Chapter 48

After the busy social gatherings at the beginning, Nie Changfeng was idle, and Qiu Yunwei often saw him when he was playing with the little guy.

He attaches great importance to the little nephew Xiao Yu'er, and a big man who kills on the battlefield always gives people a sense of stiffness in the face of the soft little dumpling.

There were a lot of onlookers, and even Qiu Yunwei couldn't get nervous about this person at all. The captivating aura of the generals also slowly turned into a paper tiger in Qiu Yunwei's eyes.

When Xiao Dou Ding wanted to skate, Nie Changfeng first tried the thickness of the ice. After Xiao Dou Ding stepped onto the ice, he stared at Xiao Dou Ding closely, and his big hands kept guarding Xiao Dou Ding's side.

The tall man bends over, Qiu Yunwei looks at him even more tired than the little Douding who is playing, her face is tense.

This nervous look made Qiu Yunwei look funny, but with this person so nervous, Qiu Yunwei didn't bother to look at Xiaodouding, very relieved.

Qiu Yunwei put on skates herself and drew a circle on the ice. It was good, not bad, and her technique did not degrade.

Xiao Douding looked at Qiu Yunwei, his eyes lit up, his mouth grew wide, and he uttered a wow, even knowing to pat his little slap.

The appearance of her son made Qiu Yunwei excited, and she drew to Xiao Douding, "Come on, mother will take you."

Nie Changfeng saw that his nephew was also stupid and bold. He grinned and put his little hand in his mother's hand. Then he was taken forward and the child's cheerful and excited laughter echoed in the air. Not afraid.

Well, now Nie Changfeng needs to be nervous about two people.

With a high concentration of energy, comparable to those in a war, when the mother and son finally stopped playing enough, Nie Changfeng was sweating behind his back.

But there was no boredom or impatience in his heart. Looking at the red and red smiles, Nie Changfeng's eyes also appeared a little bit of laughter, and he couldn't even speak of a pretended mischief.

Forget it, he hasn't been at home for many years, and it is hard to get what he makes him work hard. If you work hard, work harder.

However, Nie Changfeng still has something to say, "I play like this when I'm here, otherwise, it's not safe."

Qiu Yunwei nodded, "Okay, I will pay attention to the big brother."

The New Year's day is getting closer and closer, with Laba porridge, sweet rice, and big cleaning. At this time, the taste of the New Year is still very strong.

Mrs. Liu was busy with joy and joy. Since the funeral more than three years ago, Hou's house has been depressed. This year, finally, good things have happened. The lady is getting better, and the people have come out of melancholy, young master. Getting smarter and smarter, the eldest son also returned to the mansion from the border, which was very good.

Not only was Steward Liu busy, but Qiu Yunwei also took Xiao Yuer to participate.

She cooked the laba porridge on the table, Xiao Yuer even washed the beans, even Nie Changfeng ran into the kitchen and set fire.

Facing Qiu Yunwei's surprised eyes, Nie Changfeng said, "If you are marching outside, you will make a fire by yourself."

"I've been a gang leader for a few days."

"Simple cooking is actually possible."

Qiu Yunwei and Xiaodouding opened their eyes together, "Big Brother has also been a soldier?" An extraordinary man like Nie Changfeng, who also has martial arts, is not even starting from the bottom. Will it start from the gang leader, right?

Nie Changfeng avoided the big eyes that Qiu Yunwei and Xiaodouding were looking at together, and added firewood to the stove, "Go there to experience and understand the situation of the gang."

"Ah, I also lost the bet with the old general Cheng Xuefeng."

Qiu Yunwei resisted smiling when Nie Changfeng added the last sentence.

The more we get along, the more this eldest brother is no longer just a steel symbol figure of that great hero, but a flesh and blood person in a living life.

A year ago, Qiu Yunwei took Xiaodou Ding to purchase new year goods, although Steward Liu wanted to say that he could bring them to buy, and kept all of them.

But looking at the enthusiastic lady and the young master, as a winking qualified butler, Steward Liu silently swallowed those words, and instead made people prepare the carriage.

Years ago, there were many people on the street, and Nie Changfeng wanted to follow along, but when something happened, he asked two soldiers next to him to follow them to the street, although Qiu Yunwei felt it was unnecessary.

But Changfeng Nie heard what Liu Yunwei said some time ago that Qiu Yunwei and Xiaodouding were almost trampled by horses in the street. He said that he was arranging reliable guards for them, but he hadn't trained them yet. Let them use the two guards first.

The streets are bustling with hustle and bustle, and there are not a lot of people who bring children out like Qiu Yunwei. There are festive things for the New Year everywhere. Qiu Yunwei experiences the Spring Festival streets of this world with a strong Chinese New Year, and her face is like other streets. The people here are average, with bright smiles.

As for Xiao Douding, who is holding Qiu Yunwei's hand tightly, the corners of his mouth are also bent upwards. Such a big child has soft and white skin, curved eyes and curved mouth, not to mention how cute it is. NS.

This is also a child in a good mood.

But what Gandi Xiaodouding rejoices is naturally different from Qiu Yunwei. It is not this bustling street. When the prince was the emperor, there were not many times when he was in such a crowd, and he did not like such noisy and crowded. .

It's not as rare as Qiu Yunwei, the so-called antique, the so-called street flavor.

But I have never had such an experience before. It seems that the street is still that kind of street, the Spring Festival is still that kind of Spring Festival, and there is no grandeur in the palace, but this year's Spring Festival is different.

