Chapter 65

The flowers and plants in the mansion have been changed a lot by Qiu Yunwei. Qiu Yunwei once said to Nie Changfeng in her letter that even a person like Nie Changfeng who has no romantic feelings feels that the mansion has suddenly become beautiful. many.

Not only is the mansion much more beautiful, but the money in the mansion is also increasing.

Nie Changfeng naturally has his own property in his hands. Some of them have to be held in his own hands, and they can't be placed on the surface, like raising some dark places and maintaining his own intelligence network. , It takes a lot of money to do things in private.

To be in charge of the 200,000 army and stand in a high position, Nie Changfeng couldn't be upright and upright everywhere. He was also a man who had learned the art of war from elementary school, and it was impossible for all his power to be revealed in the light.

Let's go far, let alone those, before Nie Changfeng left the capital, the industry shop that belonged to the Hou Mansion on the bright side was transferred to Qiu Yunwei by him.

Although it was said before that all the money in the Hou Mansion could be used by her, although Nie Changfeng looked like a cold-faced and unreasonable person, he was actually very thoughtful. Give it to her completely, so she can use it more freely, without any worries in her heart.

At that time, Nie Changfeng took out some small gadgets and gifts at random after lunch the day before departure, and put a large amount of land deeds and deeds on the table indifferently.

After Qiu Yunwei picked it up and looked at it for a few times and found out what it was, when he looked at him with questioning eyes, he said it was faint, like the one that can make countless people jealous. A Houfu has accumulated several generations. Most of the wealth is not something worth mentioning and not something important.

"There are only three of us in the house. I have kept a copy for myself. These are for you and Yu'er." While saying this, Nie Changfeng was going to grab a piece of mung bean cake with his hand.

The mung bean cake was made by Qiu Yunwei herself, Xiao Yu'er liked it very much, and Nie Changfeng, probably also loved it, because the other cakes on the plate didn't move him, the mung bean cake had already eaten two pieces.

In his eyes, it seemed that the mung bean cake was more important than the big lot of land deeds.

Several shops are located in areas where people flow into weaving, and even if they hold money, they can't find a buyer.

Qiu Yunwei didn't finish the big stack of things, and said to Nie Changfeng: "This is too much. A few days ago, my eldest brother said that the silver in the mansion shop will be used by me, so why do you want to do it again? "

Nie Changfeng said, "The same goes for you here."

Knowing that since Changfeng Nie took it out, it was impossible to take it back, Qiu Yunwei said: "If the eldest brother really wants to give it, it will be the allowance given by the eldest brother. I will keep these three copies."

Nie Changfeng insisted: "It's all yours."

Qiu Yunwei smiled helplessly: "Is my eldest brother going to split up with me and Xiao Yuer?"

Nie Changfeng immediately said, "No, I still have it in my hand. Don't worry, you can hold these."

In the end, those were the land leases and the leases were left to Qiu Yunwei. When Nie Changfeng left, he felt more relieved.

For some reason, he always felt that Qiu Yunwei had a deep sense of uneasiness, not just because of..., because the second brother was gone.

She had her life and wealth, and he hoped she could feel more at ease.

Qiu Yunwei would also tell him something about those industrial shops in her letter, but she didn't expect that after she got it, she would make a lot more money than before, especially the flower shop she opened, the literati and the literati. The wealthy lady, the rich and young, can spend a lot of money for a few rare flowers and plants.

Well, a year later, with the letter came a large amount of banknotes. When he first received the banknotes, Nie Changfeng had a sense of novelty in his heart.

He is a big man who naturally doesn't want Qiu Yunwei's silver, but Qiu Yunwei sent it back next time, and jokingly said that he could be the monthly pocket money in the house.

Well, Nie Changfeng didn't want to talk back and forth in the letters thousands of miles away because of this, but every time he held this'pocket money', he felt dumbfounded.

On the night Nie Changfeng came back, he ate the chicken pith shoots from Xiao Yu'er in the morning, rouge goose breast, steamed pumpkin with krill, stir-fried rice white with sauce, braised fish in brown sauce, and drank Xiao Yu'er's Sydney lily soup.

