Chapter 59

His Royal Highness the Three Princes returned to the palace and turned over the book again. In fact, he didn't need it. As a prince, he didn't need scientific research, but he could read it at will when he had nothing to do. The third prince would The books are tucked into the shelf behind.

After entering the dormitory, Liu Fu, the attendant, told the third prince that the new summer cloth from Nie's mansion that the third prince wanted had been obtained a few days ago.

Liu Fu is a very witty servant. Naturally, what he brought with him was not a piece of fabric, but a complete set of ready-made clothes. The three princes picked up the clothes and weighed them. They were very light and comfortable to touch, and there was a sense of coolness in the hands.

There will always be some novel things in that Mrs. Nie, and they are all very useful. If you change individuals, the three princes really want to take people under the door and use them for him.

It's a pity that it was the wife of Nie's House, not someone he could earn.

"Do you know how this fabric is made?"

Liu Fu said with a sorrowful expression: "The people in their mansion who did these things for Mrs. Nie were all the loyal old servants arranged by the officials of the Nie Mansion, who retired from the battlefield following the old Hou Ye. They were very alert. Can be compared."

"His Royal Highness please punish me. The specific method has not been worked out yet. I only know the approximate raw materials used to weave these cloths."

The third prince took the piece of paper from Liu Fu and glanced at it, "Is the cost low?"

"Yes, Nie's house produces a small amount, and they are all used in their own house, and there is no intention to sell them." The clothes that his Royal Highness bought for them also made them bother and harder. There was so little material coming out of Nie's Mansion.

"Explore again." The third prince paused: "Forget it, since the cost is high, it is not of much value. Tell the people below that the first thing to do is not to disturb the people of Nie's house, and don't let people find out."


The third prince put on the clothes and felt a lot of coolness. The third prince played with the sachet from the newly changed clothes, and the lingering dryness in the summer disappeared a lot.

"Liu Fu, remove one of the ice basins."

Attendant Liu Fu did the same.

When the third prince was about to go to bed, Liu Fu saw that the third prince picked out another sachet and placed it next to his pillow. Liu Fu finally cautiously said, "His Royal Highness, if you don't let the imperial physician see this sachet first?"

There are useful spices in the palace to harm people. Their masters never light incense and don't use sachets. There are also reasons for this. This is an unknown sachet brought from outside the palace. Since the master used it, there must be something special. Place.

If it were a change of flattery, I shouldn't have said more. But Liu Fu was loyal to the three princes, and Liu Fu also knew that the master was not the kind of person who liked to flatter others, so he still said what should be said.

The three princes' expressions that were still pleasant, stagnated, frowning slightly, and a trace of unpleasantness flashed in his eyes. Liu Fu's head was lowered again, but the three princes finally said indifferently: "Then take it to the doctor. Look."

"Yes." Liu Fu asked again: "His Royal Highness, as well as these dried sachets, I will let the imperial doctor take a look?"

This time I couldn't see the master's expression clearly, I saw the master nodded, Liu Fu immediately gathered the dried sachets of flowers, and quickly withdrew from the hall. Of course, although Liu Fu's movements were fast, he gathered the dried sachets of flowers. Be gentle and careful.

The third prince was not unhappy. He understood Liu Fu's loyal concerns, but he was careless. Although he knew that there would be no problem with the dried flower sachet given by the lady, he should also be cautious.

Aware of his own abnormality, the three princes' ease of this whole day has also quietly flew away. That kind of ease is very dangerous, not what he, the prince who lives in the pack of wolves, tigers and leopards, should enjoy.

Early in the morning of the second day, Liu Fu respectfully offered dried sachets of flowers that he took away yesterday, and said with a smile to the third prince: "Master, these are all right, the emperor said it is good for the body."

"These kinds of dried flowers are of good quality and can be used as medicine. The imperial doctor said that it is not common in us, especially if it is so well preserved. Give away the things of their Royal Highness.

Liu Fu said these flattering words, and then looked at their master's face, but he didn't see any smile from their master.

The three princes had a faint expression, and didn't know what they were thinking, but just put the dried flower sachet there leisurely, and didn't pay much attention.

After eating breakfast, I dealt with things for a while, and again saw the sachet brought back from Nie's house. The third prince stared at the meeting for a long time, and finally pulled the corners of his lips.

The white fingers picked up the sachet again and hung it gently around his waist.

What does a small sachet have to do with firmness? He deliberately avoided it, even more cowardly.

Liu Fu didn't understand the master's complex thoughts, but he was relieved to see the master put the sachet on again, because the low pressure on the master's body this morning he felt very obvious, and now the master's side is no longer so dull. , It's good.

One person from Nie's Mansion came early this morning. Well, it was said that Young Master Nie recommended him to become a martial arts master. The man looked unsmiling and acted very straightforwardly.

