Chapter 51

Qiu Yunwei raised her eyes. She never talked about political affairs with Nie Changfeng. She didn't grow up in such an environment, so she didn't know how to dictate anything, and she also believed that Nie Changfeng could take charge of the 200,000 troops in the northwest at a young age. , And put that position in jail, although there is a bonus of the glory of the father's generation, but this person is definitely not a fool.

Qiu Yunwei was not too worried about what Qiu Xueshi reminded. She believed that Nie Changfeng could handle it by herself, but there was no need to argue with Qiu Xueshi. Qiu Yunwei just gave a faint hum.

Qiu Xueshi didn't care much about his grandson Xiao Yu'er. He only asked for a while and knew that Xiao Yu'er was no different from a normal person, and then asked Qiu Yunwei to take good care of him. This was what happened to Nie Changfeng.

In fact, what Xueshi Qiu said is right. Nie Changfeng is a man with such a large number of soldiers and horses. It is not suitable to have a deep friendship with the prince. But Emperor Qian knows that a person like Nie Changfeng is not so easy to be caught by him. Brother Dahuang wooed the past.

The Nie family, including Nie Changfeng, are considered to be trusted by the emperor, and Nie Changfeng is also a clear person. How could it be easily drawn to him?

Anyway, when the big emperor brother was shaken out of the game in the previous life, this Nie Changfeng was not implicated. Later, when he became the throne, there was no more suitable person to replace Nie Changfeng, so Nie Changfeng still guarded the northwest. Changfeng didn't tell him anything, and he didn't fall into the reputation of the Nie family's loyal protection of the country.

It's just that the bullshit tore a hole from the northern part of the wolf flame army, and he didn't know what the chaos of the situation became after his death.

Putting this aside for the time being, what Qiu Qizheng said this time, although it sounds no problem, it still made Xiaodouding think a little bit. After all, Ruanmeng is just the appearance of his shell. He uses chopsticks to grab the rice and hang it down When the eyes were thinking deeply, those thick eyelashes were not blocking the child's eyes at all.

The grandson of the Qiu family, the grandson of Zhang Shilang of the Household Department, Zhang Shilang, the cousin of the five emperors and concubines, a relationship diagram appeared in Xiaodouding's mind. I hope that this grandson of the Qiu family is just a simple child to make friends with others.

Otherwise, to be on the safe side, perhaps, instead of waiting for Qiu Xueshi's mouth to anger his father and being sentenced to exile, he should press Qiu Xueshi from the court as early as possible.

Qiu Xueshi is not a very smart person. If he enters the whirlpool of seizures, he is worried that he will cause a bigger disaster, and it won't work for his mother to be implicated.

Regardless of whether it was exile or caused a greater disaster, it was safer for this person to move away from this capital court.

With just one chopsticks dish, the downcast Xiaodou Ding has quickly made this decision.

As a big man like Qiu Xueshi, he didn't pay much attention to this little Dou Ding. He just asked, knowing that this child does not have the dementia diagnosed by the doctor, so he was relieved, and he paid more attention to Na Nie Chang. The wind is gone.

Qiu Xueshi didn't even know how dangerous the little beanie he had overlooked was. Only at this moment, his dream of being a prosperous official and going straight to Qingyun was destined to be broken early.

Although Mrs. Qiu looked reluctant to give up, Qiu Yunwei did not stay in Qiu's house much. She only urged that the weather was bad today and it was dark early, so she couldn't go back too late.

Before leaving, Mrs. Qiu and his sister-in-law also gave Xiaodou Dingjin naked child a new year's gift. To be honest, it was more valuable than the new year's bags that Qiu Yunwei and Nie Changfeng gave him.

Xiaodouding was sitting on the carriage and fiddled with the naked golden child, but it was completely different from the excitement he expected when he received the New Year's Eve bag given by Qiu Yunwei before.

Qiu Yunwei watched Xiao Douding playing with those golden naked golden beans, and thought it was funny, "Take it away, this one is more valuable than the copper plate, and it can be exchanged for a lot of candied haws. My mother won't grab you."

Little Douding raises his head and smiles cutely. He is not rare for this little gold, but of course he still needs it. As a little Douding who has no private property, well, he somehow now has a hobby of hiding private money. come out.

