Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight

It was nice how he could feel enthusiastic about a garden. Penny thought.

"Carrots," he added, with a satisfied nod. "And silverbeet. That was always here. Huge bunches of it."

"Maybe there’s still some hiding."

"I doubt anything’s lasted under this carpet of weeds." he replied.

But Jeremy struck gold in the very last cor-ner of the overgrown patch when their efforts had brought them close enough to be working together.

"Don’t pull that one out," Penny exclaimed.

"That’s rhubarb…"

Dropping her fork in her excitement, she stumbled over the rough earth to pull the veil of sticky biddi bid weeds from the huge, dark green leaves beneath. Joey reached in to help her but it didn’t stop her singlet from getting covered with the tiny green seed balls.

Joey even got some in his hair, which already looked the most dishevelled Penny had ever seen it look. With those tawny streaks to the shagginess, it reminded her of a lion’s mane.