Chapter Three Hundred and Fourty

"Okay," Matt said. "Let me start over then. Hi, my name is Matt Bradford, and I didn't really want to go to the bathroom" He said it like he was in one of those "talk about your feelings classes" and Savannah smiled.

"Yeah I figured" Savannah said, the laughter had reached her eyes now, it shone and all Matt could think about was how beautiful her smile was. She laughed again, a rich, throaty, uninhibited sound.

He smiled. Screw it. He thought..

When was the last time he'd had sex? Jeez, he couldn't remember. It had been a while. While women threw themselves at him, especially because of his financial status, it would be really easy to pick up any woman he wanted. But that just wasn't the way he was wired. But right now, as he stared at this woman, he was having thoughts. Really wild thoughts. When was the last time he met a woman who made him feel this way? It had been a long time ago... And he definitely wasn't going to let her go.