When he returned home, Xiaodouding secretly opened his little treasure chest and threw the little gold in.

Although Qiu Yunwei didn't see Xiaodouding hiding her private money, she also knew that his little treasure chest, a little little man, began to have her own little secret.

Well, she respected the privacy of the little guy, and even got a lock for the little guy. Only the little guy has the key. She also taught the little guy how to lock and unlock.

This little Douding doesn't look like a big person, but the manpower is not small. Whether it is locked or unlocked, his little treasure chest does not need Qiu Yunwei to intervene. Qiu Yunwei doesn't even know what he is hiding inside.

The little guy still knows the mystery of the gods and secretly, it was seen by Qiu Yunwei. This little guy also knows how to block Qiu Yunwei's sight with his small body, and said, "Mother, this is Yu'er's secret. Oh, mother can't watch."

Qiu Yunwei could only smile and cover her eyes, to cooperate with this person's little puppies.

After a few days, I attended several banquets, but these banquets didn't go with the little peas, like plum banquet, flower banquet, etc. They were all ladies and ladies, and they were not suitable for children. child.

Qiu Yunwei, who had retired in the Hou Mansion for three or four years, reappeared in the Beijing social circle and attracted attention. There are not many people Qiu Yunwei knows, that is, Han Donger, and Li Bianxiu's wife is more familiar. Li Bianxiu's wife is a enthusiastic person, and Qiu Yunwei has gotten to know many other women.

The people who quietly looked at Qiu Yunwei were still very surprised. They all said that this was a hard-failed person, lingering in a sick bed, and could not go there anytime, but now, looking at her complexion and skin, we can't see any haggardness. Look like.

It also gives people a feeling of spring breeze and a good mood. At first glance, they are a worry-free person. The life is not bad. In the eyes of these glaring women, this is not a rouge gouache, or a strong face and laughter. Disguised.

Hey, I heard that this man's son is healed, but now it seems that it is true. Moreover, she was personally sealed by the emperor as a lady, and she was so good at every happy event.

Qiu Yunwei was led by Mrs. Li to meet a circle of people, and now she is finally free, sitting with Mrs. Li and talking, of course she will talk about the little benefactor who saved her and Xiao Yu'er last time.

Mrs. Li paused, "He, he, he is fine."

"Well, I will go out with friends and have a good meal and sleep well."

"I also read, write and write at home."

Every time she talked about this with Qiu Yunwei, Mrs. Li wanted to wipe her sweat. How did she know about the noble lord, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense. Every time she picked up about her real second son and said something It's safe. Fortunately, I didn't miss it. When a wife came to talk to her again, Mrs. Li quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally stopped talking about it.

At the end of the party, Qiu Yunwei unexpectedly had more errands on her body, er, to match Nie Changfeng, which was really embarrassing, and some people even stuffed her with a portrait.

Qiu Yunwei took the portrait that was forced over, and said embarrassingly: "I can only mention it, but I can't control the others."

Even though Nie Changfeng has no elders, she can't take care of it. What is this?

However, Nie Changfeng is a hot character in the capital. Although he has the name of restraining his wife, he must either stay a widow in the capital, or go to the northwest to live a hard life, or even say that he will not really stay a widow, but there are always people who do not cherish their widows. , Or because of the lack of official status in his own background, it is not uncommon to want to climb up with the help of the Hou Mansion, and to be passionate about making a relationship with this family.

At the end of the party, Qiu Yunwei said to Mrs. Li, "By the way, I also prepared something for your little son. Luer, you can get it from the carriage."

Give the fingerless gloves to Mrs. Li: "It will be warmer if you wear them in winter when you write and read."

Mrs. Li has taken the ancient gloves, and you can see its usefulness by looking at the style. Mrs. Li also feels nothing unusual, but no one has done this before. The women's house always holds an exquisite hand stove. Enough to keep your hands warm.

Not to mention that Mrs. Li doesn't find it strange, even Qiu Yunwei thinks this fingerless glove is nothing strange, but I haven't seen Da Zhou people use this, but just tell the embroiderer in the house, whoever can do needlework Anyone can do it.

What is not easy is the wool. There is no soft wool in this dynasty, but if it is made of leather or cotton, Qiu Yunwei is not so satisfied.

