Chapter 12 Names

Qiu Yunwei posted a few snapped photos of the baby today, and wrote down the weight that the baby weighed today. By the way, as well as the height, Qiu Yunwei got up again from the bed to get a ruler.

Jian Fei looked helpless and extremely helpless. Didn't you measure it all yesterday? What is the difference between yesterday and today?

That's not how it is said. How about 2cm longer than when it was first born? As for yesterday, er, Qiu Yunwei measured and measured it, maybe it was 3mm longer? But it is more likely to be a measurement error.

Jian Fei was helpless, but who made him young? You can only toss as Qiu Yunwei loves to toss. After the tossing, the forehead is tweeted loudly.

Jian Fei didn't even make a protest this time. He was numb and just let her go.

There are still stories to read before going to bed. Qiu Yunwei encircles Jian Fei's little cub in one hand, and holds the story book in the other. This is the third story book she has exchanged. Qiu Yunwei will be available on the market. I bought a large stack of storybooks and set up a stack of bookshelves.

It has become a habit to fall asleep with the sound of reading. Such a naive story is actually not attractive to Jian Fei, but this kind of language adjustment is too hypnotic, and Jian Fei's cubs slowly fall asleep.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, with an arm still around his side, Jian Fei didn't move.

If ordinary babies should be howling and crying at this time, the troubled parents can't sleep well, every baby is a little angel and a little devil's, but Qiu Yunwei has never had such an experience, so she didn't think of little cubs. Difficult, she sleeps sweetly every day.

I couldn't see Qiu Yunwei's appearance in the dark, and Jian Fei cub fell asleep again after being surrounded by a peaceful room.

Jian Fei Xiao Zai Zai has grown up a bit, and has not been sick. The weather was good this day and there was no wind outside. Qiu Yunwei dressed Little Zai Zai and hugged him out.

When I meet acquaintances on the road, I often say a few more words, "It's been a long time since Xiaoqiu, this is your baby, it looks so cute."

"A boy or a girl?"

Qiu Yunwei held the baby and stopped to say a few words, but when asked about the baby's name, "It's just playing, I haven't decided yet."

Qiu Yunwei is now a baby, baby, screaming cubs, but she has a lot of thoughts about naming her.

Just haven't entangled which one to choose.

But Jian Fei is anxious every time Qiu Yunwei struggles with those names. You can know Qiu Yunwei's naming ability only by looking at the name of the robot at home.

If it wasn't for a robot at home that had called Xiaoyi, Jian Fei's name would have been called eleven. It would not be the same as Xiaoyi for the robot, but the only meaning, treasure.

The pile of names listed are all in a straightforward style, even like a baby, Beibei is on it, and the others are like treasures, palm beads.

This caused Jian Fei to shudder. When he met the Lord Councillor who could calmly face everything, when he thought of waiting for him to grow up, a big man would be called by people, jewels, and he immediately felt chills all over his body.

Now it's fine to be called by Qiu Yunwei so baby, but if you formally use the name, this is definitely not good.

This must not go with her.

This is in principle and cannot make concessions.

When Qiu Yunwei wrote a few more pens on the paper that day, and then began to turn the pens with a sad face, Jian Fei knew that she was naming him again, and immediately waved her little hand and screamed.

Until she was hugged in her arms, Jian Fei wouldn't let her walk around in her arms, so her small body kept leaning towards the table with great strength.

Qiu Yunwei hurriedly hugged him tightly, fearing that he would fall, but Jian Fei Xiaozai himself was not afraid at all, and still waved his arms, which obviously meant that he was going to the table.

When he reached the table, he used his small claws to grab the dictionary lying on the table.

"Baby want to play this? Okay, let's watch it together."

"What name does the baby want?"

Jian Fei only scratches and plays with paper pages. When Xiao Zai Zai is rarely mischievous, Qiu Yunwei does not hold him back. When Jian Fei encounters a certain word, she will ask Bao Er if she wants to call her this name. , Do you like that word?

It was in the middle of Jian Fei's arms that he flipped and flipped, as if finally tired, his little hand covered the word Fei and stopped moving.

Qiu Yunwei looked at the word between Xiaozai's fingers and said, "Our baby wants to be called Qiu Feibao, or Qiu Baofei?"

