Chapter 38

Little Wawa's voice was immature, Qiu Yunwei raised her head in surprise when she heard this immature voice, "Wah, what do you want to say?"

If it weren't for Qiu Yunwei's timely sound, little friend Nie Zheyu's little feet would have lifted up. Upon hearing this sound, he immediately dropped the little shoes that had been lifted a little back to the ground again.

I didn't see Xiao Yu'er learn to walk, but it was very happy to finally hear Xiao Yu'er uttering a voice. The child's voice is also very sweet in his ears.

Qiu Yunwei said happily: "Xiao Yu'er wants to eat this little sugar man, right?"

Qiu Yunwei glanced at the little sugar man left, and took a bite.

Former Qiandi:! ! !

His eyes were all round.

Not too particular about it! That was what he bit! The lady in the dignified mansion, she didn't know which daughter she was before she came out of the pavilion, she was just a little sugar man, and she ate something other people had eaten!

Qiu Yunwei looked at the little doll's eyes wide and round, but smiled, well, the little doll's face would be even more cute with a little more expression on her face.

The baby is small, but this is a handsome and cute three-headed baby.

Qiu Yunwei knew what Xiaowawa meant, "Don't worry, there are more."

"And the sugar man."

He stood up, but when he stood up, he felt black and dizzy, and was quickly supported by Lu'er.

In his eyes, Emperor Gan felt that this woman was too weak, thinking that he was able to get on horses and bows back then. Whether it is a man or a woman, his people are still healthy.

The picture of the Huren breaking through the palace gate flashed in his mind, the gloomy color flashed in Emperor Qian's eyes, and his small fists were also clenched.

Qiu Yunwei's legs were numb and painful when she was squatting, and she was helped by Lu'er to ease the meeting before recovering. She took the sugar man to coax the baby.

"Huh? Are we Xiao Yu'er angry?" Qiu Yunwei bent over and looked at the expressionless little baby's face.

It is strange that although the little doll is expressionless, she can tell that the little doll is angry at this time, but is happy when she eats sweets. '

Qiu Yunwei gave the little sugar man to the little doll's mouth again, all next to her lips, "Okay, don't be angry, we are not such an angry doll, I'll give it to you."

"This whole sugar man is yours, okay?"

This little sugar man touched his lips, and was about to poke him into his mouth. Emperor Qian opened his mouth slightly and took a bit lazily.

He obviously could hold it by himself, but he was too lazy to take it, so Qiu Yunwei could feed it all at once.

After eating, Qiu Yunwei said, "Well, I will eat these today, I can't eat anymore."

If you can't eat anymore, don't eat it anymore, Qiandi's little doll is not very emotional at this time, and people are lazy.

This woman wants to be so careless, he has been standing for so long!

He is tired.

Gandi Nie Zheyu doll looked at the chair, wanting to let him break his work and go to the chair? That won't work.

Nie Zheyu's little doll stretched out his little hand and pulled Qiu Yunwei's sleeve down.

Qiu Yunwei, who was caught by her sleeves, was very happy, "I know that Xiaoyuer likes to eat this, but I ate too much today. We will eat it tomorrow."

Nie Zheyu little baby:? ? ?

Did he take a look at the sugar man's food?

This woman could not compare to the old fox in the court, nor the eunuch beside him.

"Otherwise, let you eat a little bit, no more, just lick it?"

Lick, lick...

Nie Zheyu's little doll just turned to look at the chair and motioned to the fool. Hearing Qiu Yunwei's words about tigers and wolfs, her little neck rattled.

Still licking! How could he lick? He is not Liu Harazi's three-year-old baby.

Even when he was three years old, he was the little prince in the palace who did not behave wrongly. He was smart since he was a child, and he learned very quickly from the grandma in the palace.

Still Lu Ya'er smiled and said, "I think Young Master is tired."

Look, the little girl is still good at observing people.

However, he still had to be carried and sent to the chair.

He was the one who asked for the crime.

When it was time for Qiu Yunwei to drink Chinese medicine again, she didn't dare to pant and finished her mouthful. She still wrinkled her entire face into a ball, and she disliked the bitter syrup.

Nie Zheyu's little doll stared at Qiu Yunwei's wrinkled face, and Wu Qiqi's eyes finally had a smile. Which lady's wife would be like this when drinking medicine, it's because there are no outsiders, otherwise it would be shameful.

How can she be so afraid of hardship, even if she is afraid of hardship, she has to endure it.

Out of shape.

But looking at Qiu Yunwei's miserable look, someone who is careful is a lot happy in her heart.

But this little joy was seen by Qiu Yunwei, and the little doll was squeezed, "Huh, are you laughing at me?"

This time, I can understand people's faces.

After being squeezed, Emperor Qian finally didn't want to be a wooden person anymore. He stretched out his little hand and took the hand of the woman who had touched his face.

