Chapter 45

Qiu Yunwei also lowered her head and touched Xiaodouding's head and said to the young man: "Our family is not young, Xiaoyuer, come on, Xiaoyuer, thank you brother."

Not everyone can call him the elder brother. Young Lang thought about looking at that little bit, but only saw the back of his head.

Qiu Yunwei smiled embarrassedly: "Xiao Yu'er is a little shy."

Young Lang nodded and said, "It's fine if nothing happens, I'll leave first."

"Little boy, go slowly."

After the little boy left, he followed Qiu Yunwei's servant and maid to plead guilty. When the incident happened just now, these few had not had time to protect the lord.

Qiu Yunwei only said indifferently: "I made you not have to be so close." Even if they are close, these people may not be able to sacrifice themselves to protect the Lord. However, Qiu Yunwei is not from this dynasty, and her concept is different, and she doesn't think there is anything.

But Xiaodouding felt that the safety protection around Qiu Yunwei had a big omission and was dissatisfied. Can't the master Nie stay with a few more skilled people? It's from the family of generals, what a family of generals, the master doesn't even have a good hand.

Qiu Yunwei didn't know that Xiao Douding next to her was broken, and she went home without the mood of shopping.

After returning home, I asked Butler Liu to inquire about the editor Li, the little boy, and the gift he was prepared to thank. The matter at noon was downplayed and said that it was a simple effort, but that was really not. I had to pay a formal visit to thank you.

Xiaodouding looked at Qiu Yunwei unhappily and said to install the old mountain ginseng in the warehouse, and said to buy a scholar's rarest good ink, and also said to find a good weapon that could be given away.

Busy people make Xiaodouding very upset. No matter how good things are, that guy will not be rare, and is he worthy of him? He reasonably suspected that today's shock was caused by that man.

But it's useless to be unhappy, this is not something Xiaodouding can call the shots.

"What's wrong with Xiao Yu'er today? Why are you still upset?" Qiu Yunwei stuffed Xiao Dou Ding with a grape and talked to Xiao Dou Ding, who was not in a high mood.

Xiaodouding was very satisfied that Qiu Yunwei saw his upset.

"Oh, I forgot to take Xiao Yu'er to see the walker, why don't we go again tomorrow?" Qiu Yunwei turned Xiao Dou Ding's attention and talked about other things, "Xiao Yu'er saw a nice little brother today. Gao unhappy?"

"It's still Xiao Yu'er who has a good vision. That little brother is not only beautiful but also kind-hearted. When we are ready, we will take Xiao Yu'er to play with that little brother."

Xiaodouding is going to vomit to death in his heart, that everyone is kind-hearted? That's a black heart who can't afford to benefit early.

Xiaodouding has completely separated himself from the third prince very quickly, and cursing in his heart can be smooth.

Li Bianxiu is the most inconspicuous little official in the capital city where the city is full of nobles. Steward Liu inquired that there was a 13-year-old son in their family, who should have saved Qiu Yunwei. The man liked poems and books, so he added another rare book in the thank-you gift.

After handing the visiting post to the Li family, Qiu Yunwei took Xiaodouding and went as a guest.

It's a good time to meet Li Bianxiu and his wife. I would like to say a lot of thanks to your little Li, who is chivalrous and high-spirited, and so on.

Li Bianxiu's beard trembled several times, as if he couldn't even sit on the stool, and he stopped talking several times, and said straightforwardly: "Dare not dare." Mrs. Li also smiled awkwardly beside her.

Dare not?

Qiu Yunwei only thought that Li Bianxiu was too humble, but Xiaodouding sneered in her heart.

Li Bianxiu didn't dare to talk more about "Young Master Li", and instead talked about the little things in the house.

"How old is Xiao Langjun?"

"After the new year, I will be four years old."

"Then you can enroll."

Qiu Yunwei touched the little guy's head, um, children will be cared about this.

In fact, Master Li is really not that idle. It's not that the noble lord said a few words to him, but he is considerate, so he continued to talk in a casual manner.

"Is that going to ask Mr. Shu to enter the mansion or to enter the school outside? Are you optimistic?"

"Not yet, I haven't figured it out yet." Qiu Yunwei is more inclined to go to the outside school to study together, but she has worries, fearing that some ignorant children will bully him.

This lone seedling of the younger generation of Houfu is still quite famous, especially the reputation of being foolish, she is worried that the child's parents will have gossip and be learnt by the child.

Parents will be like this, they will worry a lot, worry about being bullied by other children, and worry that the teacher will be too pedantic and harsh.

The teacher at this time is really capable of corporal punishment. He has a high status, and he reads books a hundred times. It is self-evident that Qiu Yunwei reads those enlightenment books. In fact, it is quite difficult, at least for a child as big as a doll. Not easy to understand.

Mrs. Li said: "This is the most important thing. When my family was Feng Jian's age, we were also inquiring about which school was good and which teacher taught the children well."

Qiu Yunwei immediately said: "Your son Fengjian is known as a scholar in the school, and he will be named on the gold list in the future. Your second son is a kind hearted person and has a handsome appearance. No matter how old he is, he will definitely be the pillar of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The material. Mrs. Li, Mrs. Li teaches her son well, which is admirable."

