"Come on, let's eat." Claire jumped in front of us and dragged me away from my Romeo.
We went to the patio where the mouthwatering food is being served. I filled my plate with grilled Turkey, buffalo wings, mac, and cheese, crispy potato, Nuggets, and grabbed a glass of chocolate milk.
Claire eyed my plates weirdly. "Girl, look at your plate." Ignoring her nasty comment, I walked away and took the place where Mom Daisy is feeding Sweety.
"Hi, mom." I greeted and started to eat my meal. It took 30 minutes to empty my plates.
"Riya, go and talk to them." Mom Daisy Nudged my shoulder gesturing me to talk to Kayish's mother. I didn't get the chance to engage in the proper conversation with her in my entire life.
"But mom I-" I suppressed my lips.
"No but." She narrowed her eyes at me.
"Don't be mad at me, I'm going." I raised my hand as a surrender and walked towards them.
"Hi Rachel, how are you?" I hugged her.
"Fine, Riya." She gave me a polite smile.