

"I'm glad you are okay." He whispered.

"I'm fine Kayish, don't worry about me," I reassured him. He breathed out and cupped my face. When his hand contacted my skin, I slightly flinched and backed away.

He furrowed his brows. "What happened, Riya?" He inquired.

"Nothing Kayish." I faked a small smile.

Please don't ask me further. Please, please, please!!

"It's better to spit the truth, Riya" he partially shouted. I gulped down and looked away. I have no choice. He is going to find out in one or another way.

He abruptly stood from the place but flinched with pain. "Kayish, please calm down. I will tell you, please." I cried.

"If it has anything do with him, of course, he will die." he practically shouted at me.

"Please calm down." I cried and buried my head on his chest. He patted my back with his hand. "Okay... I will listen."

I inhaled deeply and started to explain what happened in the college when I went to get my Scooty from the parking area and how he vandalized Kayish's car and slapped me when I tried to pushed him away.

I sobbed hardly on his chest. Somehow he seemed calm and I know it's not a good sign at all.

He muttered something under his breath that was incoherent to hear. I looked into his baby blue eyes while he wiped my tears with his thump.

"Does it hurt badly?" he asked with concern. I shook my head. "No, I'm fine Kayish." I lied. He nodded his head.

I wonder did he inform the incident to his parents. From what I've known about him is, he is not fond of his parents and I haven't seen him speaking to his parents on the phone either.

He said he has one elder sister who is very close to him and he loves her more than anyone. Otherwise, I didn't hear him talking about his family.

"Please stay with me," he asked when I was about to get up from the bed. I smiled at him and said, "Whether you ask me or not, I'm not going to leave this place."

His face lit up with happiness. All his worries were washed away.

The whole night I stayed with him just laying my head on his chest and cuddling him. He wrapped a hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him not wanting to let me go.

I enjoyed his heartbeat and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The next day, when I entered the college, Ashton came into my view and a gasp escaped from my mouth. Oh, God!! He looks horrible.

Whenever he tried to take a step forward, he flinched with pains. It seems he was forced to do this. But why?

I stood there where I was because I know he is walking towards me. When he reached me, he kneeled in front of me and pressed both his hands together.

"He- hey! What are you doing?" My voice shuttered.

"I'm Sorry Riya, Please save me otherwise he will kill me," he whispered. His face was severely injured and some open wounds were already formed.

Then I saw Kayish walking towards us holding a Cricket bat in his hand; the bat was covered with a red stain. I covered my mouth with my hand. Oh My God! Did he hit him with this?

He then grabbed his shoulder and threw a punch on his face. As an outcome, Ashton fell on the ground groaning with pain.

"Last time I didn't send your life to hell because I made her a promise-" Blue eyes pierced through my soul which made me gulp down. "That I won't fight with you and I even allowed you to hit me however you want." His eyes held so much anger and fury.

"Because I thought you will leave her alone but you didn't. You motherfucker dared to touch her and slapped her. Didn't you?" He said while looking at him and another punch landed on his already bruised face.

"Kayish No." I took one step forward but his one glare made me stop on my spot.

"You know what? you did a wrong move by touching my girl and now I am going to reward you." He held his jaw and tightened his grip.

Kayish! Please don't do this. I prayed silently.

Ashton groaned in pain. Then I noticed a red stain on Kayish's shirt. Oh my God! He is bleeding.

"Kayish enough." I ran towards him and held his hand. Immediately, he put his arm around my shoulder for his support and I felt his entire weight on me.

All the students were gathered around us but no one dared to stop him. He is a Lion when he gets angry.

"Listen, everybody!" he yelled and threw the bat on the floor. "If anyone dares to touch the strand of her hair--" He yanked me very close towards him as if possible he could glue me to his body. "I will never show them any mercy." His tone held the authority to show who was in charge.

Then he glanced towards Ashton. "It's my last time I'm letting you go and don't ever dream of it again, I will kill you." He kicked his stomach one last time before I interrupted him.

"You are bleeding, come on! Let’s go to the hospital." I grabbed his hand and led him to his car. Truth to be told, I was terrified of him at that moment.
