Chapter 32

Today is the school day for the little baby in the family. Qiu Yunwei sent him to school. She had investigated and inquired about this kindergarten a long time ago. The reputation is good, and the teachers inside seem to be gentle and responsible.

Qiu Yunwei carried the small schoolbag to Xiao Jianfei, then knelt down and watched him teasing him: "Zizai, look at other children crying, are you not willing to give up to your mother?"

Jian Fei Zai Zai:...


But the naive had to coax, "I can't bear it, I'll call my mother at noon." Jian Fei Zai said and raised the child's star brain on his wrist.

Jian Fei Zai Zai said in a very milky voice, "I will go back this afternoon, mom, you are good at home."

These words made Qiu Yunwei and the kindergarten teachers who heard from the side very happy.

Jian Fei Zai Zai snorted, and there was a little smile in his eyes. He has mastered the skill of making Qiu Yunwei laugh.

Jian Fei felt that there was absolutely no problem with him going to kindergarten. As for other milk dolls who couldn't do without their parents crying, Jian Fei despised them.

This group of children are all contagious when they cry. The magic sounds are piercing their ears and they have big noses. The councillors are very, very disgusted, and keep their bodies as far away from them as possible.

But listening to them crying, Jian Fei was lying on the small table boringly. She had to admit that she was also started to miss her because of these little boys' parents.

Is she home now? Did you go to the lab again? Still busy in the backyard?

This person is always very attentive when he is busy. He is not at home, and she doesn't know if she knows whether to stop and rest.

Jian Fei Zai Zai touched the star brain on his wrist, it was two hours before noon.

The little baby went to school on the first day. Qiu Yunwei was worried at home. She let go of the video with the little baby at noon. She also went to wait outside to pick up people early in the afternoon.

I saw a group of laughing and joking children, searching for the figure of their own doll inside.

Xiao Jianfei was standing by the slide and was not too happy to play with these runny children, but when he noticed that someone was looking at him, he turned his head like this and instantly bends his eyes and wants to run. past.

It was just that the tip of the toes had just turned so, and then stopped, and then Xiao Jianfei went to the top of the slide, played two back and forth, and she saw Qiu Yunwei pat him at the corner of her mouth.

She will be happy if he sees him playing happily, otherwise she will be worried.

Xiao Jianfei ran over like a gust of wind, and across the fence, Qiu Yunwei straightened his slanted clothes, "Keep on playing, let's go home after school."

Jian Fei Zai Zai nodded obediently, and then ran away.

Soon it was time for school, Qiu Yunwei smiled big, bent over and opened her arms, took the little bit who was running over into her arms, and picked it up again.

This time, this little bit forgot to be shy. He didn't say that he couldn't hold him when he grew up. Instead, he smiled and showed his little white teeth.

Putting down the little boy, holding little boy's hand, "go, go home."

Of course, I have to ask the little guy how he spent the day at school, how was the teacher, how other children are, and tell the little guy what kind of flowers are blooming at home. It's just that they've been missing for more than a long time, just like There are endless words.

The little guy went to kindergarten safely, but Qiu Yunwei was relieved and had such a small regret, because other parents have said that how her baby is so ridiculous that she doesn't want to go to school, which makes people a headache. Noisy, relieved and regretful.

Hey, isn't Qiu Yunwei's mentality just panic?

Jian Fei Zai Zai did not fulfill Qiu Yunwei's wish this time. He saw it in the kindergarten. There was that little baby holding an adult's thigh and crying with heart-piercing tears, crying loudly, and running nose. Go inside, he can't do it even if he kills him in such a posture.

Pulling Qiu Yunwei and bending down, she quickly kissed Qiu Yunwei on the cheek, her little cheek is also a little hot, so let's do it, don't think about it anymore, if I can't bear you, I don't want to have a kid, just have fun The heart leaves the old mother.

The little guy didn't take the initiative like this much. He opened Qiu Yun Weile's eyebrows and smiled. When he was happy, he picked up the little guy again, and mua the little guy's forehead again.

Before the little guy spoke, he said quickly: "Okay, go in, and the house will give you some good food in the evening, as well as sweet juice."

Qiu Yunwei now has another job and was invited as a distinguished professor by her original school. That school was not one of the excellent universities. Suddenly, Qiu Yunwei appeared, but it was regarded as the great honor of the school. In hiring Qiu Yunwei, she was one step ahead of others, and she was also very sincere.