Can anyone touch his face?

No one can touch it.

Qiu Yunwei didn't care too much and put her hand down, and remembered another plan last night, she had to teach this little baby how to talk.

"Yu'er, you are Yu'er."

"Come, learn from me, open your mouth like this, Yu'er."

The little baby who learns to speak does not open his mouth, and is determined not to open his mouth.

It's okay, even if you don't say it, you have to let him know the names of all things so that he can understand them.

"This, this is a table, a table."


"Xiao Yu'er, are you thirsty?" She said that she was thirsty for a whole afternoon. She drank a small glass of water by herself and fed Xiao Wawa a glass.

"Also, there is another one that you forgot to teach. You will call me mother in the future."

"Mother." Qiu Yunwei touched her head, really uncomfortable.

Emperor Qian didn't feel uncomfortable with this title, isn't the mother-in-law equivalent to the concubine?

Let him think about it. His own mother died when he gave birth. He had never seen it before, but was chased after he became the throne.

And his first adoptive mother, the one he wanted to be called Jin Mufei, did not leave him a very good memory. He was a prince who had no mother at birth, and a harem woman would be happy to raise him. They don't need to take care of them themselves. When they grow up, filial piety suppresses the business that is always profitable, not to mention the far ones, but the close ones. There is a little prince by his side, and the emperor can also be used by the children Are some in the palace?

So, when he was a child, he would get sick twice in three days, and out of ten times, the father would come here two or three times.

And when he was a child, he was taught how to please his father and how to get a little more attention from the father. At this point, he learned very seriously. Ah, otherwise the meals that should be eaten at noon will be eliminated, and there will still be pinches on the arms.

Being taught in this way, he learned quickly, even better than that taught by the woman. Since he was a child, he has also been thinking about the man who surrounded him in the entire palace, and this enlightenment in the years that followed Also very useful.

Later, he changed his mother again. When he was four years old, he failed in the concubine court battle and died, so he was transferred to the name of the concubine Cheng again, and another concubine was added.

Concubine Cheng lost his son a year ago, and hung him under the name of Concubine Cheng. This is the consolation compensation of the father to the concubine Cheng. Although this form of consolation compensation seems strange, if there is no woman in the harem a little older If the prince depends on it, there will be no hope like stagnant water. With him, it is also a kind of political investment.

It is a kind of alliance. Cheng Guifei's position as the mother concubine has been elevated a bit, and Cheng Guifei's natal family naturally stood on his side, and after he became the throne, Cheng Guifei became the queen mother and the maiden family of the noble concubine. The status has also risen, and this is the return on investment.

By the way, there is also the first queen, and those princes who have to be called the queen of initials are also another nominal mother.

So, look, he had four mothers in his previous life, and that's the case. Now if there is one more woman, there will be no more than one, and a lot less of her.

If it hadn't been for the unwillingness to open his mouth and let Nie Zheyu baby call his mother, he would really have no psychological barriers.

After all, it's just that I don't care about my mother's identity, and I don't care about this title. Even if I call my mother concubine, I actually didn't take it to my heart.

Qiu Yunwei has been teaching for several days, no matter whether she talks or walks, she basically has no results, and the little girl Chunya is tired and panicked watching her by the side.

But after so many days of tossing, Madam's body has improved a lot.

On this day, Qiu Yunwei went out of her own yard and took the little doll of Nie Zheyu to see the scenery in the Hou Mansion. This military commander's house unexpectedly has an elegant landscape, but it was not made by the family. This was the case when this Hou Mansion was awarded.

Nie Zheyu still couldn't adapt to walking stiffly and being held by someone, and the scenery around his wooden face was not beautiful.

"Let's rest here for a while, but I can't hold you anymore."

"I originally said that I would take you to see the horses in the stables. Mr. Liu said that the newly bought white pony is very beautiful and aura. It's a rare encounter."

"Forget it, I'm too tired today, I'll take you to see it tomorrow."

Nie Zheyu's little doll's long eyelashes fluttered twice.

Qiu Yunwei moved Nie Zheyu to a yellow flower again, "Xiao Yu'er, do you smell this flower very fragrant?"

Moved to a pink flower again, "Is this a beautiful flower?"

Then he was held in front of the plant with blue flowers, "Does this blue one smell fragrant..."

Emperor Nie Zheyu:...

With so many kinds of flowers, does she want to walk around him all the time?

He didn't know how he felt about the real baby, he knew he was definitely suffering now.

Didn't this person say that she was tired?

Why did he bother him again when he was tired?

He is not interested in these flowers and plants.

Even if you fold these flowers and show them to him, you have to toss like this!

The tossing Qiandi's face turned blue.

Finally no longer looking at the flowers, Qiu Yunwei held a grasshopper in her hand, bent over to coax him not far away, the grasshopper swayed, "Xiao Yuer, come here, this one will play for you."

