It was the next day after the last challenge. The elders then said that we weren't done with all the challenges yet, everyone felt exhausted and thought it was the end but the elders said that there was one last challenge and this challenge would be the challenge that would guarantee our victory. Then they finally revealed that the challenge was teamwork, although we didn't act badly towards each other , we liked to do things separately and didn't really work together as a team. Not having each other's backs was going to be the rise of defeat so we needed this training to be able to work together.

We were then taking to a stadium , an abandoned stadium to train. That was the first time we ever went out of the cave but we still had to be discreet when going out because we couldn't be seen as outsiders so we had to disguise ourselves so as not to be spotted by the public. When we arrived in the stadium , we then saw a lot of obstacles that had been laid out for us . We then wondered who had laid out the obstacles and then the elders said that the obstacles were laid out by billy for 3 days now. I had wondered were billy had been for the past 3 days but had given it not much thought because of all the stress I had been put through. The stadium was a very big stadium and had been laid out with very tough obstacles. These obstacles couldn't be simply completed by individual effort but rather a well planned and team effort. So there was no way around than using team work to complete this last challenge.

Although the challenge was very tough I and my team were very determined to complete it since it was the most vital part we needed to defeat the wicked king. The challenge started with us having to get past a very tall wall with our only tools being 3 ropes and 4 Hooke's. Then we wondered what we supposed to use the three ropes and the four Hooke's four but we had no clue , we kept on wondering for about an hour until the princess came up with an idea and said why don't some people use the Hooke's to get up the wall while carrying the ropes and when they had gotten to the tope of the wall they could toss down the ropes and then pull the remaining people up. I reasoned with what she had said and then said it was a very good idea and thanked her for her thought but I also thought that if this was how we were intended to go up the wall , why then were they seven tools altogether. On about executing the plan , the elders then said that billy would be joining us in completing the obstacles because he was going to be there with us and follow us through the journey . With what the elders had now said, I knew that our plan was the right thing we were supposed to do because it now made sense why there were seven tools altogether because with the addition of billy , we would be seven in number.

We then went on with the plan and it was a great success , everyone got over the wall . So we had completed the challenge and then everyone praised the princess for her wonderful idea and I could already see the bond of team work growing within us but the next challenge was going to test our team work more than ever.