In the past few days, Mr. Liu has called many weavers, discussed and discussed with others, and tossed and tossed, and successfully tossed out the wool.

Well, the ingenious embroiderers of the weaving method can't, and Qiu Yunwei only remembers the simplest one, which she learned and played with her roommates when she was in college.

Now let's teach them while weaving, but Qiu Yunwei only knits Xiao Yuer's, like her own, Nie Changfeng's, and the benefactor's little son, they are all made by Embroidery.

For this particularity, I got the gloves made by Qiu Yunwei and Xiaodouding was happy, right? That's fine for Nie Changfeng, but why does he have the third prince who pretended to be their benefactor?

Xiaodouding here, unilaterally, is getting bigger and bigger with the beam of the three princes.

The newcomer, something called a glove, is soft and warm. Xiaodou Ding likes it very much and loves it very much. At this moment, he is supporting his small chin with his little hand wearing that warm and fluffy glove, waiting for Qiu Yunwei to return.

Just now Nie Changfeng was teaching him how to learn Chinese, and this cheap man took him seriously, but now it's time for a break, and he wondered that Qiu Yunwei should be back.

Sure enough, he heard the sound, Xiaodouding quickly ran out of the house and went straight to the courtyard gate, "Mother!"

Qiu Yunwei laughed at once, "Yu'er, slow down."

Little Douding ran over, raised her head, and happily complained: "Why did my mother come back? It's been a long time since Yu'er missed her mother. Did mother miss Xiao Yu'er?"

Qiu Yunwei touched Xiaodouding's small head, "Of course I thought, I think so." Qiu Yunwei said and gestured in a big circle with her hands.

Nie Changfeng, who also walked out of the house, frowned slightly. How could this kid be so coquettish? Still a boy, their Nie family has never seen such a sweet-mouthed and coquettish.

"Big Brother."

"Hmm, brother and sister are back, is it okay to be outside today?"

Qiu Yunwei: "It's fine, nothing is wrong."

Nie Changfeng nodded and gave Qiu Yunwei the guard who was already following her now. If there is something unpleasant, they will tell him.

But he didn't ask the guard to tell everything, Nie Changfeng didn't mean to watch.

Nie Changfeng also reported on Xiaodouding's situation and learning progress in his hospital today. Nie Changfeng also knew that Qiu Yunwei had compiled books, stories, taught numbers, and characters for Xiao Yuer. He was very hardworking. It's not surprising that he came out of the scholarly family. Although Qiu Qizheng didn't like him very much, he admired his younger brothers and sisters.

Talking about Xiao Yu'er, although the room is not lively, but the atmosphere is very harmonious, but if you need to mention things, you have to mention it.

Qiu Yunwei bit her scalp and piled the portraits with Nie Changfeng on the table, "Well, the eldest brother is handsome and martial, and also a great hero. There has never been a sister-in-law at home, so many people want to kiss their eldest brother. These elder brothers can watch Look, see if there is anything you agree with?"

"There are the niece of the maiden of Prince Gong's Mansion, the granddaughter of Shi Lang of the Household Department, and the cousin of the eldest concubine."

Nie Changfeng did not open those portraits. He had no intention of marrying a wife. In his situation, why bother to implicate other women? He didn't mean to believe in his wife, but he still had to go to the Northwest battlefield after all. And safety is unpredictable, why should there be one more like a younger sibling?

These boudoir girls are not willing to do so, but are just the orders of their parents, so let's cut off the evil from him.

However, Changfeng Nie did not say this to Qiu Yunwei, but said to Qiu Yunwei: "I have the emperor's important responsibility. Now the emperor is in charge of the Northwest Army, one of the four forces in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the position is sensitive. But behind these women There is so much involved, it is not suitable to be a wife."

"Oh, okay." Qiu Yunwei knew that she was not sensitive enough to political matters. Nie Changfeng said it was not suitable, so it was not suitable, and she didn't want to care about it, she was not a urging mother. .

Nie Changfeng broke this embarrassment: "This glove keeps warm and convenient. The northwest is cold. Soldiers have frostbite on their hands. When using weapons, their fingers are also restricted by freezing. I want to use them on soldiers in the northwest. , As a military material."

"Huh?" Qiu Yunwei didn't think of this, but immediately said: "Yes, that's good."