Originally turned to the familiar word "Fei", Jian Fei Zai Zai, who was satisfied and anticipating, stiffened.

Why are you still having trouble with the word Bao?

Jian Fei Xiaozai, who originally thought that Qiu Fei would work, had to rest on Fei's page long enough and then continue to turn back. When turning to the simplified characters, he did the same, yes, that's the word.

Both characters have been selected, Qiu Jianfei is just right, and quickly throw away the precious character.

But what I heard was, "Hey, my baby wants to be called Jian Bao, Jian Bao Jian Bao, Jian Bao, although it's pretty good, but isn't it too straightforward?

When Jian Fei Xiaoxiaozai heard Qiu Yunwei's words, his little head fell down, his heart was tired, and he called for money. Do you know it is straightforward?

Jian Fei also didn't think that he had to retrieve the name of the previous life, but he had to be normal, so he wouldn't get goose bumps when he heard it, right?

Why is it so hard to want a normal name?

Think about how his name came from when he was very young. When he was very young, he was a black house, and his name was not serious. The lame old man who picked him up always called him a bastard when he was being sent to him.

Although he was still young at the time, he vaguely knew that it was not a good word, but the people on that street called him like that lame old man. Even if the lame old man died, the name still followed him.

As for the name Jian Fei, he took it himself, and it was very simple when he took it. At that time, he was not young enough. Although he tried to learn a little simple words by stealth, he had never entered school and finally got into one. In the class, the teacher asked about the name. At that time, what they were teaching was the word Fei. As for Jian's surname, um, it was a word he saw in the textbook and recognized it.

It's that simple, it has no meaning, nor does it place anyone's expectations.

As for now, Qiu Yunwei always wants to give him a name that can show that he is a little baby, Jian Fei is only full of helplessness, really, not necessary.

Jian Fei scratched and scratched the small claws on the paper that Qiu Yunwei had marked with her name. The precious words one by one made his brain hurt.

The small claws scratched and scratched on the Fei character, this one, and the simplified character, this one also moved up, Jian Fei tried to grasp the pen in Qiu Yunwei's hand.

"Yeah, our baby wants to learn to write now?"

Little babies always like to imitate. Qiu Yunwei let go of the pen in her hand and let the little cubs play with her. The way she tried so hard to hold the pen in her hand is also very cute.

Jian Fei didn't have to pretend, his little hands could hardly control to draw the lines he wanted on the paper, that is, children's graffiti, finally moved the pen tip to Feibao's treasure, erased it, and then painted Fei Connected with Jian Zi, although the connection is crooked, but Jian Fei is already very tired.

Ahhhhhhhhh, look, these two are connected together, don't just add them.

"Fei Jian? Jian Fei?" Jian Fei's strong thoughts finally made Qiu Yunwei communicate with him for a moment, and at this moment he read the name he wanted.

Jian Fei immediately became loud and excited, and he hugged Qiu Yunwei's arm with both hands, and looked at Qiu Yunwei with black eyes, ah, ah, yes, yes, yes.

Whoops, being held by her own cubs like this is still an experience she has never had before. Qiu Yunwei's heart is about to melt, and then her mind has gone wrong, and she hugged her cubs, like something happy. .

Being hugged by the excited Qiu Yunwei, Jian Fei was tired.

I thought I could not succeed this time, but when Qiu Yunwei kissed Jian Fei with a cub|Xiang Wan, she said, "Jian Fei? Little Jian Fei? Qiu Jian Fei?"

"Ah!" Jian Fei's little head still clicked.

"Huh? Our baby really likes this name?" Qiu Yunwei chanted Qiu Jianfei several times, and she started to read it smoothly, and then asked Jianfei Zai, "Then we really call this? "

"Ah!" Just called this. In order to express his satisfaction, Jian Fei Cub Cub also betrayed his hue and smiled. His big dark, clear, watery eyes were curved to an arc, and the corners of his mouth were also raised, showing his teeth. Small gums.

Who can resist this innocent and pure baby smile? ! Anyway, Qiu Yunwei couldn't resist.

Qiu Yunwei exaggeratedly made a gesture of covering her chest, "Why are we cubs so cute?"

Uh, it took less than a minute to be cute, and the smile disappeared, because it is easier to drool and drool when the corners of the mouth are bent, so after a flash of laughter, Jian Fei cub closed his mouth again.