Nie Zheyu, who had just been tortured for a long time, was shaken in his heart.

"If Xiao Yuer learns to walk, we can go out and have fun together. There are so many fun and delicious foods. There are jugglers, some who can spit fire, swallow knives, and some small ones for you. Sugar people, candied haws are sold outside."

Emperor Qian's heart was shaken even more severely.

It's not because of the fun and delicious food. In the last few years of his life, it was not convenient for him to be an emperor and to go out of the palace. In this life, he was trapped in the back house for so long, and of course he wanted to let it go.

Lifting her feet up, Qiu Yunwei's eyes burst into surprise, as if she was afraid of frightening him, "Yes, that's it."

Oh my! This little baby has finally taken his first step, shaking the grasshopper in his hand even harder, and let Xiao Zhao fold this for the little baby more!

Nie Zheyu's little baby was dizzy by the dangling grasshopper, and Qiu Yunwei's voice suppressed excitement in her ears, "Yes, Xiaoyu'er is great, and then take her left foot."

I don't have to teach you anymore, who, who-what if you can't walk? When the left foot tripped and the right foot rushed forward, Emperor Qian suddenly flashed in his heart: Could it be that he has been lying down for a long time, and has been held for a long time, he really can't walk anymore? !


In the next moment, I was caught firmly and comforted by others, "I'm not afraid or not, it's okay~"

"Little feather is great! We can walk now."

"This little grasshopper is for you."

The little doll is not as high as Qiu Yunwei's waist. After she tripped herself up, she was stunned. The little doll has a sense of cuteness. Qiu Yunwei touched her head comfortably, and she was also coaxing in her mouth. .

Nie Zheyu's little baby has a grasshopper in his hand, and finally recovered, he can walk!

Yes, Qiu Yunwei thinks that as long as the baby can take the first step, the rest is not a problem, see, it's not a problem, just a few days of work, the baby does not need to be held by her.

The short legs can be upside down quickly.

This is a gratifying event.

Qiu Yunwei has been very happy these days.

As for Emperor Qian, right? He is also happy. Although he compromised first, no one knows this. Then he can treat it as nothing.

Not as shameful.

How can someone who is an emperor is not shameless?

Qiu Yunwei took Qiandi's hand and walked out, "Let's go out and play."

To go out to play and in a good mood, Emperor Qian asked Qiu Yunwei to hold him. He had never been held by anyone before. The previous'mothers' had never been held. As for the father, he did not hold it. Blame it's uncomfortable.

The Hou Mansion is not small, Qiu Yunwei asked him: "Would you like to hug?"

He also made a hug posture, Gandi Nie Zheyu doll stretched out his hand to block it.

These days, the little baby eats well and often plays in the yard. His face is not as pale as before. It looks much better. The little guy has such a wooden face, and stretches out his hand solemnly to block it. It also makes people feel cute.

Qiu Yunwei chuckled and scraped the little guy's nose with her fingers, "I'm still a strong little baby." She said that she put her steps more slowly.

Emperor Gan just hummed boldly in his heart, touched his little nose, and continued to walk forward with her short legs. This woman has been offended more often and can't care about her.

Moreover, he is not the prince before, the emperor anymore...

When Emperor Qian left the door of the Hou Mansion, he raised his head and glanced at the mansion plaque.

'Wuyang Houfu'.

Although you can overhear the conversations of the maternal and young servants, there will be no subordinates who will put the name of the master of the mansion on their lips, so although he has always known that he is in the Hou Mansion and that the Hou Mansion is a military commander, in fact, It is not clear where the Emperor Qiandi is.

I want to know, but there are so many evasions, even if it is clear, what can be done, he is only a three-year-old kid now, and can't do anything.

The life in the Hou Mansion is peaceful. There is no such thing as a stranger who enters the customs and the people don't have a living. The maternal and maternal servant did not mention wars and wars at the door. Instead, he said which shop had new materials and which wine prices had risen. He wondered. Ever, I also thought that maybe he had reached a boundary he didn't know, although the words and writings of the people here were the same as his capital.

Sitting in the carriage, the little doll of Emperor Gandi Nie Zheyu raised the curtain and looked out. This made Qiu Yunwei happy. If this little doll can be curious about the outside world, it would be a very, very good thing.

What Emperor Qian looked at was the door plaque in front of the courtyard. The familiar ones that Emperor Qian saw gradually confirmed that this was their Great Zhou, and he also knew the Wuyang Houfu of the military commander family.

But now he doesn't think much about the Wuyang Mansion. He is thinking about Qiu Yunwei's age, thinking that there is only one eldest son in the Hou Mansion, and guessing which year it is now, since he is here. , Is there still the third prince in that palace?

Who is that third prince, and is there a lonely wild ghost on his body?

No one can answer these questions for Emperor Gan.