Chapter 6 Fetus Diary

Qiu Yunwei was frightened, she was fine when she planted on the ground, but now there is a cub in her belly.

But she didn't fall to the ground, she was held up by someone at the very moment.

It wasn't the person who bumped into her just now, that person ran forward in a hurry, and now the person holding Qiu Yunwei held her steadily, even though she had gained a lot of weight, this person's arms were very strong.

But before Qiu Yunwei was relieved to thank the man, the man let go of him, and said, "You help her." He also jumped forward, at the speed of a cheetah, and Qiu Yunwei just watched. Arrived at the back of a military uniform.

Qiu Yunwei guessed that she was unlucky enough to collide with someone else's arrest. Fortunately, it didn't cause serious consequences. If she was planted so hard on this hard ground, she wouldn't dare to think about it.

But it's not very good now. Qiu Yunwei grabbed the young man who was left to support her and said, "I think I need to go to the hospital."

The young man in military uniform supported the pregnant Qiu Yunwei like an enemy: "Well, where are you uncomfortable? Can you stop? Can you go? The car will come here."

The stomach hurts, the feet hurt, and the feet should be stuck. If Qiu Yunwei is not a pregnant woman, the man in military uniform can now straighten her weak feet, but now he doesn't dare to get started.

After going to the hospital for a while, Qiu Yunwei wanted to stay in the hospital temporarily. After all, there was no one at home to take care of her, but she had to go home thinking of the few delicate plants at home that had hoped for her.

It is also very difficult.

Qiu Yunwei thanked the man in uniform for allowing him to ignore himself, and go to himself if he should be busy. Just watched them in the task, and don't delay others too much.

This man in military uniform, Bi Shan, clicked on the Xingbrain terminal a few times, knowing that the action there had been successfully completed, and after a slight smile, he said to Qiu Yunwei, who was having difficulty walking, "I'll take you back."

Qiu Yunwei was very grateful to him, but she couldn't do anything other than verbal thanks. She couldn't do anything here if she wanted to bring some fruit to eat.

It was the first time for a visitor at home, and I could only offer someone a glass of water, which made Qiu Yunwei very embarrassed. Bi Shan hurriedly asked Qiu Yunwei to sit down, "I'll do it myself." Looking at Qiu Yunwei's The belly is full of awe.

Bi Shan sent the person to him, and their leader came to pick him up and they could leave. Bi Shan's leader was a man who was very deterrent, with his own coldness, and he would think in his heart when he saw him, and suddenly became cautious. , The first thing I noticed is this stunning temperament, like a sharp and sharp sword, and people ignore his appearance.

But if you look closely, you will find that this person is actually very handsome, with a tall nose, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a military uniform, and slender legs.

Although this popularity is intriguing, Qiu Yunwei has a good impression of him and is not afraid, perhaps because of the uniform he wears. He has a good impression and trust in the group of people wearing it before. She used to have different military uniforms in the world, but she still feels good to those who wear them.

Just like if the two men at home were replaced by two other men, Qiu Yunwei would probably be defensive in her heart, but not now, besides, this person should be the one who held her in that moment and didn't make her fall. ?

Thinking of this, Qiu Yunwei thanked this person again.

Li Ze's gaze swept across Qiu Yunwei's belly quickly, and said: "No, I scared you back then, sorry."

This person said sorry, but the tone was hard, but Qiu Yunwei didn't mind, and said hurriedly: "No, it's not me that you hit me, and I don't know right from wrong. I have troubled you too much today. ."

Li Ze nodded.

They also didn't intend to sit more with this woman, but Bi Shan hesitated when he was about to leave: "Is the child's father not at home?"

With his eyesight, he didn't find traces of the second person's life in this house, and Qiu Yunwei's appearance made people look very uneasy.

Hearing Bi Shan's reckless words, Li Ze frowned slightly, but did not see any negative emotions on Qiu Yunwei's face. Qiu Yunwei calmly said: "His father died unexpectedly."

This is a consistent rhetoric to the outside world in the future.

Bi Shan immediately apologized, and said: "You can write down my communication number. If you need help, you can find me. I can come over during breaks."

Seeing Qiu Yunwei's Shui Lingling eyes come over, he flushed immediately and said, "I, I have no other meaning."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and interrupted Bi Shan's embarrassment: "Okay, thank you." Of course she knew that this shy-looking soldier had no other meaning.

Bi Shan actually disappeared completely after she left the courtyard of Qiu Yunwei's house. Don't look at her shy appearance in front of Qiu Yunwei, but she is actually an outstanding soldier with outstanding ability, otherwise she can't follow Li. Ze, he is easy to be shy and shy in front of girls.