After introducing himself in two sentences, he took the initiative to let the guards in the mansion go with him and try his strength.

The guards in Nie's house are better than those in other houses, but at this time a group of people can't take this middle-aged man, and even twenty or thirty people can't take him, and they are released from time to time by this thin man. Pour one.

This man is definitely strong, more than enough to teach a child.

Then it was the man who inspected the level of Nie Zheyu's children. After reading it, he felt as if he had a charter in his heart, and then he immediately started teaching.

The child Nie Zheyu took the time to turn his head and said to Qiu Yunwei, who was looking next to him: "Mother, you haven't practiced today, so you can't be lazy. Yuer can learn by himself."

OK then.

Qiu Yunwei jogged for two laps in the martial arts arena, and the teaching of Nie Zheyu's children is not over yet. This martial arts master not only looks sternly, he is also strict in teaching people.

Little friend Nie Zheyu has been practiced by this black-faced man.

"That's it for today."

Well, although the training is tough, this man has a good grasp of his physical strength and is training him as hard as possible.

Back in the room, Qiu Yunwei asked little friend Nie Zheyu how the master was.

The little friend Nie Zheyu, who was lying on the table, sat up straight again and said, "Yes."

Qiu Yunwei poured another cup of warm water and asked with a smile, "Not tired?"

Little friend Nie Zheyu raised his chin and said proudly: "Mother, you look down upon me. Yu'er is not afraid of hardship or tiredness. Yu'er will be very good in the future."

Qiu Yunwei touched the head of the child Nie Zheyu. She has never been spoiled with the child Nie Zheyu, but the child herself is very strong.

The kid Nie Zheyu enjoyed the sweet juice her mother gave him. Although his mother didn't agree to chill him, it tasted sour and sweet. Soon the little kid regained his vitality.

But when this little mood is beautiful, someone will make trouble.

A servant from the mansion came over and handed a box to Qiu Yunwei: "Madam, this is someone who wants to give it to the lady, saying it was the birthday gift given to the lady by the son who came to the mansion yesterday."

There was also a box on the ground, and the man also said: "These are all that the son will give to the lady."

Inside the box were books, many of them, agricultural books, and medical books, all of which were not available in Qiu Yunwei's study.

Qiu Yunwei squatted down to read those books, with a smile on her face and said to the little friend Nie Zheyu: "Your brother Bai Yan is interested."

Little friend Nie Zheyu:...


When Qiu Yunwei opened the small box, the child Nie Zheyu was even more heartbroken.

You said that you would give it as a birthday gift, but if you don't give it a good thing, you have to give it a hairpin. Why, do you want to fight with him?

Needless to say, the exquisite and precious degree of the hairpin that can be taken by the three princes, it is also done as a calming treasure in the largest jewelry store in the capital, even if you don't know which master master made it, Even if you don't know the rareness of the emerald beads on it, you will love its beauty after a glance.

Although the hairpin Nie Zheyu bought for his mother is also beautiful, the little private money he secretly saved to buy it is definitely not as good as the one made by the three princes.

Seeing that Qiu Yunwei picked up the hairpin, the hairpin in his mother's hands was very beautiful to be honest, but little friend Nie Zheyu was not happy now.

Humph, even if it's prettier than his, so what? He can't compete!

The little friend Nie Zheyu leaned in front of his mother: "Mother, do you think he gave it a good-looking gift, or Yu'er bought it a good-looking one?"

The little guy was looking at her aggrievedly, Qiu Yunwei touched the hairpin that the little guy bought yesterday, her eyes curled slightly.

The other person who gave the hairpin is not here. Of course, this is the one who gave the sub-question. Qiu Yunwei said without pressure: "Yu'er looks good."

The little guy secretly saves money and wants to give her the most beautiful surprise.

Little friend Nie Zheyu got the answer he wanted, and was satisfied, but the penny that should be given to the three princes was still in the notebook in his heart.

And a few days later, Nie Zheyu was picked up by Xia Juren with a copy of the so-called Five Hundred Taboos in the Capital, and he was scared by Xia Juren with a black face. Because of improper behavior hurts the family.

"All of these will be memorized, and I will check them in a few days."

"Copy it three times first, no typos, write well, don't scribble."

The kid Nie Zheyu was carrying the so-called Five Hundred Taboos in the Capital in his hands, and his face turned dark.

When the little friend Nie Zheyu copied that nasty thing, the third prince was not idle.

The emperor of Da Zhou leaned back on the couch and asked the eunuch next to him: "What did the hospital say about the thing the third child brought up?"

Grandpa Chen said with a smile: "This morning the old slave went to the Imperial Doctor Han to ask, saying that he needs more tests before he dared to give it to your majesty."

"Looking at the look of the Han Yu-Doctor, the old slave is not far from ten, but Han Yu-Doctor has always been cautious, so I want to test it more."