So now Qiu Yunwei will also be busy with another school job. The little guy is not at home, she will not be lonely, um, a little busy, there are some lecture invitations, media interviews, when the heat finally goes down, she His life is completely orderly.

I went to the grandparents of Li's family with the little guy. Some people, both young and old, went out for a walk happily. In recent years, the relationship between the two families has become closer and closer. Qiu Yunwei and Jian Fei cub let the two elderly people A lot more fun.

"This is not as good as our home." Grandma Li said this, but Grandpa Li agrees with this in his heart. Not to mention that the scene in Xiaoqiu's house that makes people reluctant to leave is their own home. Now, there is a lot of green coming out. It was Qiu Yunwei who gave it for breeding and made a small lawn, which is much more beautiful than the bare ones outside.

But there is not nothing outside. There are entertainment and fitness facilities in the small square nearby, and many people living nearby are playing.

No, Qiu Yunwei was having fun on the seesaw with Little Biter. Li Ze, who had found him, watched by the side, her cold eyebrows dyed warm in the setting sun, and Ruyuan's deep eyes were full of delicate tenderness. .

Mrs. Li glanced at her grandson, which made her elderly anxious, other times she looked very alert, how could she become a dull goose at this time, I blame the old man next to him, who is like him. He was a virtue when he was young.

Mrs. Li stabbed Li Ze and said, "You go play too, Xiao Qiu and Xiao Jianfei, you sit down, let him sit down by himself."

This, this, Li Ze never played this with anyone when he was a child, but he was unwilling to refuse, and the steps he walked past began to stiffen.

According to Grandma Yi Li, Qiu Yunwei held the cub in her arms, and on the other end of the seesaw sat Li Ze. It was Li Ze's rigidity, like an enemy, which made Qiu Yunwei amused.

Well, I feel bullying.

But in fact, playing, Li Ze's stiff limbs and hard waist became more and more relaxed, and his eyes were full of the smile of the woman opposite.

When Jian Fei Zai Zai said that he would not play this anymore, Li Ze was quite regretful.

Next to him, there was a young father pinching the child's armpit, turning over his shoulders like this, bending like that, the child hung upside down on his father, screaming and laughing.

Qiu Yunwei didn't dare to do such a movement, but it was possible to pick up the cub and turn around a few times and shake his short legs up. If it was bigger, it couldn't be done like this. Sure enough, I heard the little cries. Sound, laughter, "No, come down."

"Huh? Come down or don't?" Qiu Yunwei smiled and put Xiao Jianfei down, panting: "No, you can't turn if you want to, tired."

Li Ze lowered his eyes to look at Xiao Shi, and his arms were ready to move. He was okay. Jian Fei saw his thoughts at a glance, and immediately made a stop gesture, "No, no."

Not only this one, but the other old and vigorous old man Li is also eager to try. Xiaodianer quickly pointed to the other side and said, "I want to go on a slide."

Rather than playing with the excitement like being carried by them, he would rather go and play with the little broken children. Look, just now that the doll was put on his neck by his father, Jian Fei shivered, not envious, a little bit Not envious.

If Xiao Jianfei only resisted the man who was so quietly coveted by Qiu Yunwei about Li Ze, then Jianfei would be greatly resisted by such a person who came to the house now.

The person who came was Yu Bolin, and Jian Fei had always been defensive to this person like a wolf, and when someone came, he had to stay by Qiu Yunwei's side and not leave.

Yu Bolin was here to talk to Qiu Yunwei about the patent authorization. It wasn't that he had to come, but he still took the job.

Qiu Yunwei poured a glass of water for this person, and began to do business. She was already talking about authorization with several companies, and now she is familiar with it.

However, this kind of matter should be entrusted to professionals as soon as possible. Li Ze helped her lead a person. She met yesterday and looked very capable. Qiu Yunwei chose that person as soon as she was ready, and Li Ze introduced him. , She still believes in the reliability of that person.

The authorization this time is not an exclusive authorization. This kind of thing that can benefit the public can't be collected in the hands of a family, and it can't be eaten, but the specific matters still need a period of negotiation, and the things inside are complicated. Today I just talked roughly with Yu Bolin.

Yu Bolin had already moved away from the house here, and something that made Qiu Yunwei feel uncomfortable seeing him again.