Nie Changfeng's meal is not ugly, but in fact, the speed is very fast. The grown-up Wuxi man has a lot of appetite. The children Nie Zheyu feel distressed as they watch. Of course, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. This man feels distressed that he can't eat good things in the Northwest Military Camp. .

That's impossible.

He felt distressed that his mother made these for him, and he ate them as soon as he came back. How could he be so deadly?

As for the fact that Nie Changfeng also chopped vegetables and burned, it was ignored by the children of Nie Zheyu.

Nie Zheyu gave a piece of goose breast to Qiu Yunwei, "Mother, this is delicious."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and nodded. She also thought that the carmine goose breast she made was delicious.

Nie Changfeng was about to stretch out the chopsticks of the rouge goose breast, then he turned a corner and stretched out to the chicken shoots, which is a lot on the plate.

He can also eat more fried rice white with sauce, and steamed pumpkin with krill is also a favorite for younger siblings and nephews. As for the braised fish, although there are not many spines, it is not refreshing. He doesn't like it that way. Troublesome dish.

Nie Changfeng began to eat more rice. In this situation, it was two pitiful.

However, even the man who sits straight after eating, his eyebrows are cold with a hint of relaxation, the word pitiful has no contact with him, and his thoughtfulness is not easy to be noticed.

Although Nie Changfeng has a big appetite, he eats fast enough, so when he is about to eat, Qiu Yunwei and Xiao Yuer have not eaten well, Nie Changfeng did not put down his chopsticks, at this time he picked up the braised fish slowly Come eat.

In fact, he also liked the taste of the braised fish, but Nie Changfeng, who had a thorn, swallowed a piece of fish, looked at the sweet little friend Nie Zheyu who was eating, his eyes looked very calm and he looked at him. Soldiers in need of repairs.

The soldiers were unaware of it at the time, but after a hard time rolling under their coach, they never wanted to think about the days when they were repaired.

Nie Changfeng took another chopsticks of fish. This time he picked the fishbone, and put it in the small dish in front of the little friend Nie Zheyu, and said to Qiu Yunwei: "Just eat your own, Yu'er, I will take care of it. ."

When a kid over three years old picked a fishbone or something, he would watch it, but now a boy over five years old should have come by himself.

However, Changfeng Nie did not intend to preach in front of Qiu Yunwei, but had already thought about avoiding Qiu Yunwei to teach his nephew.

The dinner for the three of them was still warm and harmonious as a whole. After the meal, they went for a walk in the mansion together and took Nie Changfeng around the mansion that hadn't been back for a long time.

Well, while walking, Nie Changfeng stared at the child Yuer holding his mother's hand for several times, and added several more items to the plan for discipline of his nephew.

After walking, Nie Changfeng returned to his courtyard first, and Qiu Yunwei was stared at by Yu'er and drank a bowl of soothing soup. She was helpless and sweet. After drinking, Qiu Yunwei was right. The child said: "Yu'er goes to bed early, mother is fine, mother is also sleeping well."

"Okay." The child Yu'er pulled Qiu Yunwei's sleeve, and when Qiu Yunwei lowered her head, he tiptoed and put his forehead on Qiu Yunwei's forehead.

"Yu'er protects my mother. My mother has a good dream. Yu'er is in the dream."

Qiu Yunwei said softly: "Okay."

Perhaps it was because there were too many things warming and happy during the day, and Qiu Yunwei slept very peacefully that night.

Since Nie Changfeng returned, Master Zhao, who taught Xiao Yuer martial arts every morning, was temporarily put on leave, and Nie Changfeng took over again.

Although Nie Changfeng nodded in his heart after checking the homework of Nie Zheyu's children's civil and martial arts, he was stingy with praise, and the plan to discipline his nephew was not deleted, and a few more items were added.

Since it is a good piece of uncut jade, it must be carefully carved.

It's just that the discipline plan has to be taken slowly, and this time I can stay in the capital for a few more days, Nie Changfeng didn't even think of doing it overnight.