After Bi Shan got in the car, he began to sigh with emotion: "The girl was very young, only in her 20s. The child's father died unexpectedly. It is not easy for her to be alone."

For interstellar people in their 20s, they are very young. Although they can get a marriage certificate, few people get married at this age.

Hearing Zeshan's emotions, Li Ze didn't say a word. He just thought of the girl's full eyes, smiling lips, and slender body but her belly, a pair of sword eyebrows frowned slightly.

But Bi Shan did not see this change in expression. He only saw that their heads were as strong as a mountain and as hard as a rock. Their heads were not good chat partners. It was okay for him to fight against the enemy. Killing the gods, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and defeats all enemies under his battleship.

As for other soft things that belong to humans, it is difficult to see them in their heads.

After Li Ze and the others left, Jian Fei, who had been listening to the movement outside, also relaxed. He was not like Qiu Yunwei and was not wary of strangers, but Jian Fei did not move this time. He was afraid of Qiu Yunwei. It will be shocked because of fetal movement.

Although Qiu Yunwei was uncomfortable walking, she insisted on taking care of the seedlings carefully the next day, and did not dare to be lazy at all.

Jian Fei could hear Qiu Yunwei's tossing back and forth, and it was inconvenient to walk around, so she frowned again without knowing it.

"Today, I will tell the baby the story of the adventures of the black mane beast. A black mane beast and the reed flower and bird are good friends on Sina. One day the black mane beast's good friend reed flower and bird fell ill, and only grows deepest in the sky. Only a kind of colorful glowing fish can save him..."

When Qiu Yunwei reads the story, she is gentle and gentle, not eager nor slow, and has the power to soothe people's hearts and calm down the mood.

Jian Fei moved her ears. She could read such a naive story with great voice. She didn't know if it was for him or she liked to listen to it. She actually laughed while reading it herself, a child. Reading material She was immersed in it by herself as an adult, reading with gusto.

They are all made up and deceptive stories, like the blackmane beasts. They are not kind and cute as written in the book. Although they are fluffy, they are actually kind of animals with sharp teeth, bullying and fearing hard. These girls will be smooth because of them. The slippery fur and the intriguing fawning wagging the tail likes them.

In such a voice, the councillor gradually fell asleep. Well, this voice has a good hypnotic effect.

The Lord of the Council sleeps well for a while. There are many things in the past life, and his mind is always turning around. When he is asleep, he is also alert. Now he is a trapped fetus, but he sleeps with unprecedented ease and sweetness.

Qiu Yunwei was very inconvenient to move in these two days, but only after these two days, Qiu Yunwei's foot injury healed, perhaps because the injury was mild, or because the medicine here was good. As for the communication number of Bi Shan stored in Xing's brain, Qiu Yunwei naturally did not bother him.

The foot injury is healed, and Qiu Yunwei is in a good mood. However, Qiu Yunwei touched her belly, "Why haven't the baby been moving in these two days?"

There is no movement at all, which makes Qiu Yunwei a little worried. Although the basic data of the robot detection at home is normal, Qiu Yunwei is still not at ease. She has no experience at all, and there is no experienced person around her. She is always worried that it will be with her. When you don't know, what will happen to the fetus in the belly.

"Let's go to the hospital." Qiu Yunwei frowned.

Jian Fei clenched her small fist and wanted to stretch her small fist forward, but only moved forward a little bit, Qiu Yunwei didn't feel anything.

Jian Fei hesitated, and then the stiff body finally turned over cautiously. This time, Qiu Yunwei finally felt the movement in her belly and her eyes bend.

But still decided to go to the hospital to see, Jian Fei also heard Qiu Yunwei say him: "The baby is a lazy baby."

Jian Fei wanted to refute but couldn't help but hum.

There is no problem with the examination in the hospital. The doctor also saw many pregnant women who were so nervous about having a baby for the first time, and they said a few more words to reassure them.

Qiu Yunwei returned home and put a photo of the baby this time, "Perhaps we should write a diary for us now, and we will have something to look at when we grow up."

The photos of the cubs have become clearer and clearer, with little hands, hands and feet, but the sex of the cubs has been blurred.

Although there is no patriarchal phenomenon in the Interstellar Age, there are many female elites in various industries. The current president of the Star Alliance, the leftist of the empire, and the famous chief of staff of the Federation are all women, but although there is no patriarchy. However, it is inevitable that pregnant women or fathers-to-be will have personal preferences, so the gender of the fetus is still not allowed to be informed in advance.

When Qiu Yunwei said that she would write a diary for the cub, she really started to write, sometimes she wrote a little more, but sometimes she only wrote down one sentence one day.