Yu Bolin's confession at the time made her really stunned. After being surprised, she simply refused. With regard to the complicated relationship between her and Shao Hanyu, what is the matter of her and Yu Bolin mixing together?

And not to mention this, Qiu Yunwei has no other thoughts about Yu Bolin, no special feelings, and she doesn't think this person likes her either.

After talking about the official business, Yu Bolin had no reason to stay anymore. He walked out of the gate of the Qiu family and looked at the courtyard wall, feeling stunned.

At first I thought I was seduced by beauty, I only thought that I was greedy for the person's eyebrows, but then the eyebrows of the other people couldn't be seen again, no matter how amazing they were Ruddy, and the sharp chin is too mean.

No matter how beautiful the person looked in the eyes of others, when he arrived, he became nothing more than an Err, and the voice was not as good as that person's, and his hands were not as good as that person's.

And that temperament is either too cold or too noisy, not as good as the person, and the mood becomes clear after seeing it.

He showed humility and restraint, but in fact he was confident and arrogant, but this time he tasted the frustration. His all-round disadvantage failed. Some people were not what he wanted to get, and only then did he discover that he used The love is deep, and he likes it more than he thinks.

But after all, it was only his business. Qiu Yunwei's eyes were still clear when she looked at him, surprised, apologetic, embarrassed, but not as shy and moved as he wanted.

Yu Bolin left the Qiu's house, the smile on his face disappeared, and the figure from the back also added to the loneliness.

Maybe it was because he played the world, he was not sincere in feelings, and he was carelessly retribution.

If he had treated Qiu Yunwei sincerely at the beginning, rather than lightly interested, if he could get to know her earlier than Shao Hanyu, would it be different...

The little bit grows fast, and now I can't say it's a little bit too small. This is all in elementary school, and Qiu Yunwei put her hand on the cub's head again, "Oh, it's all here on my mother's waist."

"Mom really can't hold you now."

Jian Fei smiled and compared it up again, "I can grow this tall soon!"

"Yes, of course."

Children in elementary school have to do homework. Qiu Yunwei has been prepared for a long time. I heard that accompany the child to do homework can cause heart disease. Her heart is very good and it is fine. She will not be angry with the little guy.

She even thought that if the little guy has too much homework, she can do it for him.

After Jian Fei learned about this idea of ​​Qiu Yunwei, she looked embarrassed and saw Qiu Yunwei's posture that she would roll up her sleeves and do a lot of work. No, it's not necessary.

Qiu Yunwei thinks that she is not a bear parent. She is all because her cubs are too good and sensible. "I saw the homework assigned by your teacher. It took three days off, and it took two days to do homework."

Qiu Yunwei lowered her voice and said, "Do you want my mother to write something for you? Did I write something for you?"

This is true. Seeing Qiu Yunwei's shining eyes that want to do bad things makes a big sweet annoyance, Jian Fei sighs, "Mom, I will come by myself, I will write quickly."

"No need? Then you write first."

These elementary school homework is definitely pediatrics for the elders of the council. Xiao Jianfei writes quickly. He noticed that Qiu Yunwei who was watching from time to time, and his eyes were soft. He picked up the small notebook and asked Qiu Yunwei. One or two questions will satisfy Qiu Yunwei's desire to teach her children homework.

However, the heart attack will never happen. Although the little guy is cooperating with Qiu Yunwei in acting, he can't act too much. After Qiu Yunwei talks once, he can draw inferences about other things.

And this is another kind of fun, Qiu Yunwei is proud, "Our little Jianfei is really smart."

"But we can't be proud."

After Xiao Jianfei wrote a few more questions, she said to Qiu Yunwei: "Mom, you should go to work, I will write it myself first."

"it is good."

After Qiu Yunwei left, Jian Fei kept writing, without thinking, and writing, super fast. He didn't need Qiu Yunwei to do his homework for him, nor would he let these homework fill the vacation. , I will go to the amusement park with Qiu Yunwei tomorrow.

Well, although the amusement park is quite naive, it is full of children's screams and noises, but Qiu Yunwei likes him to go with him.

For Qiu Yunwei, their cubs are very worry-free. She has not encountered any mischievous headaches encountered by other parents. The classmates and teachers in the school like him, and the teachers praise him and learn. The results are nothing to worry about.