After returning to Beijing, I met the emperor in person, dealt with with all parties, and had not returned to the capital for a long time. Although there have always been intelligence letters, I still have to reorganize the current situation of the court and understand the changes in the court in more detail, especially this time against the emperor. The assassination in the hunting grounds caused great upheavals in North Korea and China, which also kept Nie Changfeng busy every day.

Of course, Nie Changfeng knew that the people he left for Qiu Yunwei showed their skills in front of the emperor. Nie Changfeng said to Chi: "I know, it's okay. What I told you is the safety of her and Yu'er. It's the most important thing."

Akichi responded that the people of Akobe didn't need the master to repeat the second order, he just told the master about this, so that the master knew it well.

Nie Changfeng wasn't busy all the time. He finally took time off today and said to Qiu Yunwei: "Xia Juren has something to do these days, and Yu'er doesn't have to go to him to study. Why don't we go to Zhuangzi for a few days? You said, everything has changed a lot, and I want to see it too."

Qiu Yunwei said quickly: "What's wrong with this? You don't want to tell you, but you don't have anything to be busy these few days?"

"When I'm done, I will find Zhuangzi if I have something to do. It's not far away."

Then there is nothing to say, let's go to the Zhuangzi in the carriage.

Well, this Zhuangzi is actually now under the name of Qiu Yunwei.

After entering Zhuangzi, Nie Changfeng found that all the adults and children he met would greet with a smile, and said two words, they looked quite familiar with Qiu Yunwei.

Although there are respects, they do not have the fear and excessive restraint that ordinary people often find in powerful houses.

Nie Changfeng thought of the frequent come to Zhuangzi written in Qiu Yunwei's letter. It seems that this often comes more often than he thought.

Autumn is the season when everything is ripe and harvested. Many people are busy in the farmland. However, the place where Qiu Yunwei has been busy in the past two years is not with those farmers, but has to walk a long distance.

Those fields were not rented out, they were all planted by the subordinates of the Hou Mansion.

At the top of the ground, there were signs with numbers written on them, and Nie Changfeng saw that the field was divided into small squares at a glance.

"Brother, the seeds you sent me, some of the ones that grow out I can't recognize their names, and I can't find them even when I flip through the book. Look, this is grown from the seeds you sent me in January last year. When it's sunny, grease will always leak from its branches, which are used to make lamp oil. It burns for a long time and shines. Isn't it amazing?!"

"There is even more amazing, this kind of tree, this is grown from the seeds purchased by our firm. It has been planted for almost three years, but it is worthwhile to wait a long time. It bears fruit this year. Look at things, big brother, don't they look like Mai Ren?"

"Not only is it like, but it can actually be made into flour, and then made into steamed buns. It's no worse than steamed buns made from real wheat."

This fruit is bigger than an adult's fist, and there are a lot of knots on each branch. Nie Changfeng broke one, and looked at what Qiu Yunwei said was the same as the wheat ren. The brain was already fast. Turning, the man who has been on the battlefield with a super stable mentality is also emotional at this time.

Suddenly the man's complexion changed, "Did you eat it?"

Although Nie Changfeng had a cold face when he first saw it, Qiu Yunwei was not afraid of him, and she became more and more not afraid of him later on.

But Nie Changfeng's serious question at this time really made Qiu Yunwei feel guilty.

Besides, even their little jelly beans are on Nie Changfeng's side this time. They have always been obedient to Qiu Yunwei, and have always been a kid who praised Qiu Yunwei. Immediately followed: "I said that my mother did not do this thing right."

Qiu Yunwei was so overwhelmed by the big and small watching, she whispered to argue: "Didn't you feed the chickens and ducks first? Did you catch Yu'er after just a bite?"

At that time, the child was awe-inspiring, his face was solemn, and his big eyes were stern. The small body became taller and the role was reversed. Qiu Yunwei, who was caught, lowered her head and listened to the child's lesson.

And the servants didn't listen to her, instead they listened to the children's orders and waited for her to see nothing like steamed buns made from this kind of fruit.