The emperor laughed, and his voice sounded in the hall: "Nie Changfeng's younger sibling is not bad, I don't want to give her a first-grade fate."

Speaking of this, the emperor remembered one more thing. The youngest person who said nothing about merits must be rewarded, and for such great merit, the Nie Mansion is not lacking in gold and silver, and it would be better to reward Mrs. Nie as a marquis.

If this is the case, it will surely become a story that has been handed down from generation to generation. He is an emperor who is eclectic and has a broad mind. Mrs. Nie is a woman and a man, and they will come out in large numbers.

When the emperor heard this, his first reaction was, fart, nonsense!

He is the prince of a country, he has a big heart, he can make a woman a lord, of course he dare not, but the officials must not turn [] Chaotang into a vegetable market for him, and then give him a skittle. A hunger strike is absolutely possible.

Although the king of his country will not be threatened by those officials, it can definitely be settled, but isn't that annoying?

"Grandpa Liu, Changfeng Nie hasn't returned to Beijing for almost three years, right?"


The emperor pinched his eyebrows. He only approved Nie Changfeng's return to Beijing not long ago. Should he be thankful that Nie Changfeng is not in Beijing now?

That person won't make trouble like a supervisor, but the stone-like cold temper is even more difficult. If Madam Nie suffers a loss, Nie Changfeng and him? The one who cares for the calf can do things that linger in his palace.

With that stone-like cold face, he had indigestion for eating.

It's annoying to think about it.

However, although the reward made the emperor feel a little troublesome, it did not affect his good mood.

The emperor was fair to one side: "You will urge the Han Yu doctor again and let him report a result quickly."

Recently, there has been a major event in the capital-an uncle of gracious doctor has been added to the capital. Don't say what kind of uncle this is. In this capital, the princes and princes are not uncommon, let alone an uncle. But why is there such a stir this time?

That's because the benefactor who was sealed this time is a woman.

It was the second wife who was widowed in Niejiahou's mansion.

It used to be said that people's fate was hard, and they lost their husbands and sons a long time ago. But afterwards, they lost their husband and son and earned their lives for themselves, which was enough for everyone to talk about.

However, there was a lot of discussion at that time, and they were all in the women's circle, but this time it was different, and the elders were more excited than one by one.

How can this be possible? !

Yes, I heard that Mrs. Nie made another thing, which is still a good thing certified by the hospital. There are also several articles that praised Mrs. Nie, especially your majesty, to the sky, and moved the world. Okay, They also understand these political operations.

But you can appreciate anything, you can appreciate some gold and silver jewelry that women like, let's not say anything, you are just admiring a hot spring village, or a house garden.

But how can you reward a person's title? Then Mrs. Nie is a woman.

No, absolutely not.

The emperor flung his sleeves away in the court hall.

When he is talking about jade words for fun?

It's just an earl, he hasn't become a female prince yet!

A secret letter went northwest. When the secret letter arrived at the Northwest Military Camp, Nie Changfeng was already on his way back to Beijing, so the secret letter turned back and chased people.

When it was finally handed over to the men in the station, the excitement in the capital had not subsided.

The man opened the secret letter, a flash of surprise appeared on his face, then closed the secret letter, and said to his guard: "Speed ​​up and return to Beijing."

And before Nie Changfeng could return to the middle of Beijing, it was the day when the emperor was going to go hunting. In the past, this kind of thing had nothing to do with Qiu Yunwei.

But this year, Qiu Yunwei was told that she would also go this year. Qiu Yunwei's first reaction was that fortunately she can ride a horse.

And more people are also looking forward to the appearance of Qiu Yunwei, this is also a strange woman in this dynasty. Although the lady in Beijing had met her, it was those princes and ministers who had become curious now. In those teahouses, this strange woman even had three heads and six arms.

Even the emperor was curious, although he had known this Mrs. Nie a long time ago, and was very impressed with her, and because she had a quarrel with court officials, but now he is only in the unknown.

Not to mention that Qiu Yunwei had never seen a royal safari, even when she went on horseback hunting by herself. At most, she had played horseback riding on Zhuangzi, and she was a little bit novel about this royal safari.

Little friend Nie Zheyu is accompany her to choose riding outfits, "Mother, this one is pretty."

"Okay, listen to Xiao Yu'er."

Qiu Yunwei is a novelty, and the child Nie Zheyu is calm, but this time going with my mother is different, it can be regarded as anticipation.

There was only one study room in the palace wall. Ichiyoro sat at the table, but he couldn't turn a page for a long time. Her handsome eyebrows were also frowned, and her black eyes didn't know what she was thinking.

The white fingers on the pages of the book had already scratched the paper, and the owner didn't notice it, but the frowning eyebrows couldn't stretch.