Sometimes she wants to fuck for her cubs, but she doesn't. All she can do is to pet them. Their cubs don't have to worry about being spoiled at all. They used to think that they need to be a tiger when they grow up. Mom's idea is completely unnecessary.

From a small beanie as a primary school student to a green teenager as a junior high school student, it seemed that it was a blink of an eye. Well, her shoulders were high this time.

The young boy is as handsome and handsome as the little green bamboo, super super good-looking, my family has grown up, and Qiu Yunwei feels that no one is as good-looking as hers.

When she came to pick up the young boy home, Qiu Yunwei saw her young boy among the students at a glance.

The same is true for Jian Fei. After hurriedly finishing a sentence with his classmates, he hurriedly went straight to Qiu Yunwei. The smile on his face was brighter than the bright sunshine in the spring, not the smile on your face in the previous life. He couldn't see the president of the council who was in his mood, but just like his classmates, a bright and carefree young boy.

When he arrived, Jian Fei replied: "I can go home by myself. Isn't it busy to go to the seminar tomorrow?"

"I'm busy, I want to pick you up, afraid of your classmates' jokes?" This adolescent boy will be a little awkward, and it's possible to be afraid that his classmates' jokes are non-weaned milk dolls.

Jian Fei said: "No, they recognize that you will have to take a photo and have to sign, which is annoying."

After Qiu Yunwei's first reagent stock solution that greatly improved the survival rate of green plants came out, Qiu Yunwei became a celebrity, and there have been gratifying results every year since then. The president of the university where she is now now walks. Bring the wind, and even some people even call her the "mother of green plants".

Although this title gives Lei a lot of attention, especially Jian Fei, this title is even more unbearable, but it also reflects the admiration of such a great scientist by the interstellar public.

As soon as she opened the door of the house, Jian Fei took a deep breath. It was still a good place to stay at home. Qiu Yunwei looked at Jian Fei and happily took a look here and there. It was like a week away from home as if she hadn't come back. of.

Qiu Yunwei talked to him, "Which day you will invite your classmates over, are you sure how many people are? I will ask your Uncle Li to bring over enough meat."

Upon hearing this, the corners of Jian Fei's raised lips dropped a slight curve, "You don't need to feed them, just let them come over and take a look."

Qiu Yunwei nodded Jian Fei's forehead, "Which will do? Your classmates are here for the first time. Of course, my mother has to treat me well and promise not to lose face to our baby."

Qiu Yunwei's words easily restored the corners of Jian Fei's lips to the original happy arc, but said in her mouth: "They must all come, no one left, so many people, don't do it for them."

"Then eat hot pot. I have a small one to help, so that your classmates can do it by themselves, so you won't be tired."

Jian Fei's classmates have long wanted to come to Qiu Yunwei's home to play, um, it should be said that it is not only Jian Fei's classmates, but many people want it.

The students led by Qiu Yunwei once posted a video of the front yard and back yard of the Qiu family. The beautiful scenery was charming. At that time, the scenery of Qiu family was yearned by the outside world. Later, there was a live broadcast of Qiu family's daily life, and the taste was shared in the Qiu family. Who wouldn't envy the students who were lucky enough to enter the food on the dinner table?

And the natural winner that everyone envy is the little prince of Qiu Yunwei's family, who will really reincarnate, fairy mother, fairy life, sour.

Since Jian Fei's classmates recognized Qiu Yunwei, they tried to come to their home to have a look, but Jian Fei was not happy, he was stingy.

But when someone made a classmate booze, he was heard by Qiu Yunwei. When Qiu Yunwei invited with a smile, his classmate was very cheeky. Thank you Auntie right now. Auntie is the best yelling. NS.

Jian Fei did not lose sight of those classmates, but the matter was a foregone conclusion.

Yes, none of the classmates didn't want to come, and even the next class wanted to squeeze in, causing Jian Fei's eyebrows to furrow and frown. Hearing their excited and excited yearning, they asked him this, that and that, he said he was very popular. All kinds of red, yellow and yellow flowers they have never seen before, and trees that can be climbed...

Listen and listen, then the stingy dissipated, a group of chattering little broken children, one by one carefree and like little fools, he would not bother to look at such a person in the past life. There is no experience of inviting classmates to play at home, and there was no home at that time.

Although these little fools are noisy, they are actually pretty good.