
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Four

An uneasy expression crawled across Enzo's face. His lips drooped and his eyes went dull. At least he wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t know what Matt was talking about.

Enzo dragged a hand across his mouth again, his hand coming away smeared with blood. “I know it won’t mean much, but I’m sorry.” he said.

Matt exploded at him. Enzo didn’t even try to defend himself. He went down on the floor and this time he didn’t get up.

“Sorry? You’re sorry?" Matt yelled. "You tried to rape her. You lied to me about her. What the hell is wrong with you? She was the woman I was going to marry. Why would you do something like that?”

“Mom,” Enzo said in a weary voice.

Matt took a step back, stunned. “Mom? Mom put you up to this?” he asked.

Enzo dragged himself only up enough to lean against the living room wall and he put a hand through his hair, his expression weary and defeated.