Nie Changfeng nodded again and asked Qiu Yunwei: "I heard Steward Liu said that this is a thread spun with rabbit wool, and it is woven with that wool. The cost is still a bit more expensive. Can you use something else?"

"Yes, leather will do. Soldiers should use it to be strong without affecting their flexibility. This rabbit fur does not seem to be strong enough. Should I not use the cotton batting to make the cloth tighter?"

"Well, I tell someone to try this."

Then Qiu Yunwei didn't care about it anymore, just a few days later, Nie Changfeng told Qiu Yunwei that he had written a memorial to the emperor, reported the matter, and asked Qiu Yunwei to seal it again, this time It's the second product.

Qiu Yunwei let out a cry, but she didn't expect this to happen again, "This, I didn't do anything, elder brother doesn't have to give me the credit."

Nie Changfeng only said lightly: "I won't use this credit either."

Well, Nie Changfeng sat where he was at a young age, and he didn't need anything else to add to the cake.

Qiu Yunwei felt that the nothing unusual gloves had unexpected uses in Nie Changfeng's hands, and more than that, Xiao Douding said that she was very unconvinced.

That soft and warm woolen yarn is also a good thing, it keeps you warm, you know, there are not many warm clothes in winter at this time. The planting area and yield of cotton are not high, and the fox fur and the like are more expensive. It is a very good thing that can benefit the people's livelihood.

It can only be said that everyone's position is different, and that they think differently. Like Nie Changfeng, a general who is thinking about military affairs, Xiao Douding thinks about it differently.

But he is small now, so he can't speak directly, and he can only knock on the side every day, especially after Qiu Yunwei gave him a little sweater, he is even more in front of Nie Changfeng and Qiu Yunwei, Xiaotongyin Said: "It's so warm, mother, are there other kids outside, too?"

"Is it only Yu'er alone?"

"Yu'er likes it very much."

"Mother, this is made of rabbit fur? It's warmer than a rabbit cloak."

"Can wool be used? What about duck feathers? Well, can chickens, cats, dogs, and their fur can be made into this?"

Then Xiaodouding was very satisfied to see Nie Changfeng and his mother go to the newly opened textile room at home several times, and then Nie Changfeng made another memorial.

Xiaodouding touched the sleeves of her warm sweater with satisfaction. Rabbit fur is good or wool is good. Many people are sent to Huren to buy rabbit fur to buy wool. Let them raise more rabbits and lambs. The grass ate up.

I have to say that Xiaodouding and the three princes often have similar ideas. No, his few words made Nie Changfeng take the first step in the memorial, which directly caused the three princes' tossing things to come to an end.

Speaking of a few days ago, even though Mrs. Li didn't think that the third prince would be scared of the glove, she did not dare to cut off the thing for the third prince, so Li Bianxiu handed the glove to the third prince.

This kind of soft and comfortable alternative'fabric', the third prince sees its value like Xiaodouding, but he can't be as direct as Nie Changfeng.

As the emperor's son, there is much more to consider for every contribution, otherwise it would be suspicion instead of making merit.

For example, he has to find a good reason for the source of the gloves in his hand. Others have not seen what the gloves look like, nor have they seen the person with the wool. The report Nie Changfeng reported is not so detailed, and everyone just thinks it is. Because of Pi Zi, he still didn't want his father to think that he had a close relationship with the Nie family.

No, it's being arranged. I want to make it a seamless, natural accidental coincidence, but Nie Changfeng, uh, actually he didn't know that it was Xiaodouding's good deeds.

Nie Changfeng took the lead, and the three princes were so busy now that they didn't even have to drink the soup.

And do you know what Nie Changfeng has changed with this credit? Well, I asked Qiu Yunwei to seal it again.

Now it's good, Yipin's fate.

This was less than two months, and I jumped one after another, without breathing a breath.

Qiu Yunwei sat opposite Nie Changfeng, not knowing what expression to put on, and said for a while: "...It doesn't have to be that way."

Heh, the emperor's memorial to Nie Changfeng twitched the corners of his mouth. The imperial decree to seal Qiuyunwei's second grade was just drawn up, and it hasn't been sent yet, here it comes again!

The emperor pinched his eyebrows and said to the eunuch next to him: "Go, go, call Nie Changfeng into the palace."