Thirty four

It's been a week since I've started to get a continuous headache. Sometimes I wanted to take my head off my body and keep it away until I feel good, but it's not possible. No wonder why the human mind is thinking immortal things.

I'm getting so many pressures inside my pretty brain.

And to my relief, Claire makes her visit two days once. She is so fond of Sweety. She even asked me to take Sweety out with her which I gladly accepted. But when they returned to my apartment, she said she never going to have children, not anytime soon. Her facial reaction was hilarious.

Silly girl.

I shook my head and flipped the page one by one and marked the round with my pencil where I found the errors, deciding let them correct it on later as I'm not in the right mind to correct the bug.

Suddenly, Sweety's voice got my attention. Don't tell me she is here but it sounds real. I get up from my seat and opened the door to find any trace of her but no, she is not here.