Chapter 14

In Jian Fei's vision, he placed this extremely powerful man in the same order of magnitude as himself. If he had been like this before, he would have to know him, and Jian Fei's face always felt faint. Familiarity, but then again, if the person he has met is still such a person, he should be able to recognize it.

But, let's not talk about it for now, the point is not this, the point is that now he is actually held by this man, and Jian Fei's small body is struggling to work out, and this can make Li Ze get into a mess.

Li Ze, who has always been calm, is holding such a soft doll, or a doll that is not honest and messy, and his forehead is sweating. He would rather go to the Canyon of the Undead in Laiwu Star for ten times, and he would be smaller than holding such a doll. Babies should be relaxed.

Panic flashed in her clear and cold eyes, and she looked to the side for help, but at this glance, the girl was smiling and she always felt a kind of teasing in it.

Well, Qiu Yunwei is not only laughing at Li Ze, a man who looks very cold, calm and self-sufficient. After taking over a baby, her arm is stiff, and her cold temperament is destroyed like a big enemy. She is also laughing at her family. Cub cub.

Her cub is also a calm baby. There is a kind of small baby, uh, Taishan collapsed in front of the front without changing the demeanor, but at this time, being held by another person, the small face is obviously resisting. , The whole little face wrinkled.

Ah, so cute!

This big and small, such a change made Qiu Yunwei find it very interesting.

So I watched it more unkindly, pretending that he didn't receive Li Ze's look for help, and pretending that he didn't receive the meaning of Jian Fei's cub withdrawing her body.

Qiu Yunwei smiled and squinted for a while, Jian Fei Zai Zai stretched out her two small arms and made a hug gesture. Now, Qiu Yunwei was hit and turned over.

How could she resist such a baby, and finally reached out to take the cub over, and happily bumped it twice, Li Ze also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

After playing like this for a while, Qiu Yunwei put Jian Fei's cub back in the stroller and pushed back.

Same as Li Ze, Qiu Yunwei asked him, "Where is your home?"

Li Ze pointed out, and Qiu Yunwei said, "Can I be a guest at my grandparents' house in the future?"

Li Ze nodded: "Yes." The old man would welcome young people to play. Li Ze said to Qiu Yunwei: "Li Ze, my name."

"Well, my name is Qiu Yunwei, and my baby is Qiu Jianfei."

This time, Qiu Yunwei did not follow to the house of Grandpa and Grandma Li Ze, but left at the intersection.

Go home separately, breastfeed the cubs, and talk to the cubs: "The big brother I saw today, do you like the cubs?"

"I don't know what our cubs grow up is like, do you have any handsome brothers?"

Jian Fei cub cub cub cub cub cub drinking milk, coldly snorted in his heart, young girls are just superficial, how can people look at their faces? In addition, he was also very handsome when he grew up, and was the man most wanted to marry by the judges of the Star Alliance.

"What the baby wants to do when he grows up is a great soldier. It's admirable, but it's also dangerous."

"Being a scientist? My sister is not an unenlightened parent. You can be so powerful. Mecha designer? Architect? Doctor?..."

Jian Fei Zai Zai's ears were Qiu Yunwei's vision for the future, she had already thought of the future so far...

She was thinking about his future.

Take Jian Fei Zai Zai to the hospital for vaccinations. In the hospital, the little girls are sobbing and crying. Qiu Yunwei turned Zai Zai's head to herself and covered his little ears, "Don't be afraid or not."

Jian Fei babbled, how could he be afraid.

But I don't know if it is because of the younger age and the weaker ability to bear it, or the cry of other dolls. When the needle pierced, he really made his body tremble, but he would definitely not cry when he cried.

But just such a tremor made Qiu Yunwei feel distressed, picked up the cub, and patted and slapped her hands on the little guy's back.

Jian Fei Zai Zai felt the comfort on his back, and put his face on Qiu Yunwei's shoulder. Well, it didn't hurt at all.

When I came out of the hospital, I didn't go home immediately. Instead, I wandered around the city center again. I saw a restaurant and brought my baby in.

There are also restaurants here, but they are expensive, very expensive, and not delicious. Very few people enter the restaurant to eat, so there are very few restaurants, that is, there are only a few shops in the city center of Capital Star.

Let Qiu Yunwei say that it is better to call it an experience store, but no one comes in to fill the stomach, all to experience the freshness.

Although it is expensive and not tasty, Qiu Yunwei has not filled her stomach with anything other than nutrients this year. Every day she wants to pull off the seedlings of the Chives Saplings at home and eat them raw. OK, I miss the previous three meals more and more.

People were in the blessing and didn't know the blessing at that time. Can you say that this can be the life of people now?

Qiu Yunwei ordered a dish, and when she brought it up, she slapped her with a large portion. Although it was mushy, it turned into a heart-to-heart shape, which seemed to be okay.

It's stated in the menu description just now that this is a kind of bone-toothed beast and Zephaniae. The cost of these two things is not that high. It is far not worth a thousand stars, but if you use a purifying agent, The cost went up all of a sudden.

The purifier is expensive, very, very expensive, and a little bit is added to these dishes, and the price rises sharply, but the purifier is to offset the bursting energy in the alien animal meat and alien plants. It is not good without this.

It is also because of this that the development of food culture here is very restricted, and it can even be said that it has not formed.

Just like this one, after Qiu Yunwei took a spoon and gave it to her mouth, her eyebrows wrinkled immediately.

Even the most unpalatable dark food in the school cafeteria in the past had to be resigned to the wind, and the tip of the tongue was cracked with bitter, numb, astringent, and weird sourness. Qiu Yunwei frowned and swallowed it down.

It might as well have no taste.

Looking around, there are a lot of people with wrinkled faces, but they are smiling and talking about the taste with their companions. It is really just like what I said before. It is better to say that this is an experience shop, to satisfy the curiosity of many people.

Just like before, there was a kind of snake grass water in Qiu Yunwei's world, and the drunk was said to be awful and weird, but the more you say this, the more you are curious to buy and taste.

The violent energy in Tougumon and Zehuanye is relatively small, and there are relatively few purifiers that need to be added. This is also the first consideration for other restaurants, but the taste of the two is really not flattering.

With a look of disgust, Qiu Yunwei hurriedly swallowed two sips of water, flushing the smell from her mouth, and then she saw her cubs looking at her and grinning at her.

"Ah, are you little guy laughing at your sister? Are you? Little bad guy, you don't usually laugh at you, but now he laughs at people."

Qiu Yunwei picked up the little guy and rubbed her face vindictively. This time Jian Fei's cub was giggling, itchy, itchy, and Qiu Yunwei's hair was swept around his neck.

This is the first time the little guy laughed like this, and the laughter was extremely sweet in Qiu Yunwei's ears.

Someone on the second floor not far away was coming out of the room to breathe air. When looking downstairs, he crashed into this picture. The girl smiled like a flower, and the little baby in her arms was the first time he saw him, smiling carefree.

The intimacy and warmth between the two make a small world of its own, and the others have become the background.

The man stared blankly for a while, until a female voice called him, "Brother Hanyu." Shao Hanyu looked back.

The author has something to say: the love of the happy little cuties is more than heart-to-heart~