Being held by someone's hands, is carrying the'heavy duty' of buying new year goods.

Xiaodouding held her feet and craned her neck to look at the paper-cuts. The lady boss made a scissor to make it clean. After a few cuts, she unfolded the paper, and there appeared a villain riding a fan, and that villain could be a horse. The vivid, lifelike appearance, and the folding fan, you can see the fan bones and the pleats one by one.

Qiu Yunwei couldn't turn her eyes on this hand of the proprietress, feeling that she was super powerful, but Gandi Xiaodouding didn't think there was anything.

"Can you cut another one? I didn't see it clearly just now."

The lady boss happily responded. The beautiful lady wears unusual headwear, and the little doll next to her wears excellent clothes and fabrics. She still has the visionary power of being a boss lady, let alone her lady. The two martial artists dressing up next to him looked more vigorous and more powerful than the average guards.

Such customers are generous, and it is impossible to say that this one customer will earn enough for this day.

Qiu Yunwei looked at the paper-cutting of the proprietress, Xiao Douding glanced at Qiu Yunwei, and then looked at the scissors and paper-cutting of the proprietress.

Not to mention that the expressions of these two people are quite similar, well, a pseudo-dangzi like Xiaodouding sometimes unconsciously imitates Qiu Yunwei's expression.

The lady boss finished cutting again, Qiu Yunwei said silently, "...This is too complicated, can you teach a simple one?"

The lady boss naturally said yes.

The corner of Xiaodouding's mouth was slightly raised, but he didn't say anything, just a triumphant smile in his eyes.

The lady boss again taught Qiu Yunwei to cut a big red flower. This is super simple, anyone can learn it, but it's pretty pretty.

Qiu Yunwei and Xiaodouding spent a long time at the other's stall. When they left, they took a lot of window grilles cut by the proprietress in their hands, and they also bought other red paper-cuts.

Xiaodouding has a left hand and a window grille on his right. He carried it and said to Qiu Yunwei, "This is pretty, stick it on our window."

"Okay, we all listen to Xiao Yuer."

The most important Spring Festival couplets for the New Year's goods are naturally indispensable. There are also firecrackers and fireworks, as well as the Chinese New Year cakes in the dim sum shop, the new fabrics in the cloth shop, and the new ready-made clothes. There is always no shortage, but if you want to buy new year goods, you still have to buy some.

I also bought a tiger-head hat for Xiao Dou Ding. Although it doesn't match the clothes on Xiao Dou Ding, it's super cute and cute.

I bought a bunch of things, and when I was finally going back, there was another snowflake floating above the sky. Xiao Dou Ding was wearing a warm tiger-head hat, but it was not cold on her head. Qiu Yunwei touched Xiao Dou Ding's hands again. , Yanked his sleeves down.

"It's snowing, let's go home soon."

Today, Qiu Yunwei is wearing a cloak made of white fox fur from Changfeng Nie. The embroiderer in the mansion is very skilled, and the fox fur from Nie Changfeng is very good on top. This cloak is worn in autumn. Yunwei is very beautiful and warm. At this time, Qiu Yunwei unfolded the cloak and put the little beanie under the cloak.

"Can Xiao Yuer run?"

Xiao Douding, who was covered by the warm cloak, nodded vigorously. In fact, he was not cold, but he did not reject the cloak that Qiu Yunwei wrapped him in.


Qiu Yunwei wanted to accommodate Xiaodouding's speed, but Xiaodouding was fast and very happy. It was more like a game.

A snowflake fell on Xiao Douding's nose, and the cool breeze was sucked in his open mouth with a smile, but he didn't feel cold at all. It was like a white cloak covering him, with warmth lingering around him.

Such a child's leisure time seems very good. In the palace, he remembered that he would not run in the palace. On such days, he was also reading and writing, or he went to the mother and concubine to please his mother and concubine in a regular manner.

Older ones will start preparing New Year gifts for the mother and the father. This is what he needs to do for the New Year. When he later becomes the emperor, he will give blessings to the favored and need to reuse officials. There are political considerations about who can bestow and who will not.

The Spring Festival, year after year, seems to be nothing to be happy about.

Now this is a different kind of Chinese New Year, which belongs to children, and it hasn't really come, so people are looking forward to it.

Although the body has shrunk, there are various disadvantages, but sometimes it is good.

In fact, Emperor Qian knows that these differences are not only because he became a child. At that time, when he was really a child, he was being taught by his mother and concubine what he had to say to his father during the New Year. Congratulations, the mother and concubine's attitude is very serious, he must remember a single word well. At that time, he was small, and his initial impression was that there were many people during the New Year, and he was very nervous, and he absolutely couldn't make mistakes.

In the carriage, Xiao Douding's little hands were being wrapped by Qiu Yunwei's two hands. He smiled and rubbed him twice, and then rubbed his red nose against his forehead, "Is Xiao Yuer cold? "

Being rubbed in this way still made Xiao Douding blush, whether it was itchy or embarrassed, his haha ​​laughter concealed the itchiness or embarrassment.

After laughing for a while, Xiao Douding drew out her hands and put her two small hands on Qiu Yunwei's ears that were blown red by the wind.

This will make Qiu Yunwei's ears warm, but he knows that Qiu Yunwei will be happy, this is a scheming baby.

Isn't it? Qiu Yunwei is so covered by Xiaodouding's little hands, her heart is about to melt, how can she have such a cute baby?