The next morning I woke up from bed thinking of what I had heard from billy the previous day . It all seemed like a bad dream , but the thought of it kept on lingering on in my head .I proceeded in going to school, although I had to make a choice , I just couldn't but I knew I would have to do it for humanities sake and to save my sister from her terrible disease.

Later on ,at the cafeteria , Billy came up to me and asked if I had made a choice yet , he told me that he knew it would be had on me . He told me that only I would be able to make the right choice , he then gave me more time to think about it but I needed no more time to think about it and gave Billy my immediate response. I responded saying I will do it . Billy felt astonished by my response and deciding in not up to two days made him even more amazed , he rely believed that I could restore peace as the chosen one.

Billy then said that we will be leaving by the evening at about 7pm , so I should use that moment to say goodbye to my mom Incase I didn't make it back and then I replied saying I will and that I hope I don't die or if I do die I want to die helping everyone as a hero . It was 7pm but before we could commence going into the portal, billy said that he would have to explain more about the journey . He said that I only had five lives and when the five lives were done that I would be done in the real world . At hearing what he had said , I felt somewhat shaken, but I believed in myself that I could carry on what had been handed on to me. And If that wasn't enough, he then said that the journey was filled with a lot of dangers and these dangers could cause me my lives in the game world. I felt stunned in hearing all that billy had told me concerning the journey . Then he asked me if I still wanted to do this; he thought I would respond by saying no, I could see it in his face but I proved him wrong and accepted and with that I said I that I was ready.