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li and his wife became entangled from proud to stiff expressions, and Mrs. Li couldn't help but dare not speak.

This family is really modest enough. Qiu Yunwei followed along with some questions about parenting experience, the situation of the school and the teacher in the capital, what kind of copybook the children are used to, and so on.

Xiaodouding listened to Qiu Yunwei talking about these trivial matters, but he was not impatient at all. It was a new thing to be so worried about.

He used to go to the study with other princes, so naturally he didn't need anyone to worry about it.

The situation was different, and it was not needed at that time, but Xiaodouding knew that it was different. The concubine Cheng Gui, who was called his mother concubine, would not personally read the books he wanted to learn, and would not care about the temperament of the teacher who taught him.

The mother concubine only told him to study hard, not to be compared with other brothers, to get praise from the father, she was more worried about reading with his companion, whether his companion's family background surpassed the other emperors. , And the benefits brought by the family background of this companion, as for the others, she does not need to care about.

But Emperor Qian didn't think there was anything wrong with it, the alliance of interests, that kind of getting along with each other was normal.

It's just that, listening to these things in my ears, I feel happy.

"Now I'll teach him a little bit of handwriting briefly. It's still young, and I want to make him have fun for a while."

Before the third prince approached, he heard a female voice saying this, and then heard the voice of Li Bianxiu.

"A good teacher is hard to find. Such a person also has an assessment of the students' qualifications and foundation, so we should prepare early."

As Li Bianxiu said solemnly, Qiu Yunwei also sat up straight and listened carefully to what he said.

"I know a lot of literati and bachelors, and everyone who is willing to accept disciples will probably know them. I can recommend a few for you, and I can also introduce them to you."

Qiu Yunwei was overjoyed immediately, "That would be great!" But soon she hesitated and said, "That is, I want to find a master like that for Yu'er, not blindly harsh, and try not to punish students physically and give lectures. It's best if Shi can have some fun..."

The third prince wanted to hear a few more words, but when he heard the corner of his mouth, he couldn't listen anymore. For the benevolence of a woman, what kind of child has to be spoiled? Anyway, it is also of the blood of the Nie family. His ancestors were suffering from hardship, blood and sweat. This generation is so pampered by a woman's family and can't be given up?

Qiu Yunwei first saw the young man who entered the room, and stood up with joy: "The little son is back." Then she expressed her greetings and thanks.

And the third prince calmly accepted the thank you and thank you, and gave him the sharp sword that was given to him as a guard. The Nie family's weapons can still be used, as for the ink that gave him. It's just so-so.

Xiao Douding didn't care much when he saw the three princes holding his mother's hand-picked thank-you gift-others couldn't see it, but he could tell at a glance. Although he had expected it, his eyes were full Annoyed.

After the third prince sat down, he also began to talk about Xiaodouding's education. "I just heard my wife say that I want to find a teacher for Xiao Yuer. Isn't it that strict?"

Xiaodouding was almost out of goosebumps when he was yelled by Xiao Yu'er from this stock.

Qiu Yunwei said in embarrassment, "Yes, I don't mean anything else, but Xiao Yuer has just started learning, and she is worried that her husband will be too harsh and the little guy will tire of learning.

The third prince didn't take her words seriously. It's still a kind mother who is too miserable. The child has no place to sit and love to learn. Can he be obedient if he is not strict? But he said: "Well, I happen to have someone here, who seems to meet the requirements of the lady, and the lady can go, um, check it out."

Although it was the purpose of tying the little generation of the Nie family, the cheeky third prince, at this time, I thought from the bottom of my heart that Marshal Nie, who was still at the border, should thank him. If not, the only seedling would be affirmed. Have to be used to become a useless dude, and fall into the prestige of his ancestors.

As for whether the teacher I was looking for was what Qiu Yunwei asked for, naturally, no. However, it would be fine to pretend in the first days. It is absolutely no problem to lie to this lady. I will lie to people first.

However, Qiu Yunwei is very interested in the right candidate in the mouth of the third prince. She has no doubts about what the young man said, and she is very happy. Although she did not plan to enroll Xiao Yuer now, this is also a big concern. Ah, I didn't expect that this visit today is still very promising to get rid of such a big stone in my heart.

The boy went to play with the boys. Although one was small and the other was already a tall boy, it was Qiu Yunwei who was sitting in the room with Mrs. Li and talking. Li Bianxiu returned to the study, and the two boys went to the side. Go to play.

Qiu Yunwei is always positively happy that Xiaodian can get in touch with outsiders more, especially this young man who is kind to them, and there is nothing to worry about, and he is very happy that he can play with Xiaoyuer.

But she didn't even know that the two boys were not as happily as she had imagined. Xiao Douding was very upset. He had to lift his neck vigorously now to see the guy's face.

As for the third prince, he would not even have to bend down or even squat down to talk to Xiao Dou Ding. He didn't even remember to accommodate other children's children at the beginning of the walk, or Xiao Dou Ding was far behind. Only then did he know to stop and wait for someone.

Now Xiao Dou Ding raised his head to look at the house, his face was unhappy, and even more uncomfortable was still at the back, his neck was leaned back, and one could not stand firmly, and then the swaying Xiao Dou Ding was dragged by the collar of his clothes and slipped. .

It's a shame to be ashamed in front of this guy!